require 'active_record' module I18n module Backend # ActiveRecord model used to store actual translations to the database. # # This model expects a table like the following to be already set up in # your the database: # # create_table :translations do |t| # t.string :locale # t.string :key # t.text :value # t.text :interpolations # t.boolean :is_proc, :default => false # end # # This model supports to named scopes :locale and :lookup. The :locale # scope simply adds a condition for a given locale: # # I18n::Backend::ActiveRecord::Translation.locale(:en).all # # => all translation records that belong to the :en locale # # The :lookup scope adds a condition for looking up all translations # that either start with the given keys (joined by an optionally given # separator or I18n.default_separator) or that exactly have this key. # # # with translations present for :"" and :"foo.baz" # I18n::Backend::ActiveRecord::Translation.lookup(:foo) # # => an array with both translation records :"" and :"foo.baz" # # I18n::Backend::ActiveRecord::Translation.lookup([:foo, :bar]) # I18n::Backend::ActiveRecord::Translation.lookup(:"") # # => an array with the translation record :"" # # When the StoreProcs module was mixed into this model then Procs will # be stored to the database as Ruby code and evaluated when :value is # called. # # Translation = I18n::Backend::ActiveRecord::Translation # Translation.create \ # :locale => 'en' # :key => 'foo' # :value => lambda { |key, options| 'FOO' } # Translation.find_by_locale_and_key('en', 'foo').value # # => 'FOO' class ActiveRecord class Translation < ::ActiveRecord::Base TRUTHY_CHAR = "\001" FALSY_CHAR = "\002" set_table_name 'translations' attr_protected :is_proc, :interpolations serialize :value serialize :interpolations, Array class << self def locale(locale) scoped(:conditions => { :locale => locale.to_s }) end def lookup(keys, *separator) column_name = connection.quote_column_name('key') keys = Array(keys).map! { |key| key.to_s } unless separator.empty? warn "[DEPRECATION] Giving a separator to Translation.lookup is deprecated. " << "You can change the internal separator by overwriting FLATTEN_SEPARATOR." end namespace = "#{keys.last}#{I18n::Backend::Flatten::FLATTEN_SEPARATOR}%" scoped(:conditions => ["#{column_name} IN (?) OR #{column_name} LIKE ?", keys, namespace]) end def available_locales Translation.find(:all, :select => 'DISTINCT locale').map { |t| t.locale.to_sym } end end def interpolates?(key) self.interpolations.include?(key) if self.interpolations end def value value = read_attribute(:value) if is_proc Kernel.eval(value) elsif value == FALSY_CHAR false elsif value == TRUTHY_CHAR true else value end end def value=(value) if value === false value = FALSY_CHAR elsif value === true value = TRUTHY_CHAR end write_attribute(:value, value) end end end end end