require 'helper' require 'lib/activerecord_test_case' require 'will_paginate' WillPaginate.enable_activerecord WillPaginate.enable_named_scope class FinderTest < ActiveRecordTestCase fixtures :topics, :replies, :users, :projects, :developers_projects def test_new_methods_presence assert_respond_to_all Topic, %w(per_page paginate paginate_by_sql) end def test_simple_paginate assert_queries(1) do entries = Topic.paginate :page => nil assert_equal 1, entries.current_page assert_equal 1, entries.total_pages assert_equal 4, entries.size end assert_queries(2) do entries = Topic.paginate :page => 2 assert_equal 1, entries.total_pages assert entries.empty? end end def test_parameter_api # :page parameter in options is required! assert_raise(ArgumentError){ Topic.paginate } assert_raise(ArgumentError){ Topic.paginate({}) } # explicit :all should not break anything assert_equal Topic.paginate(:page => nil), Topic.paginate(:all, :page => 1) # :count could be nil and we should still not cry assert_nothing_raised { Topic.paginate :page => 1, :count => nil } end def test_paginate_with_per_page entries = Topic.paginate :page => 1, :per_page => 1 assert_equal 1, entries.size assert_equal 4, entries.total_pages # Developer class has explicit per_page at 10 entries = Developer.paginate :page => 1 assert_equal 10, entries.size assert_equal 2, entries.total_pages entries = Developer.paginate :page => 1, :per_page => 5 assert_equal 11, entries.total_entries assert_equal 5, entries.size assert_equal 3, entries.total_pages end def test_paginate_with_order entries = Topic.paginate :page => 1, :order => 'created_at desc' expected = [topics(:futurama), topics(:harvey_birdman), topics(:rails), topics(:ar)].reverse assert_equal expected, entries.to_a assert_equal 1, entries.total_pages end def test_paginate_with_conditions entries = Topic.paginate :page => 1, :conditions => ["created_at > ?", 30.minutes.ago] expected = [topics(:rails), topics(:ar)] assert_equal expected, entries.to_a assert_equal 1, entries.total_pages end def test_paginate_with_include_and_conditions entries = Topic.paginate \ :page => 1, :include => :replies, :conditions => "replies.content LIKE 'Bird%' ", :per_page => 10 expected = Topic.find :all, :include => 'replies', :conditions => "replies.content LIKE 'Bird%' ", :limit => 10 assert_equal expected, entries.to_a assert_equal 1, entries.total_entries end def test_paginate_with_include_and_order entries = nil assert_queries(2) do entries = Topic.paginate \ :page => 1, :include => :replies, :order => 'replies.created_at asc, topics.created_at asc', :per_page => 10 end expected = Topic.find :all, :include => 'replies', :order => 'replies.created_at asc, topics.created_at asc', :limit => 10 assert_equal expected, entries.to_a assert_equal 4, entries.total_entries end def test_paginate_associations_with_include entries, project = nil, projects(:active_record) assert_nothing_raised "THIS IS A BUG in Rails 1.2.3 that was fixed in [7326]. " + "Please upgrade to a newer version of Rails." do entries = project.topics.paginate \ :page => 1, :include => :replies, :conditions => "replies.content LIKE 'Nice%' ", :per_page => 10 end expected = Topic.find :all, :include => 'replies', :conditions => "project_id = #{} AND replies.content LIKE 'Nice%' ", :limit => 10 assert_equal expected, entries.to_a end def test_paginate_associations dhh = users :david expected_name_ordered = [projects(:action_controller), projects(:active_record)] expected_id_ordered = [projects(:active_record), projects(:action_controller)] assert_queries(2) do # with association-specified order entries = dhh.projects.paginate(:page => 1) assert_equal expected_name_ordered, entries assert_equal 2, entries.total_entries end # with explicit order entries = dhh.projects.paginate(:page => 1, :order => '') assert_equal expected_id_ordered, entries assert_equal 2, entries.total_entries assert_nothing_raised { dhh.projects.find(:all, :order => '', :limit => 4) } entries = dhh.projects.paginate(:page => 1, :order => '', :per_page => 4) assert_equal expected_id_ordered, entries # has_many with implicit order topic = Topic.find(1) expected = [replies(:spam), replies(:witty_retort)] assert_equal, topic.replies.paginate(:page => 1).map(&:id).sort assert_equal expected.reverse, topic.replies.paginate(:page => 1, :order => ' ASC') end def test_paginate_association_extension project = Project.find(:first) assert_queries(2) do entries = project.replies.paginate_recent :page => 1 assert_equal [replies(:brave)], entries end end def test_paginate_with_joins entries = nil assert_queries(1) do entries = Developer.paginate :page => 1, :joins => 'LEFT JOIN developers_projects ON = developers_projects.developer_id', :conditions => 'project_id = 1' assert_equal 2, entries.size developer_names = &:name assert developer_names.include?('David') assert developer_names.include?('Jamis') end assert_queries(1) do expected = entries.to_a entries = Developer.paginate :page => 1, :joins => 'LEFT JOIN developers_projects ON = developers_projects.developer_id', :conditions => 'project_id = 1', :count => { :select => "" } assert_equal expected, entries.to_a assert_equal 2, entries.total_entries end end def test_paginate_with_group entries = nil assert_queries(1) do entries = Developer.paginate :page => 1, :per_page => 10, :group => 'salary', :select => 'salary', :order => 'salary' end expected = [ users(:david), users(:jamis), users(:dev_10), users(:poor_jamis) ].map(&:salary).sort assert_equal expected, end def test_paginate_with_dynamic_finder expected = [replies(:witty_retort), replies(:spam)] assert_equal expected, Reply.paginate_by_topic_id(1, :page => 1) entries = Developer.paginate :conditions => { :salary => 100000 }, :page => 1, :per_page => 5 assert_equal 8, entries.total_entries assert_equal entries, Developer.paginate_by_salary(100000, :page => 1, :per_page => 5) # dynamic finder + conditions entries = Developer.paginate_by_salary(100000, :page => 1, :conditions => ['id > ?', 6]) assert_equal 4, entries.total_entries assert_equal (7..10).to_a, assert_raises NoMethodError do Developer.paginate_by_inexistent_attribute 100000, :page => 1 end end def test_scoped_paginate entries = Developer.with_poor_ones { Developer.paginate :page => 1 } assert_equal 2, entries.size assert_equal 2, entries.total_entries end ## named_scope ## def test_paginate_in_named_scope entries = Developer.poor.paginate :page => 1, :per_page => 1 assert_equal 1, entries.size assert_equal 2, entries.total_entries end def test_paginate_in_named_scope_on_habtm_association project = projects(:active_record) assert_queries(2) do entries = project.developers.poor.paginate :page => 1, :per_page => 1 assert_equal 1, entries.size, 'one developer should be found' assert_equal 1, entries.total_entries, 'only one developer should be found' end end def test_paginate_in_named_scope_on_hmt_association project = projects(:active_record) expected = [replies(:brave)] assert_queries(2) do entries = project.replies.recent.paginate :page => 1, :per_page => 1 assert_equal expected, entries assert_equal 1, entries.total_entries, 'only one reply should be found' end end def test_paginate_in_named_scope_on_has_many_association project = projects(:active_record) expected = [topics(:ar)] assert_queries(2) do entries = project.topics.mentions_activerecord.paginate :page => 1, :per_page => 1 assert_equal expected, entries assert_equal 1, entries.total_entries, 'only one topic should be found' end end ## misc ## def test_count_and_total_entries_options_are_mutually_exclusive e = assert_raise ArgumentError do Developer.paginate :page => 1, :count => {}, :total_entries => 1 end assert_match /exclusive/, e.to_s end def test_readonly assert_nothing_raised { Developer.paginate :readonly => true, :page => 1 } end # this functionality is temporarily removed def xtest_pagination_defines_method pager = "paginate_by_created_at" assert !User.methods.include?(pager), "User methods should not include `#{pager}` method" # paginate! assert 0, User.send(pager, nil, :page => 1).total_entries # the paging finder should now be defined assert User.methods.include?