require File.dirname(File.join(__rhoGetCurrentDir(), __FILE__)) + '/../../spec_helper' require File.dirname(File.join(__rhoGetCurrentDir(), __FILE__)) + '/fixtures/classes' describe "Kernel#open" do it "is a private method" do Kernel.should have_private_instance_method(:open) end before :each do @file = "test.txt", "w"){ |f| f.puts "This is a test" } end after :each do File.delete(@file) rescue nil end it "opens a file when given a valid filename" do @file = open("test.txt") @file.class.should == File end it "opens a file when called with a block" do @output = open("test.txt", "r") { |f| f.gets } @output.should == "This is a test\n" end platform_is_not :windows do it "opens an io when path starts with a pipe" do @io = open("|date") @io.should be_kind_of(IO) end it "opens an io when called with a block" do @output = open("|date") { |f| f.gets } @output.should_not == '' end end platform_is :windows do it "opens an io when path starts with a pipe" do @io = open("|date /t") @io.should be_kind_of(IO) end it "opens an io when called with a block" do @output = open("|date /t") { |f| f.gets } @output.should_not == '' end end it "raises an ArgumentError if not passed one argument" do lambda { open }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end ruby_version_is "1.9" do it "calls #to_open on argument" do obj = mock('fileish') obj.should_receive(:to_open).and_return( @file = open(obj) @file.class.should == File end it "raises a TypeError if passed a non-String that does not respond to #to_open" do obj = mock('non-fileish') lambda { open(obj) }.should raise_error(TypeError) lambda { open(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError) lambda { open(7) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end ruby_version_is ""..."1.9" do it "raises a TypeError if not passed a String type" do lambda { open(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError) lambda { open(7) }.should raise_error(TypeError) lambda { open(mock('x')) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end end describe "" do it "needs to be reviewed for spec completeness" end