/*! X-editable - v1.3.0 * In-place editing with Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery UI or pure jQuery * http://github.com/vitalets/x-editable * Copyright (c) 2012 Vitaliy Potapov; Licensed MIT */ /** Form with single input element, two buttons and two states: normal/loading. Applied as jQuery method to DIV tag (not to form tag!). This is because form can be in loading state when spinner shown. Editableform is linked with one of input types, e.g. 'text', 'select' etc. @class editableform @uses text @uses textarea **/ (function ($) { var EditableForm = function (div, options) { this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.editableform.defaults, options); this.$div = $(div); //div, containing form. Not form tag! Not editable-element. if(!this.options.scope) { this.options.scope = this; } this.initInput(); }; EditableForm.prototype = { constructor: EditableForm, initInput: function() { //called once var TypeConstructor, typeOptions; //create input of specified type if(typeof $.fn.editabletypes[this.options.type] === 'function') { TypeConstructor = $.fn.editabletypes[this.options.type]; typeOptions = $.fn.editableutils.sliceObj(this.options, $.fn.editableutils.objectKeys(TypeConstructor.defaults)); this.input = new TypeConstructor(typeOptions); } else { $.error('Unknown type: '+ this.options.type); return; } this.value = this.input.str2value(this.options.value); }, initTemplate: function() { this.$form = $($.fn.editableform.template); }, initButtons: function() { this.$form.find('.editable-buttons').append($.fn.editableform.buttons); }, /** Renders editableform @method render **/ render: function() { this.$loading = $($.fn.editableform.loading); this.$div.empty().append(this.$loading); this.showLoading(); //init form template and buttons this.initTemplate(); if(this.options.showbuttons) { this.initButtons(); } else { this.$form.find('.editable-buttons').remove(); } /** Fired when rendering starts @event rendering @param {Object} event event object **/ this.$div.triggerHandler('rendering'); //render input $.when(this.input.render()) .then($.proxy(function () { //input this.$form.find('div.editable-input').append(this.input.$input); //automatically submit inputs when no buttons shown if(!this.options.showbuttons) { this.input.autosubmit(); } //"clear" link if(this.input.$clear) { this.$form.find('div.editable-input').append($('
@property type
@type string
@default 'text'
type: 'text',
Url for submit, e.g. '/post'
If function - it will be called instead of ajax. Function can return deferred object to run fail/done callbacks.
@property url
@type string|function
@default null
url: function(params) {
if(params.value === 'abc') {
var d = new $.Deferred;
return d.reject('field cannot be "abc"'); //returning error via deferred object
} else {
someModel.set(params.name, params.value); //save data in some js model
Additional params for submit. If defined as object
- it is **appended** to original ajax data (pk, name and value).
If defined as function
- returned object **overwrites** original ajax data.
params: function(params) {
//originally params contain pk, name and value
params.a = 1;
return params;
@property params
@type object|function
@default null
Name of field. Will be submitted on server. Can be taken from id
@property name
@type string
@default null
name: null,
Primary key of editable object (e.g. record id in database). For composite keys use object, e.g. {id: 1, lang: 'en'}
Can be calculated dynamically via function.
@property pk
@type string|object|function
@default null
pk: null,
Initial value. If not defined - will be taken from element's content.
For __select__ type should be defined (as it is ID of shown text).
@property value
@type string|object
@default null
value: null,
Strategy for sending data on server. Can be auto|always|never
When 'auto' data will be sent on server only if pk defined, otherwise new value will be stored in element.
@property send
@type string
@default 'auto'
send: 'auto',
Function for client-side validation. If returns string - means validation not passed and string showed as error.
@property validate
@type function
@default null
validate: function(value) {
if($.trim(value) == '') {
return 'This field is required';
validate: null,
Success callback. Called when value successfully sent on server and **response status = 200**.
Useful to work with json response. For example, if your backend response can be {success: true}
or {success: false, msg: "server error"}
you can check it inside this callback.
If it returns **string** - means error occured and string is shown as error message.
If it returns **object like** {newValue: <something>}
- it overwrites value, submitted by user.
Otherwise newValue simply rendered into element.
@property success
@type function
@default null
success: function(response, newValue) {
if(!response.success) return response.msg;
success: null,
Additional options for ajax request.
List of values: http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax
@property ajaxOptions
@type object
@default null
@since 1.1.1
ajaxOptions: null,
Whether to show buttons or not.
