import { IScheduler } from '../Scheduler';
import { Action } from '../scheduler/Action';
import { Subject } from '../Subject';
import { Operator } from '../Operator';
import { async } from '../scheduler/async';
import { Subscriber } from '../Subscriber';
import { Observable } from '../Observable';
import { Subscription } from '../Subscription';
import { isNumeric } from '../util/isNumeric';
import { isScheduler } from '../util/isScheduler';
import { OperatorFunction } from '../interfaces';
* Branch out the source Observable values as a nested Observable periodically
* in time.
* It's like {@link bufferTime}, but emits a nested
* Observable instead of an array.
* Returns an Observable that emits windows of items it collects from the source
* Observable. The output Observable starts a new window periodically, as
* determined by the `windowCreationInterval` argument. It emits each window
* after a fixed timespan, specified by the `windowTimeSpan` argument. When the
* source Observable completes or encounters an error, the output Observable
* emits the current window and propagates the notification from the source
* Observable. If `windowCreationInterval` is not provided, the output
* Observable starts a new window when the previous window of duration
* `windowTimeSpan` completes. If `maxWindowCount` is provided, each window
* will emit at most fixed number of values. Window will complete immediately
* after emitting last value and next one still will open as specified by
* `windowTimeSpan` and `windowCreationInterval` arguments.
* @example
In every window of 1 second each, emit at most 2 click events
* var clicks = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(document, 'click');
* var result = clicks.windowTime(1000)
* .map(win => win.take(2)) // each window has at most 2 emissions
* .mergeAll(); // flatten the Observable-of-Observables
* result.subscribe(x => console.log(x));
* @example Every 5 seconds start a window 1 second long, and emit at most 2 click events per window
* var clicks = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(document, 'click');
* var result = clicks.windowTime(1000, 5000)
* .map(win => win.take(2)) // each window has at most 2 emissions
* .mergeAll(); // flatten the Observable-of-Observables
* result.subscribe(x => console.log(x));
* @example Same as example above but with maxWindowCount instead of take
* var clicks = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(document, 'click');
* var result = clicks.windowTime(1000, 5000, 2) // each window has still at most 2 emissions
* .mergeAll(); // flatten the Observable-of-Observables
* result.subscribe(x => console.log(x));
* @see {@link window}
* @see {@link windowCount}
* @see {@link windowToggle}
* @see {@link windowWhen}
* @see {@link bufferTime}
* @param {number} windowTimeSpan The amount of time to fill each window.
* @param {number} [windowCreationInterval] The interval at which to start new
* windows.
* @param {number} [maxWindowSize=Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY] Max number of
* values each window can emit before completion.
* @param {Scheduler} [scheduler=async] The scheduler on which to schedule the
* intervals that determine window boundaries.
* @return {Observable>} An observable of windows, which in turn
* are Observables.
* @method windowTime
* @owner Observable
export function windowTime(windowTimeSpan: number,
scheduler?: IScheduler): OperatorFunction>;
export function windowTime(windowTimeSpan: number,
windowCreationInterval: number,
scheduler?: IScheduler): OperatorFunction>;
export function windowTime(windowTimeSpan: number,
windowCreationInterval: number,
maxWindowSize: number,
scheduler?: IScheduler): OperatorFunction>;
export function windowTime(windowTimeSpan: number): OperatorFunction> {
let scheduler: IScheduler = async;
let windowCreationInterval: number = null;
let maxWindowSize: number = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
if (isScheduler(arguments[3])) {
scheduler = arguments[3];
if (isScheduler(arguments[2])) {
scheduler = arguments[2];
} else if (isNumeric(arguments[2])) {
maxWindowSize = arguments[2];
if (isScheduler(arguments[1])) {
scheduler = arguments[1];
} else if (isNumeric(arguments[1])) {
windowCreationInterval = arguments[1];
return function windowTimeOperatorFunction(source: Observable) {
return source.lift(new WindowTimeOperator(windowTimeSpan, windowCreationInterval, maxWindowSize, scheduler));
class WindowTimeOperator implements Operator> {
constructor(private windowTimeSpan: number,
private windowCreationInterval: number | null,
private maxWindowSize: number,
private scheduler: IScheduler) {
call(subscriber: Subscriber>, source: any): any {
return source.subscribe(new WindowTimeSubscriber(
subscriber, this.windowTimeSpan, this.windowCreationInterval, this.maxWindowSize, this.scheduler
interface CreationState {
windowTimeSpan: number;
windowCreationInterval: number;
subscriber: WindowTimeSubscriber;
scheduler: IScheduler;
interface TimeSpanOnlyState {
window: CountedSubject;
windowTimeSpan: number;
subscriber: WindowTimeSubscriber;
interface CloseWindowContext {
action: Action>;
subscription: Subscription;
interface CloseState {
subscriber: WindowTimeSubscriber;
window: CountedSubject;
context: CloseWindowContext;
class CountedSubject extends Subject {
private _numberOfNextedValues: number = 0;
next(value?: T): void {
get numberOfNextedValues(): number {
return this._numberOfNextedValues;
* We need this JSDoc comment for affecting ESDoc.
* @ignore
* @extends {Ignored}
class WindowTimeSubscriber extends Subscriber {
private windows: CountedSubject[] = [];
constructor(protected destination: Subscriber>,
private windowTimeSpan: number,
private windowCreationInterval: number | null,
private maxWindowSize: number,
private scheduler: IScheduler) {
const window = this.openWindow();
if (windowCreationInterval !== null && windowCreationInterval >= 0) {
const closeState: CloseState = { subscriber: this, window, context: null };
const creationState: CreationState = { windowTimeSpan, windowCreationInterval, subscriber: this, scheduler };
this.add(scheduler.schedule(dispatchWindowClose, windowTimeSpan, closeState));
this.add(scheduler.schedule(dispatchWindowCreation, windowCreationInterval, creationState));
} else {
const timeSpanOnlyState: TimeSpanOnlyState = { subscriber: this, window, windowTimeSpan };
this.add(scheduler.schedule(dispatchWindowTimeSpanOnly, windowTimeSpan, timeSpanOnlyState));
protected _next(value: T): void {
const windows =;
const len = windows.length;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const window = windows[i];
if (!window.closed) {;
if (window.numberOfNextedValues >= this.maxWindowSize) {
protected _error(err: any): void {
const windows =;
while (windows.length > 0) {
protected _complete(): void {
const windows =;
while (windows.length > 0) {
const window = windows.shift();
if (!window.closed) {
public openWindow(): CountedSubject {
const window = new CountedSubject();;
const destination = this.destination;;
return window;
public closeWindow(window: CountedSubject): void {
const windows =;
windows.splice(windows.indexOf(window), 1);
function dispatchWindowTimeSpanOnly(this: Action>, state: TimeSpanOnlyState): void {
const { subscriber, windowTimeSpan, window } = state;
if (window) {
state.window = subscriber.openWindow();
this.schedule(state, windowTimeSpan);
function dispatchWindowCreation(this: Action>, state: CreationState): void {
const { windowTimeSpan, subscriber, scheduler, windowCreationInterval } = state;
const window = subscriber.openWindow();
const action = this;
let context: CloseWindowContext = { action, subscription: null };
const timeSpanState: CloseState = { subscriber, window, context };
context.subscription = scheduler.schedule(dispatchWindowClose, windowTimeSpan, timeSpanState);
action.schedule(state, windowCreationInterval);
function dispatchWindowClose(state: CloseState): void {
const { subscriber, window, context } = state;
if (context && context.action && context.subscription) {