require "dexter/version" require "slop" require "pg" require "pg_query" require "time" require "set" require "dexter/log_parser" module Dexter class Client attr_reader :arguments, :options def initialize(args) @arguments, @options = parse_args(args) end def perform abort "Missing database url" if arguments.empty? abort "Too many arguments" if arguments.size > 2 # get queries queries = [] if options[:s] queries << options[:s] end if arguments[1] begin parser =[1], min_time: options[:min_time]) queries.concat(parser.queries) rescue Errno::ENOENT abort "Log file not found" end end # narrow down queries and tables tables, queries = narrow_queries(queries) return if tables.empty? # get ready for hypothetical indexes select_all("SET client_min_messages = warning") select_all("CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS hypopg") select_all("SELECT hypopg_reset()") # ensure tables have recently been analyzed analyze_tables(tables) # get initial plans initial_plans = {} queries.each do |query| begin initial_plans[query] = plan(query) rescue PG::Error # do nothing end end! { |q| initial_plans[q] } # get existing indexes index_set = indexes(tables).each do |index| # TODO make sure btree index_set << [index["table"], index["columns"]] end # create hypothetical indexes candidates = {} columns(tables).each do |col| unless index_set.include?([col[:table], [col[:column]]]) candidates[col] = select_all("SELECT * FROM hypopg_create_index('CREATE INDEX ON #{col[:table]} (#{[col[:column]].join(", ")})');").first["indexname"] end end new_indexes = [] queries.each do |query| starting_cost = initial_plans[query]["Total Cost"] plan2 = plan(query) cost2 = plan2["Total Cost"] best_indexes = [] candidates.each do |col, index_name| if plan2.inspect.include?(index_name) best_indexes << { table: col[:table], columns: [col[:column]] } end end puts query puts "Starting cost: #{starting_cost}" puts "Final cost: #{cost2}" # must make it 20% faster if cost2 < starting_cost * 0.8 new_indexes.concat(best_indexes) best_indexes.each do |index| puts "CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY ON #{index[:table]} (#{index[:columns].join(", ")});" end else puts "Nope!" end puts end # create indexes if new_indexes.any? puts "Indexes to be created:" new_indexes.uniq.sort_by(&:to_a).each do |index| statement = "CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY ON #{index[:table]} (#{index[:columns].join(", ")})" puts "#{statement};" select_all(statement) if options[:create] end end end def conn @conn ||= begin uri = URI.parse(arguments[0]) config = { host:, port: uri.port, dbname: uri.path.sub(/\A\//, ""), user: uri.user, password: uri.password, connect_timeout: 3 }.reject { |_, value| value.to_s.empty? } end rescue PG::ConnectionBad abort "Bad database url" end def select_all(query) conn.exec(query).to_a end def plan(query) JSON.parse(select_all("EXPLAIN (FORMAT JSON) #{query}").first["QUERY PLAN"]).first["Plan"] end def narrow_queries(queries) result = select_all <<-SQL SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_catalog = current_database() AND table_schema NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') SQL possible_tables = { |r| r["table_name"] }) tables = queries.flat_map { |q| PgQuery.parse(q).tables } { |t| possible_tables.include?(t) } [tables, { |q| PgQuery.parse(q).tables.all? { |t| possible_tables.include?(t) } }] end def columns(tables) columns = select_all <<-SQL SELECT table_name, column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name IN (#{ { |t| quote(t) }.join(", ")}) SQL { |v| {table: v["table_name"], column: v["column_name"]} } end def indexes(tables) select_all(<<-SQL SELECT schemaname AS schema, t.relname AS table, ix.relname AS name, regexp_replace(pg_get_indexdef(i.indexrelid), '^[^\\(]*\\((.*)\\)$', '\\1') AS columns, regexp_replace(pg_get_indexdef(i.indexrelid), '.* USING ([^ ]*) \\(.*', '\\1') AS using, indisunique AS unique, indisprimary AS primary, indisvalid AS valid, indexprs::text, indpred::text, pg_get_indexdef(i.indexrelid) AS definition FROM pg_index i INNER JOIN pg_class t ON t.oid = i.indrelid INNER JOIN pg_class ix ON ix.oid = i.indexrelid LEFT JOIN pg_stat_user_indexes ui ON ui.indexrelid = i.indexrelid WHERE t.relname IN (#{ { |t| quote(t) }.join(", ")}) AND schemaname IS NOT NULL AND indisvalid = 't' AND indexprs IS NULL AND indpred IS NULL ORDER BY 1, 2 SQL ).map { |v| v["columns"] = v["columns"].sub(") WHERE (", " WHERE ").split(", ").map { |c| unquote(c) }; v } end def unquote(part) if part && part.start_with?('"') part[1..-2] else part end end def analyze_tables(tables) analyze_stats = select_all <<-SQL SELECT schemaname AS schema, relname AS table, last_analyze, last_autoanalyze FROM pg_stat_user_tables WHERE relname IN (#{ { |t| quote(t) }.join(", ")}) SQL last_analyzed = {} analyze_stats.each do |stats| last_analyzed[stats["table"]] = Time.parse(stats["last_analyze"]) if stats["last_analyze"] end tables.each do |table| if !last_analyzed[table] || last_analyzed[table] < - 3600 puts "Analyzing #{table}" select_all("ANALYZE #{table}") end end end def quote(value) if value.is_a?(String) "'#{quote_string(value)}'" else value end end # activerecord def quote_string(s) s.gsub(/\\/, '\&\&').gsub(/'/, "''") end def parse_args(args) opts = Slop.parse(args) do |o| o.boolean "--create", default: false o.string "-s" o.float "--min-time", default: 0 end [opts.arguments, opts.to_hash] rescue Slop::Error => e abort e.message end end end