Form without buttons can be auto-submitted by input or by onblur = 'submit'.
ajaxOptions: {
method: 'PUT',
dataType: 'xml'
@property showbuttons
@type boolean
@default true
@since 1.1.1
showbuttons: true,
Scope for callback methods (success, validate).
If null
means editableform instance itself.
@property scope
@type DOMElement|object
@default null
@since 1.2.0
scope: null,
Whether to save or cancel value when it was not changed but form was submitted
@property savenochange
@type boolean
@default false
@since 1.2.0
savenochange: false
Note: following params could redefined in engine: bootstrap or jqueryui:
Classes 'control-group' and 'editable-error-block' must always present!
$.fn.editableform.template = '';
//loading div
$.fn.editableform.loading = '';
$.fn.editableform.buttons = ''+
//error class attached to control-group
$.fn.editableform.errorGroupClass = null;
//error class attached to editable-error-block
$.fn.editableform.errorBlockClass = 'editable-error';
* EditableForm utilites
(function ($) {
$.fn.editableutils = {
* classic JS inheritance function
inherit: function (Child, Parent) {
var F = function() { };
F.prototype = Parent.prototype;
Child.prototype = new F();
Child.prototype.constructor = Child;
Child.superclass = Parent.prototype;
* set caret position in input
* see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/499126/jquery-set-cursor-position-in-text-area
setCursorPosition: function(elem, pos) {
if (elem.setSelectionRange) {
elem.setSelectionRange(pos, pos);
} else if (elem.createTextRange) {
var range = elem.createTextRange();
range.moveEnd('character', pos);
range.moveStart('character', pos);
* function to parse JSON in *single* quotes. (jquery automatically parse only double quotes)
* That allows such code as:
* safe = true --> means no exception will be thrown
* for details see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7410348/how-to-set-json-format-to-html5-data-attributes-in-the-jquery
tryParseJson: function(s, safe) {
if (typeof s === 'string' && s.length && s.match(/^[\{\[].*[\}\]]$/)) {
if (safe) {
try {
/*jslint evil: true*/
s = (new Function('return ' + s))();
/*jslint evil: false*/
} catch (e) {} finally {
return s;
} else {
/*jslint evil: true*/
s = (new Function('return ' + s))();
/*jslint evil: false*/
return s;
* slice object by specified keys
sliceObj: function(obj, keys, caseSensitive /* default: false */) {
var key, keyLower, newObj = {};
if (!$.isArray(keys) || !keys.length) {
return newObj;
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
key = keys[i];
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
newObj[key] = obj[key];
if(caseSensitive === true) {
//when getting data-* attributes via $.data() it's converted to lowercase.
//details: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7602565/using-data-attributes-with-jquery
//workaround is code below.
keyLower = key.toLowerCase();
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(keyLower)) {
newObj[key] = obj[keyLower];
return newObj;
* exclude complex objects from $.data() before pass to config
getConfigData: function($element) {
var data = {};
$.each($element.data(), function(k, v) {
if(typeof v !== 'object' || (v && typeof v === 'object' && v.constructor === Object)) {
data[k] = v;
return data;
objectKeys: function(o) {
if (Object.keys) {
return Object.keys(o);
} else {
if (o !== Object(o)) {
throw new TypeError('Object.keys called on a non-object');
var k=[], p;
for (p in o) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o,p)) {
return k;
method to escape html.
escape: function(str) {
return $('$().editable()
. You should subscribe on it's events (save / cancel) to get profit of it.save|cancel|onblur|nochange|undefined (=manual)
hide: function(reason) {
if(!this.tip() || !this.tip().is(':visible') || !this.$element.hasClass('editable-open')) {
Fired when container was hidden. It occurs on both save or cancel.
@event hidden
@param {object} event event object
@param {string} reason Reason caused hiding. Can be save|cancel|onblur|nochange|undefined (=manual)
$('#username').on('hidden', function(e, reason) {
if(reason === 'save' || reason === 'cancel') {
//auto-open next editable
this.$element.triggerHandler('hidden', reason);
/* internal hide method. To be overwritten in child classes */
innerHide: function () {
Toggles container visibility (show / hide)
@method toggle()
@param {boolean} closeAll Whether to close all other editable containers when showing this one. Default true.
toggle: function(closeAll) {
if(this.tip && this.tip().is(':visible')) {
} else {
Updates the position of container when content changed.
