# See the Pagy documentation: https://ddnexus.github.io/pagy/extras/materialize
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'pagy/extras/shared'
class Pagy
module Frontend
# Pagination for materialize: it returns the html with the series of links to the pages
def pagy_materialize_nav(pagy)
html, link, p_prev, p_next = +'', pagy_link_proc(pagy), pagy.prev, pagy.next
html << (p_prev ? %(
#{link.call p_prev, 'chevron_left', 'aria-label="previous"'})
: %(chevron_left))
pagy.series.each do |item| # series example: [1, :gap, 7, 8, "9", 10, 11, :gap, 36]
html << if item.is_a?(Integer); %(#{link.call item}) # page link
elsif item.is_a?(String) ; %(#{link.call item}) # active page
elsif item == :gap ; %(#{pagy_t('pagy.nav.gap')}) # page gap
html << (p_next ? %(#{link.call p_next, 'chevron_right', 'aria-label="next"'})
: %(chevron_right))
Pagy.deprecate self, :pagy_nav_materialize, :pagy_materialize_nav
# Compact pagination for materialize: it returns the html with the series of links to the pages
# we use a numeric input tag to set the page and the Pagy.compact javascript to navigate
def pagy_materialize_compact_nav(pagy, id=caller(1,1)[0].hash.to_s)
html, link, p_prev, p_next, p_page, p_pages = +'', pagy_link_proc(pagy), pagy.prev, pagy.next, pagy.page, pagy.pages
html << %(