require 'spec_helper' require 'amqp-spec/rspec' require 'mq' # Mocking AMQP::Client::EM_CONNECTION_CLASS in order to # specify MQ instance behavior without the need to start EM loop. class MockConnection def initialize EM.should_receive(:reactor_running?).and_return(true) end def callback &block callbacks << block if block end def add_channel mq channels[key = (channels.keys.max || 0) + 1] = mq key end def send data, opts = {} messages << {data: data, opts: opts} end def connected? true end def channels @channels||={} end # Not part of AMQP::Client::EM_CONNECTION_CLASS interface, for mock introspection only def callbacks @callbacks||=[] end def messages @messages||=[] end def close end end describe 'MQ', 'as a class' do # after{AMQP.cleanup_state} # Tips off Thread.current[:mq] call subject { MQ } its(:logging) { should be_false } describe '.logging=' do it 'is independent from AMQP.logging' do # AMQP.logging = true MQ.logging.should be_false MQ.logging = false AMQP.logging.should == true # AMQP.logging = false MQ.logging = true AMQP.logging.should be_false MQ.logging = false end end describe '.default' do it 'creates MQ object and stashes it in Thread-local Hash' do MQ.should_receive(:new).with(no_args).and_return('MQ mock') Thread.current.should_receive(:[]).with(:mq) Thread.current.should_receive(:[]=).with(:mq, 'MQ mock') MQ.default.should == 'MQ mock' end end describe '.id' do it 'returns Thread-local uuid for mq' do Thread.current.should_receive(:[]).with(:mq_id) Thread.current.should_receive(:[]=).with(:mq_id, /.*-[0-9]{4,5}-[0-9]{10}/) =~ /.*-[0-9]{4,5}-[0-9]{10}/ end end describe '.error' do it 'is noop unless @error_callback was previously set' do MQ.instance_variable_get(:@error_callback).should be_nil MQ.error("Whatever").should be_nil end it 'is setting @error_callback if block is given' do MQ.error("Whatever") { |message| message.should == "Whatever"; @callback_fired = true } MQ.instance_variable_get(:@error_callback).should_not be_nil @callback_fired.should be_false end it 'is causes @error_callback to fire if it was set' do MQ.error("Whatever") @callback_fired.should be_true end end describe '.method_missing' do it 'routes all unrecognized methods to MQ.default' do MQ.should_receive(:new).with(no_args).and_return(mock('schmock')) MQ.default.should_receive(:abracadabra).with("Whatever") MQ.abracadabra("Whatever") end end end describe 'MQ', 'object, also vaguely known as "channel"' do context 'when initialized with a mock connection' do before { @conn = } after { AMQP.cleanup_state } subject { { |mq| mq.succeed } } # Indicates that channel is connected # its(:connection) { should be_nil } - relies on subject.send(:connection), not working it 'has public accessors' do == 1 # Essentially, channel number subject.consumers.should be_a Hash subject.consumers.should be_empty subject.exchanges.should be_a Hash subject.exchanges.should be_empty subject.queues.should be_a Hash subject.queues.should be_empty subject.rpcs.should be_a Hash subject.rpcs.should be_empty #connection was declared as both private and public accessor for some reason... Why? subject.connection.should == @conn subject.conn.should == @conn end describe '#process_frame' do # The meat of mq operations describe ' Frame::Header' describe ' Frame::Body' describe ' Frame::Method' describe ' Protocol::Channel::OpenOk' describe ' Protocol::Access::RequestOk' describe ' Protocol::Basic::CancelOk' describe ' Protocol::Queue::DeclareOk' describe ' Protocol::Basic::GetOk' describe ' Protocol::Basic::Deliver' describe ' Protocol::Basic::GetEmpty' describe ' Protocol::Channel::Close' describe ' Protocol::Basic::ConsumeOk' describe 'Protocol::Channel::CloseOk' do it 'closes the channel down' do @conn.channels.should_receive(:delete) { |key| key.should == 1; @conn.channels.clear } subject.process_frame end it 'closes down connection if no other channels' do @conn.should_receive(:close) subject.process_frame end end end describe '#send' do it 'sends given data through its connection' do args = [mock('data1'), mock('data2'), mock('data3')] subject.send *args @conn.messages[-3..