apl-library =========== library used across apl-serivices SearchQueryBuilder is a class , which can be used to construct conditions which can be passed to condition params of find/where of active record. The functionalities that it supports are All key value pair passed as parameters are joined with 'and' for Null and Not Null searches parameter must be passed as shown (key = 'NULL' for null search and key = 'NOTNULL' for not null search) :name => "NOTNULL" , :address => "NOT" will generate condition as "name IS NOTNULL and address IS NULL" for Range or inequality searches parameter must be passed as shown (must have a '..' beetween min and max value) :amount => "1..100" , :age => "18.." , :price => "..1400" will generate condition as "amount >= '1' and amount <= '100' and age >= '18' and price <= '1400' " for search on date field date must be given in "yyyy-mm-dd" format :date => "2013-01-12" will generate condition in this format "date = '2013-01-12' " Range searches also support Date Ranges as they support other ranges. for equality parameter just need to be passed as key value :id => '100'