@method setPosition()
setPosition: function() {
//tbd in child class
save: function(e, params) {
Fired when new value was submitted. You can use $(this).data('editableContainer')
inside handler to access to editableContainer instance
@event save
@param {Object} event event object
@param {Object} params additional params
@param {mixed} params.newValue submitted value
@param {Object} params.response ajax response
$('#username').on('save', function(e, params) {
//assuming server response: '{success: true}'
var pk = $(this).data('editableContainer').options.pk;
if(params.response && params.response.success) {
alert('value: ' + params.newValue + ' with pk: ' + pk + ' saved!');
} else {
this.$element.triggerHandler('save', params);
Sets new option
@method option(key, value)
@param {string} key
@param {mixed} value
option: function(key, value) {
this.options[key] = value;
if(key in this.containerOptions) {
this.containerOptions[key] = value;
this.setContainerOption(key, value);
} else {
this.formOptions[key] = value;
if(this.$form) {
this.$form.editableform('option', key, value);
setContainerOption: function(key, value) {
this.call('option', key, value);
Destroys the container instance
@method destroy()
destroy: function() {
Closes other containers except one related to passed element.
Other containers can be cancelled or submitted (depends on onblur option)
closeOthers: function(element) {
$('.editable-open').each(function(i, el){
//do nothing with passed element and it's children
if(el === element || $(el).find(element).length) {
//otherwise cancel or submit all open containers
var $el = $(el),
ec = $el.data('editableContainer');
if(!ec) {
if(ec.options.onblur === 'cancel') {
} else if(ec.options.onblur === 'submit') {
Activates input of visible container (e.g. set focus)
@method activate()
activate: function() {
if(this.tip && this.tip().is(':visible') && this.$form) {
jQuery method to initialize editableContainer.
@method $().editableContainer(options)
@params {Object} options
type: 'text',
url: '/post',
pk: 1,
value: 'hello'
$.fn.editableContainer = function (option) {
var args = arguments;
return this.each(function () {
var $this = $(this),
dataKey = 'editableContainer',
data = $this.data(dataKey),
options = typeof option === 'object' && option;
if (!data) {
$this.data(dataKey, (data = new EditableContainer(this, options)));
if (typeof option === 'string') { //call method
data[option].apply(data, Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 1));
//store constructor
$.fn.editableContainer.Constructor = EditableContainer;
$.fn.editableContainer.defaults = {
Initial value of form input
@property value
@type mixed
@default null
value: null,
Placement of container relative to element. Can be top|right|bottom|left
. Not used for inline container.
@property placement
@type string
@default 'top'
placement: 'top',
Whether to hide container on save/cancel.
@property autohide
@type boolean
@default true
autohide: true,
Action when user clicks outside the container. Can be cancel|submit|ignore
Setting ignore
allows to have several containers open.
@property onblur
@type string
@default 'cancel'
@since 1.1.1
onblur: 'cancel'
* workaround to have 'destroyed' event to destroy popover when element is destroyed
* see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2200494/jquery-trigger-event-when-an-element-is-removed-from-the-dom
jQuery.event.special.destroyed = {
remove: function(o) {
if (o.handler) {
Makes editable any HTML element on the page. Applied as jQuery method.
@class editable
@uses editableContainer
(function ($) {
var Editable = function (element, options) {
this.$element = $(element);
this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.editable.defaults, $.fn.editableutils.getConfigData(this.$element), options);
Editable.prototype = {
constructor: Editable,
init: function () {
var TypeConstructor,
isValueByText = false,
//editableContainer must be defined
if(!$.fn.editableContainer) {
$.error('You must define $.fn.editableContainer via including corresponding file (e.g. editable-popover.js)');
this.options.name = this.options.name || this.$element.attr('id');
//create input of specified type. Input will be used for converting value, not in form
if(typeof $.fn.editabletypes[this.options.type] === 'function') {
TypeConstructor = $.fn.editabletypes[this.options.type];
this.typeOptions = $.fn.editableutils.sliceObj(this.options, $.fn.editableutils.objectKeys(TypeConstructor.defaults));
this.input = new TypeConstructor(this.typeOptions);
} else {
$.error('Unknown type: '+ this.options.type);
//set value from settings or by element's text
if (this.options.value === undefined || this.options.value === null) {
this.value = this.input.html2value($.trim(this.$element.html()));
isValueByText = true;
} else {
value can be string when received from 'data-value' attribute
for complext objects value can be set as json string in data-value attribute,
e.g. data-value="{city: 'Moscow', street: 'Lenina'}"
this.options.value = $.fn.editableutils.tryParseJson(this.options.value, true);
if(typeof this.options.value === 'string') {
this.value = this.input.str2value(this.options.value);
} else {
this.value = this.options.value;
//add 'editable' class to every editable element
//attach handler activating editable. In disabled mode it just prevent default action (useful for links)
if(this.options.toggle !== 'manual') {
this.$element.on(this.options.toggle + '.editable', $.proxy(function(e){
//stop propagation not required anymore because in document click handler it checks event target
if(this.options.toggle === 'mouseenter') {
//for hover only show container
} else {
//when toggle='click' we should not close all other containers as they will be closed automatically in document click listener
var closeAll = (this.options.toggle !== 'click');
}, this));
} else {
this.$element.attr('tabindex', -1); //do not stop focus on element when toggled manually
//check conditions for autotext:
//if value was generated by text or value is empty, no sense to run autotext
doAutotext = !isValueByText && this.value !== null && this.value !== undefined;
doAutotext &= (this.options.autotext === 'always') || (this.options.autotext === 'auto' && !this.$element.text().length);
$.when(doAutotext ? this.render() : true).then($.proxy(function() {
if(this.options.disabled) {
} else {
Fired when element was initialized by editable method.
