require "open3" require "digest/sha1" class Webpacker::Compiler # Additional paths that test compiler needs to watch # Webpacker::Compiler.watched_paths << 'bower_components' cattr_accessor(:watched_paths) { [] } # Additional environment variables that the compiler is being run with # Webpacker::Compiler.env['FRONTEND_API_KEY'] = 'your_secret_key' cattr_accessor(:env) { {} } delegate :config, :logger, to: :webpacker def initialize(webpacker) @webpacker = webpacker end def compile if stale? run_webpack.tap do |success| # We used to only record the digest on success # However, the output file is still written on error, (at least with ts-loader), meaning that the # digest should still be updated. If it's not, you can end up in a situation where a recompile doesn't # take place when it should. # See record_compilation_digest end else "Everything's up-to-date. Nothing to do" true end end # Returns true if all the compiled packs are up to date with the underlying asset files. def fresh? watched_files_digest == last_compilation_digest end # Returns true if the compiled packs are out of date with the underlying asset files. def stale? !fresh? end private attr_reader :webpacker def last_compilation_digest if compilation_digest_path.exist? && config.public_manifest_path.exist? rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::ENOTDIR end def watched_files_digest files = Dir[*default_watched_paths, *watched_paths].reject { |f| } file_ids = { |f| "#{File.basename(f)}/#{Digest::SHA1.file(f).hexdigest}" } Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(file_ids.join("/")) end def record_compilation_digest config.cache_path.mkpath compilation_digest_path.write(watched_files_digest) end def run_webpack "Compiling..." stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3( webpack_env, "#{RbConfig.ruby} ./bin/webpack", chdir: File.expand_path(config.root_path) ) if status.success? "Compiled all packs in #{config.public_output_path}" logger.error "#{stderr}" unless stderr.empty? if config.webpack_compile_output? stdout end else non_empty_streams = [stdout, stderr].delete_if(&:empty?) logger.error "Compilation failed:\n#{non_empty_streams.join("\n\n")}" end status.success? end def default_watched_paths [ *config.resolved_paths_globbed, config.source_path_globbed, "yarn.lock", "package.json", "config/webpack/**/*" ].freeze end def compilation_digest_path config.cache_path.join("last-compilation-digest-#{webpacker.env}") end def webpack_env return env unless defined?(ActionController::Base) env.merge("WEBPACKER_ASSET_HOST" => ENV.fetch("WEBPACKER_ASSET_HOST", ActionController::Base.helpers.compute_asset_host), "WEBPACKER_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT" => ENV.fetch("WEBPACKER_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT", ActionController::Base.relative_url_root)) end end