(pager), "`#{pager}` method should be defined on User" end # Is this Rails 2.0? Find out by testing find_all which was removed in [6998] unless ActiveRecord::Base.respond_to? :find_all def test_paginate_array_of_ids # AR finders also accept arrays of IDs # (this was broken in Rails before [6912]) assert_queries(1) do entries = Developer.paginate((1..8).to_a, :per_page => 3, :page => 2, :order => 'id') assert_equal (4..6).to_a, assert_equal 8, entries.total_entries end end end uses_mocha 'internals' do def test_implicit_all_with_dynamic_finders Topic.expects(:find_all_by_foo).returns([]) Topic.expects(:count).returns(0) Topic.paginate_by_foo :page => 2 end def test_guessing_the_total_count Topic.expects(:find).returns( Topic.expects(:count).never entries = Topic.paginate :page => 2, :per_page => 4 assert_equal 6, entries.total_entries end def test_guessing_that_there_are_no_records Topic.expects(:find).returns([]) Topic.expects(:count).never entries = Topic.paginate :page => 1, :per_page => 4 assert_equal 0, entries.total_entries end def test_extra_parameters_stay_untouched Topic.expects(:find).with(:all, {:foo => 'bar', :limit => 4, :offset => 0 }).returns( Topic.expects(:count).with({:foo => 'bar'}).returns(1) Topic.paginate :foo => 'bar', :page => 1, :per_page => 4 end def test_count_skips_select Developer.stubs(:find).returns([]) Developer.expects(:count).with({}).returns(0) Developer.paginate :select => 'salary', :page => 2 end def test_count_select_when_distinct Developer.stubs(:find).returns([]) Developer.expects(:count).with(:select => 'DISTINCT salary').returns(0) Developer.paginate :select => 'DISTINCT salary', :page => 2 end def test_should_use_scoped_finders_if_present # scope-out compatibility Topic.expects(:find_best).returns( Topic.expects(:with_best).returns(1) Topic.paginate_best :page => 1, :per_page => 4 end def test_paginate_by_sql assert_respond_to Developer, :paginate_by_sql Developer.expects(:find_by_sql).with(regexp_matches(/sql LIMIT 3(,| OFFSET) 3/)).returns([]) Developer.expects(:count_by_sql).with('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (sql) AS count_table').returns(0) entries = Developer.paginate_by_sql 'sql', :page => 2, :per_page => 3 end def test_paginate_by_sql_respects_total_entries_setting Developer.expects(:find_by_sql).returns([]) Developer.expects(:count_by_sql).never entries = Developer.paginate_by_sql 'sql', :page => 1, :total_entries => 999 assert_equal 999, entries.total_entries end def test_paginate_by_sql_strips_order_by_when_counting Developer.expects(:find_by_sql).returns([]) Developer.expects(:count_by_sql).with("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (sql\n ) AS count_table").returns(0) Developer.paginate_by_sql "sql\n ORDER\nby foo, bar, `baz` ASC", :page => 2 end # TODO: counts are still wrong def test_ability_to_use_with_custom_finders # acts_as_taggable defines find_tagged_with(tag, options) Topic.expects(:find_tagged_with).with('will_paginate', :offset => 5, :limit => 5).returns([]) Topic.expects(:count).with({}).returns(0) Topic.paginate_tagged_with 'will_paginate', :page => 2, :per_page => 5 end def test_array_argument_doesnt_eliminate_count ids = (1..8).to_a Developer.expects(:find_all_by_id).returns([]) Developer.expects(:count).returns(0) Developer.paginate_by_id(ids, :per_page => 3, :page => 2, :order => 'id') end def test_paginating_finder_doesnt_mangle_options Developer.expects(:find).returns([]) options = { :page => 1 } options.expects(:delete).never options_before = options.dup Developer.paginate(options) assert_equal options, options_before end def test_paginated_each collection = stub('collection', :size => 5, :empty? => false, :per_page => 5) collection.expects(:each).times(2).returns(collection) last_collection = stub('collection', :size => 4, :empty? => false, :per_page => 5) last_collection.expects(:each).returns(last_collection) params = { :order => 'id', :total_entries => 0 } Developer.expects(:paginate).with(params.merge(:page => 2)).returns(collection) Developer.expects(:paginate).with(params.merge(:page => 3)).returns(collection) Developer.expects(:paginate).with(params.merge(:page => 4)).returns(last_collection) assert_equal 14, Developer.paginated_each(:page => '2') { } end end end