# Apple Device Enrollment Program Client [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/apple_dep_client.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/apple_dep_client) [ ![Codeship Status for albertyw/apple_dep_client](https://app.codeship.com/projects/c0524f60-c7a7-0132-b06e-4a390261e3f5/status?branch=master)](https://app.codeship.com/projects/74982) [![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/badges/github.com/albertyw/apple_dep_client.svg)](https://gemnasium.com/github.com/albertyw/apple_dep_client) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/albertyw/apple_dep_client/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/albertyw/apple_dep_client) [![Test Coverage](https://codeclimate.com/github/albertyw/apple_dep_client/badges/coverage.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/albertyw/apple_dep_client/coverage) [![security](https://hakiri.io/github/albertyw/apple_dep_client/master.svg)](https://hakiri.io/github/albertyw/apple_dep_client/master) This gem allows for easy interaction with the Apple DEP API. ## Installation Run `gem install apple_dep_client` or add `gem 'apple_dep_client'` to your Gemfile then run `bundle install`. This gem also also requires `OpenSSL` to be installed. You can test it by running `require 'openssl'` in `irb` and checking that it works. It is highly recommended that you use a patched version of the `plist` gem available at https://github.com/cellabus/plist. To do so, you should add `gem 'plist', git: 'https://github.com/cellabus/plist', ref: '3.1.2'` to your software's `Gemfile`. ## Usage See Apple's `Mobile Device Management Protocol Reference` for more information about the high level usage of their DEP Workflow. All commands are under the `AppleDEPClient` namespace. `AppleDEPClient` will automatically handle OAuth for DEP endpoints. ## Getting DEP Server Tokens In order for you to read the DEP tokens returned by Apple from a DEP account, you must decrypt it using a private key. This will give the individual keys needed for issuing commands to the DEP devices. ```ruby AppleDEPClient.configure do |config| config.private_key = 'PRIVATE_KEY' end # Get S/MIME encrypted Server Token from Apple token_data = AppleDEPClient::Token.decode_token(smime_data) token_data[:consumer_key] token_data[:consumer_secret] ... ``` ## Interacting with DEP endpoints The main DEP management commands are issued like this. See Apple's `MDM Protocol Reference` for information about all the commands. ```ruby AppleDEPClient.configure do |config| config.consumer_key = token_data[:consumer_key] # XXX config.consumer_secret = token_data[:consumer_secret] # XXX config.access_token = token_data[:access_token] # XXX config.access_secret = token_data[:access_secret] # XXX config.access_token_expiry = token_data[:access_token_expiry] # XXX end data = AppleDEPClient::Account.fetch() data["server_name"] data["server_uuid"] data["org_name"] ... ``` The full list of commands is ``` AppleDEPClient::Account.fetch AppleDEPClient::Device.fetch(cursor: nil) AppleDEPClient::Device.sync(cursor){|device| pass } AppleDEPClient::Device.details(devices) AppleDEPClient::Device.disown(devices) AppleDEPClient::Profile.define(profile_hash) AppleDEPClient::Profile.assign(profile_uuid, devices) AppleDEPClient::Profile.fetch(profile_uuid) AppleDEPClient::Profile.remove(devices) ``` ## Device Callbacks After assigning a DEP profile to a device, the device will hit the `url` in the profile. The returned data will be "encoded as a XML plist and then CMS-signed and DER-encoded" and can be parsed as below: ```ruby data = AppleDEPClient::Callback.decode_callback(request_body) data["UDID"] data["SERIAL"] ... ``` ## Depsim There is an example script at `example/example.rb` which can be run against Apple's DEP simulator. You'll need to download the simulator binary and run it with `path/to/depsim start -p 80 example/depsim_config.json`. You can then run the script using `bundle exec ruby example/example.rb`. `example.rb` can of course be edited to use real DEP keys for manual DEP work (but be careful to keep the keys secret).