require 'net/http' require 'rubygems' require 'rainbow' module NginxTail class LogLine def self.component_to_module_name(component) # this mimicks the ActiveSupport::Inflector.camelize() method in Rails... component.to_s.gsub(/\/(.?)/) { "::#{$1.upcase}" }.gsub(/(?:^|_)(.)/) { $1.upcase } end def self.component_to_ntail_module(component) # this mimicks the ActiveSupport::Inflector.constantize() method in Rails... NginxTail.const_get(self.component_to_module_name(component)) end attr_reader :raw_line attr_reader :parsable COMPONENTS = [ :remote_addr, :remote_user, :time_local, :request, :status, :body_bytes_sent, :http_referer, :http_user_agent, :proxy_addresses, ] COMPONENTS.each do |symbol| attr_reader symbol include component_to_ntail_module(symbol) end include KnownIpAddresses # module to identify known IP addresses include LocalIpAddresses # module to identify local IP addresses SUBCOMPONENTS = [ :http_method, :uri, :http_version, ] SUBCOMPONENTS.each do |symbol| attr_reader symbol include component_to_ntail_module(symbol) end # # - we currently only support the default "combined" log format... # NGINX_LOG_PATTERN = Regexp.compile(/\A(\S+) - (\S+) \[([^\]]+)\] "([^"]+)" (\S+) (\S+) "([^"]*?)" "([^"]*?)"( "([^"]*?)")?\Z/) NGINX_REQUEST_PATTERN = Regexp.compile(/\A(\S+) (.*?) (\S+)\Z/) NGINX_PROXY_PATTERN = Regexp.compile(/\A "([^"]*)"\Z/) def initialize(line) @parsable = if NGINX_LOG_PATTERN.match(@raw_line = line) @remote_addr, @remote_user, @time_local, @request, @status, @body_bytes_sent, @http_referer, @http_user_agent, @proxy_addresses = $~.captures if NGINX_REQUEST_PATTERN.match(@request) # counter example (ie. HTTP request that cannot by parsed) # - - [21/Dec/2010:05:26:53 +0000] "-" 400 0 "-" "-" @http_method, @uri, @http_version = $~.captures end if @proxy_addresses and NGINX_PROXY_PATTERN.match(@proxy_addresses) @proxy_addresses = $~.captures.first.split(/, /) end true else false end end alias_method :remote_address, :remote_addr # a non-abbreviated alias, for convenience and readability... # for now, until we make it fancier... def method_missing(method, *params) raw_line.send method, *params end def to_s() # simple but boring: # raw_line.to_s color = if redirect_status? :yellow elsif !success_status? :red else :default end "%s - %#{Sickill::Rainbow.enabled ? 15 + 9 : 15}s - %s - %s - %s - %s" % [ to_date_s.foreground(color), remote_address.foreground(color), status.foreground(color), to_request_s.foreground(color), to_agent_s.foreground(color), to_referer_s.foreground(color).inverse ] end CONVERSIONS = [ :to_date, :to_date_s, :to_agent, :to_agent_s, :to_host_name, :to_refering_website, :to_country_s, :to_city_s, ] def self.log_subcomponent?(subcomponent) # TODO replace with some clever meta-programming... SUBCOMPONENTS.include?(subcomponent) end def self.log_component?(component) # TODO replace with some clever meta-programming... COMPONENTS.include?(component) end def self.log_conversion?(conversion) # TODO replace with some clever meta-programming... CONVERSIONS.include?(conversion) end def self.log_directive?(directive) (directive == :full) or log_conversion?(directive) or log_component?(directive) or log_subcomponent?(directive) end # # extraction filters for log line components # def self.regexp_for_remote_address(remote_address) Regexp.compile(/^(#{remote_address}) /) end def self.regexp_for_request(request) Regexp.compile(/^([^"]+) "([^"]*#{request}[^"]*)" /) end def self.regexp_for_status(status) Regexp.compile(/ "([^"]+)" (#{status}) /) end def self.regexp_for_http_referer(http_referer) Regexp.compile(/" .* "([^"]*#{http_referer}[^"]*)" "/) end def self.regexp_for_http_user_agent(http_user_agent) Regexp.compile(/ "([^"]*#{http_user_agent}[^"]*)"$/) end # # validation of log line components # def self.valid_status?(status) if /\A(\d{1,3})\Z/ =~ status return $~.captures.all? { |i| 100 <= i.to_i and i.to_i < 600 } end return false end def self.valid_v4?(addr) if /\A(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\Z/ =~ addr return $~.captures.all? {|i| i.to_i < 256} end return false end def self.valid_request?(request) true ; end def self.valid_referer?(referer) true ; end def self.valid_user_agent?(user_agent) true ; end # # "GET /xd_receiver.html HTTP/1.1" # "GET /crossdomain.xml HTTP/1.1" # "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" # "GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.0" # AUTOMATED_REQUESTS = [ Regexp.compile('^[A-Z]+ \/xd_receiver.html'), Regexp.compile('^[A-Z]+ \/crossdomain.xml'), Regexp.compile('^[A-Z]+ \/favicon.ico'), Regexp.compile('^[A-Z]+ \/robots.txt'), nil ].compact! def self.automated_request?(request) !AUTOMATED_REQUESTS.detect { |automated_request_regexp| request.match(automated_request_regexp) }.nil? end def automated_request?() self.class.automated_request?(self.request) ; end # # subdirectories of the "public" folder in the web root, # which - in a typical Rails setup - are served by nginx # STATIC_REPOS = %w{ flash html images javascripts movies newsletters pictures stylesheets xml } STATIC_URIS = { |repo| Regexp.compile("^\/#{repo}\/") } def self.static_uri?(uri) !STATIC_URIS.detect { |static_uri_regexp| uri.match(static_uri_regexp) }.nil? end def static_uri?() self.class.static_uri?(self.uri); end STATIC_REQUESTS = { |repo| Regexp.compile("^[A-Z]+ \/#{repo}\/") } def self.static_request?(request) !STATIC_REQUESTS.detect { |static_request_regexp| request.match(static_request_regexp) }.nil? end def static_request?() self.class.static_request?(self.request) ; end end # class LogLine end # module NginxTail