-1].map { |message| message[:data] }.should == args end it 'sets data`s ticket property if @ticket is set for MQ object' do subject.instance_variable_set(:@ticket, ticket = 'mock ticket') data = mock('data1') data.should_receive(:ticket=).with(ticket) subject.send data end it 'is Mutex-synchronized' do mutex = subject.instance_variable_get(:@_send_mutex) mutex.should_receive(:synchronize) subject.send mock('data1') end end describe '#reset' do it 'resets and reinitializes the channel, clears and resets its queues/exchanges' do subject.queue('test').should_receive(:reset) subject.fanout('fanout').should_receive(:reset) subject.should_receive(:initialize).with(@conn) subject.reset subject.queues.should be_empty subject.exchanges.should be_empty subject.consumers.should be_empty end end describe '#prefetch' do it 'sends Protocol::Basic::Qos, setting :prefetch_count for broker' do subject.prefetch 13 @conn.messages.last[:data].should be_an AMQP::Protocol::Basic::Qos @conn.messages.last[:data].instance_variable_get(:@prefetch_count).should == 13 end it 'returns MQ object itself, allowing for method chains' do subject.prefetch(1).should == subject end end describe '#recover' do it 'sends Protocol::Basic::Recover, asking broker to redeliver all unack`ed messages on this channel' do subject.recover @conn.messages.last[:data].should be_an AMQP::Protocol::Basic::Recover end it 'by default, requeue property is nil, so messages will be redelivered to the original recipient' do subject.recover @conn.messages.last[:data].instance_variable_get(:@requeue).should == nil end it 'you can set requeue to true, prompting broker to requeue the messages (to other subscribers, potentially)' do subject.recover true @conn.messages.last[:data].instance_variable_get(:@requeue).should == true end it 'returns MQ object itself, allowing for method chains' do subject.recover.should == subject end end describe '#close' do it 'can be simplified, getting rid of @closing ivar? Just set callback sending Protocol::Channel::Close...' it 'sends Protocol::Channel::Close through @connection' do subject.close @conn.messages.last[:data].should be_an AMQP::Protocol::Channel::Close end it 'does not actually delete the channel or close connection' do @conn.channels.should_not_receive(:delete) @conn.should_not_receive(:close) subject.close end it 'actual channel closing happens ONLY when Protocol::Channel::CloseOk is received' do @conn.channels.should_receive(:delete) { |key| key.should == 1; @conn.channels.clear } @conn.should_receive(:close) subject.process_frame end end describe '#get_queue' do it 'yields a FIFO queue to a given block' do subject.get_queue do |fifo| fifo.should == [] end end it 'FIFO queue contains consumers that called Queue#pop' do queue = subject.queue('test') queue.pop queue.pop subject.get_queue do |fifo| fifo.should have(2).consumers fifo.each { |consumer| consumer.should == queue } end end it 'is Mutex-synchronized' do subject # Evaluates subject, tripping add_channel Mutex at initialize mutex = Mutex.should_receive(:new).and_return(mutex) mutex.should_receive(:synchronize) subject.get_queue {} end end describe '#connected?' do # This is an addition to standard MQ interface it 'delegates to @connection to determine its connectivity status' do @conn.should_receive(:connected?).with(no_args) subject.connected? end end describe 'setting up exchanges/queues/rpcs' do describe '#rpc' do it 'creates new rpc and saves it into @rpcs Hash' do MQ::RPC.should_receive(:new).with(subject, 'name', nil).and_return('mock_rpc') subject.rpcs.should_receive(:[]=).with('name', 'mock_rpc') rpc = subject.rpc 'name' rpc.should == 'mock_rpc' end it 'raises error rpc if no name given' do expect { subject.rpc }.to raise_error ArgumentError end it 'does not replace rpc with existing name' do MQ::RPC.should_receive(:new).with(subject, 'name', nil).and_return('mock_rpc') subject.rpc 'name' MQ::RPC.should_not_receive(:new) subject.rpcs.should_not_receive(:[]=) rpc = subject.rpc 'name' rpc.should == 'mock_rpc' end end describe '#queue' do it 'creates new Queue and saves it into @queues Hash' do MQ::Queue.should_receive(:new).with(subject, 'name', {}).and_return('mock_queue') subject.queues.should_receive(:[]=).with('name', 'mock_queue') queue = subject.queue 'name' queue.should == 'mock_queue' end it 'raises error Queue if no name given' do expect { subject.queue }.to raise_error ArgumentError end it 'does not replace queue with existing name' do MQ::Queue.should_receive(:new).with(subject, 'name', {}).and_return('mock_queue') subject.queue 'name' MQ::Queue.should_not_receive(:new) subject.queues.should_not_receive(:[]=) queue = subject.queue 'name' queue.should == 'mock_queue' end end describe '#direct' do it 'creates new :direct Exchange and saves it into @exchanges Hash' do MQ::Exchange.should_receive(:new).with(subject, :direct, 'name', {}).and_return('mock_exchange') subject.exchanges.should_receive(:[]=).with('name', 'mock_exchange') exchange = 'name' exchange.should == 'mock_exchange' end it 'creates "" Exchange if no name given' do MQ::Exchange.should_receive(:new).with(subject, :direct, '', {}).and_return('mock_exchange') subject.exchanges.should_receive(:[]=).with('', 'mock_exchange') exchange = exchange.should == 'mock_exchange' end it 'does not replace exchange with existing name' do MQ::Exchange.should_receive(:new).with(subject, :direct, 'name', {}).and_return('mock_exchange') 'name' MQ::Exchange.should_not_receive(:new) subject.exchanges.should_not_receive(:[]=) exchange = 'name' exchange.should == 'mock_exchange' end end describe '#fanout' do it 'creates new :fanout Exchange and saves it into @exchanges Hash' do MQ::Exchange.should_receive(:new).with(subject, :fanout, 'name', {}).and_return('mock_exchange') subject.exchanges.should_receive(:[]=).with('name', 'mock_exchange') exchange = subject.fanout 'name' exchange.should == 'mock_exchange' end it 'creates "amq.fanout" Exchange if no name given' do MQ::Exchange.should_receive(:new).with(subject, :fanout, 'amq.fanout', {}).and_return('mock_exchange') subject.exchanges.should_receive(:[]=).with('amq.fanout', 'mock_exchange') exchange = subject.fanout exchange.should == 'mock_exchange' end it 'does not replace exchange with existing name' do MQ::Exchange.should_receive(:new).with(subject, :fanout, 'name', {}).and_return('mock_exchange') subject.fanout 'name' MQ::Exchange.should_not_receive(:new) subject.exchanges.should_not_receive(:[]=) exchange = subject.fanout 'name' exchange.should == 'mock_exchange' end end describe '#topic' do it 'creates new :topic Exchange and saves it into @exchanges Hash' do MQ::Exchange.should_receive(:new).with(subject, :topic, 'name', {}).and_return('mock_exchange') subject.exchanges.should_receive(:[]=).with('name', 'mock_exchange') exchange = subject.topic 'name' exchange.should == 'mock_exchange' end it 'creates "amq.topic" Exchange if no name given' do MQ::Exchange.should_receive(:new).with(subject, :topic, 'amq.topic', {}).and_return('mock_exchange') subject.exchanges.should_receive(:[]=).with('amq.topic', 'mock_exchange') exchange = subject.topic exchange.should == 'mock_exchange' end it 'does not replace exchange with existing name' do MQ::Exchange.should_receive(:new).with(subject, :topic, 'name', {}).and_return('mock_exchange') subject.topic 'name' MQ::Exchange.should_not_receive(:new) subject.exchanges.should_not_receive(:[]=) exchange = subject.topic 'name' exchange.should == 'mock_exchange' end end describe '#headers' do it 'creates new :headers Exchange and saves it into @exchanges Hash' do MQ::Exchange.should_receive(:new).with(subject, :headers, 'name', {}).and_return('mock_exchange') subject.exchanges.should_receive(:[]=).with('name', 'mock_exchange') exchange = subject.headers 'name' exchange.should == 'mock_exchange' end it 'creates "amq.match" Exchange if no name given' do MQ::Exchange.should_receive(:new).with(subject, :headers, 'amq.match', {}).and_return('mock_exchange') subject.exchanges.should_receive(:[]=).with('amq.match', 'mock_exchange') exchange = subject.headers exchange.should == 'mock_exchange' end it 'does not replace exchange with existing name' do MQ::Exchange.should_receive(:new).with(subject, :headers, 'name', {}).and_return('mock_exchange') subject.headers 'name' MQ::Exchange.should_not_receive(:new) subject.exchanges.should_not_receive(:[]=) exchange = subject.headers 'name' exchange.should == 'mock_exchange' end end end end end