# UEditor Rails UEditor integration with Rails. ## Demo Go to ```test/dummy``` and ```rails s```, remember ```bundle``` first. ## Installation Add the gem to your Gemfie ```gem 'ueditor_rails', :git => 'https://github.com/jasl/ueditor_rails.git'``` or ```gem 'ueditor_rails'```. ```bundle``` and run ```rails g ueditor_rails:install```. ## Configure See ```app/assets/javascripts/ueditor_config.js.erb``` for detail. ## Using ```require ueditor_rails/init``` to your application.js first. **samples** ```f.ueditor_text :body``` ```ueditor_text_tag 'test2', 'text here'``` ```ueditor_text_tag 'test1', 'text here', :id => 'xxxx', :width => 500, :toolbars => [["bold","italic","underline"]]``` The option can be any which in ```ueditor_config.js.erb```. ## Upload backend I don't want implement it, cause it's design depends your business, so you should do it by yourself. you can modify ```app/assets/javascripts/ueditor_config.js.erb``` like ```imageUrl: "<%= Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.ueditor_image_path %>"``` to make it available. ## Todo - cross domain upload support ## More about UEditor [UEditor doc](http://ueditor.baidu.com/website/document.html) ## License This project rocks and uses [MIT-LICENSE](http://jasl.mit-license.org/). Jasl