5.2.0 Regenerate files for killbill-api 0.23 and killbill-plugin-api 0.16 5.1.0 Fix missing require file 5.0.0 Add entitlement plugin api Rename payment routing plugin api to payment control plugin api 4.0.0 Initial release for Kill Bill 0.14.x 3.2.2 Logger performance improvement Initial support for invoice plugins 3.2.1 Regenerate models 3.2.0 ActiveMerchant: - fix openssl require error with the latest version of active_utils - fix gateway configuration parsing (add support for false values) - store and retrieve the full credit card when not using a third-party vault - switch database fields to varchar to support tokenized PANs (DDL change) 3.1.12 ActiveMerchant: - store payment_processor_account_id (DDL change) - let the plugin override the linked transaction type (capture/refund) - generator enhancements 3.1.11 ActiveMerchant: - add proxy support - redirect wiredump device to Kill Bill log - expose networking configuration options ActiveRecord performance improvements 3.1.10 Add workarounds for ActiveRecord bugs under high load/concurrency BoundedLRUCache performance improvements Introduce :payment_processor_account_id option to route payment requests Add before_gateways / after_gateways hooks 3.1.9 Fix memory leak in database connection handling Change void implementation to be more generic (and work with Cybersource) ActiveMerchant: pass the transaction external key as the order id Add before_gateway / after_gateway hooks Fix API queries in multi-tenancy mode 3.1.8 Make ActiveMerchant HTTP backend configurable, add support for Typhoeus generator: - Remove transactions.txn_id, transactions.amount_in_cents and transactions.currency NOT NULL constraint - Update PaymentMethod.from_response signature - Add :skip_gw option to skip the gateway entirely 3.1.7 Support more Logger APIs 3.1.6 Updates to support killbill-api 0.9.8 Fix properties handling in add_payment_method Performance improvements 3.1.5 Updates to support killbill-api 0.9.7 3.1.4 Updates to support killbill-api 0.9.6 and killbill-plugin-api 0.7.4 3.1.3 Minor change for non multi tenant environment 3.1.2 Make ActiveMerchant plugins multi-tenant Add support for ActiveMerchant integrations 3.1.1 Regenerate files for killbill-api 0.9.5 and killbill-plugin-api 0.7.2 3.1.0 Regenerate files for killbill-api 0.9.2 and killbill-plugin-api 0.7.0 Add ActiveMerchant plugin generator 3.0.0 Update package com.ning -> org.killbill 2.0.1 Regenerate files for killbill-api 0.8.1 2.0.0 Regenerate files for killbill-api 0.8.0 and killbill-plugin-api 0.6.3 1.9.0 Regenerate files for killbill-api 0.7.8 and killbill-plugin-api 0.6.2 1.8.4 Regenerate models to export refund status 1.8.3 Regenerate models for currency conversion api changes 1.8.2 Add missing regenerated RefundInfoPlugin and PaymentInfoPlugin for new currency 1.8.1 Add currency api from Killbill for ruby plugins 1.8.0 Currency plugin support 1.7.1 Bug fix in enumerator_iterator Make log level adjustable 1.7.0 Update to killbill-api 0.7.1 and killbill-plugin-api 0.5.0 (pagination) 1.6.0 New entitlement APIs + merge with search APIs 1.5.0 (don't use) New entitlement APIs 1.4.0 Add search APIs