require 'fileutils' module Jack class Config < Command class Upload < Transmit include Util attr_reader :upload_path, :upload_name def initialize(options={}) super @upload_path = "#{@saved_configs}/#{@env_name}-#{timestamp}.cfg.yml" @upload_name = extract_name(@upload_path) end def run unless local_cfg_exist? UI.say "#{local_config_path} does not exist, nothing to upload" exit 0 end difference = compare if difference if confirm(confirmation_message) upload update_env else UI.say("Whew, that was close. EB Configuration was not updated.") end else UI.say("There was no difference detected from your #{@local_config_path} and what exists on the EB environment") end end def confirmation_message message = "Are you sure you want to update the environment with your the new config #{@local_config_path}?\n".colorize(:yellow) message += <<-EOL If the difference is not what you expected, you should say no. If you want to download the config from the environment and get #{@local_config_path} back in sync, you can use this command: $ jack config download #{@env_name} $ jack config download -h # for more info EOL message end def compare end def upload return false unless local_cfg_exist? UI.say("Copying #{@local_config_path} to #{@upload_path} for the upload") cp_to_save_configs upload_to_eb clean_up end def update_env UI.say("Updating environment #{@env_name} with template #{upload_name}") eb.update_environment( environment_name: @env_name, template_name: upload_name ) unless @options[:noop] end def local_cfg_exist? File.exist?("#{@root}/#{@local_config_path}") end def cp_to_save_configs ensure_folder_exist(@saved_configs) FileUtils.cp("#{@root}/#{@local_config_path}", @upload_path) end def upload_to_eb eb_config_put end # for specs def eb_config_put sh("#{eb_bin} config put#{eb_base_flags} #{upload_name}", @options) end def clean_up return if @options[:dirty] FileUtils.rm_f(@upload_path) end end end end