Story Background
Follow the{' '}
release process
{' '}
to create a new version, create a gem, and package. Create a Ninja testing
plan, then update Nitro with the new version.
Timeline / Due Date
Release End of business Thursday
Testing on Nitro End of business Friday
Definition of done
- Merge all PR’s
- Update the final CHANGELOG
- Version up and generate NPM, and RubyGem
- Create next version branch and milestone
- Update default branch and branch protection rules
- Notify Everyone of new version
Generate testing plan and pages to test for Ninjas (update runway
- Update version on Nitro and get on Demo
- Send Ninjas demo and runway ticket for testing
- Ninja Approved + PR Approved
Stakeholders / Sign-off
Jason, Jon, Stephen, Jasper, Brendan, Cole
" %>
<%= pb_rails("select", props: {
id: "rails-select-dropdown",
label: "",
name: "",
blank_selection: "Select a template",
options: [
value: release,
value_text: "Playbook Release",
value: changelog,
value_text: "Changelog",
}) %>
<%= pb_rails("rich_text_editor", props: {classname: 'template-test', id: "template", template: '' }) %>