@event init
@param {Object} event event object
@param {Object} editable editable instance
@since 1.2.0
this.$element.triggerHandler('init', this);
}, this));
Renders value into element's text.
Can call custom display method from options.
Can return deferred object.
@method render()
render: function() {
//do not display anything
if(this.options.display === false) {
//if it is input with source, we pass callback in third param to be called when source is loaded
if(this.input.options.hasOwnProperty('source')) {
return this.input.value2html(this.value, this.$element[0], this.options.display);
//if display method defined --> use it
} else if(typeof this.options.display === 'function') {
return this.options.display.call(this.$element[0], this.value);
//else use input's original value2html() method
} else {
return this.input.value2html(this.value, this.$element[0]);
Enables editable
@method enable()
enable: function() {
this.options.disabled = false;
if(this.options.toggle !== 'manual') {
if(this.$element.attr('tabindex') === '-1') {
Disables editable
@method disable()
disable: function() {
this.options.disabled = true;
//do not stop focus on this element
this.$element.attr('tabindex', -1);
Toggles enabled / disabled state of editable element
@method toggleDisabled()
toggleDisabled: function() {
if(this.options.disabled) {
} else {
Sets new option
@method option(key, value)
@param {string|object} key option name or object with several options
@param {mixed} value option new value
$('.editable').editable('option', 'pk', 2);
option: function(key, value) {
//set option(s) by object
if(key && typeof key === 'object') {
$.each(key, $.proxy(function(k, v){
this.option($.trim(k), v);
}, this));
//set option by string
this.options[key] = value;
if(key === 'disabled') {
if(value) {
} else {
if(key === 'value') {
//transfer new option to container!
if(this.container) {
this.container.option(key, value);
* set emptytext if element is empty (reverse: remove emptytext if needed)
handleEmpty: function () {
//do not handle empty if we do not display anything
if(this.options.display === false) {
var emptyClass = 'editable-empty';
//emptytext shown only for enabled
if(!this.options.disabled) {
if ($.trim(this.$element.text()) === '') {
} else {
} else {
//below required if element disable property was changed
if(this.$element.hasClass(emptyClass)) {
Shows container with form
@method show()
@param {boolean} closeAll Whether to close all other editable containers when showing this one. Default true.
show: function (closeAll) {
if(this.options.disabled) {
//init editableContainer: popover, tooltip, inline, etc..
if(!this.container) {
var containerOptions = $.extend({}, this.options, {
value: this.value
this.$element.on("save.internal", $.proxy(this.save, this));
this.container = this.$element.data('editableContainer');
} else if(this.container.tip().is(':visible')) {
//show container
Hides container with form
@method hide()
hide: function () {
if(this.container) {
Toggles container visibility (show / hide)
@method toggle()
@param {boolean} closeAll Whether to close all other editable containers when showing this one. Default true.
toggle: function(closeAll) {
if(this.container && this.container.tip().is(':visible')) {
} else {
* called when form was submitted
save: function(e, params) {
//if url is not user's function and value was not sent to server and value changed --> mark element with unsaved css.
if(typeof this.options.url !== 'function' && this.options.display !== false && params.response === undefined && this.input.value2str(this.value) !== this.input.value2str(params.newValue)) {
} else {
// this.hide();
Fired when new value was submitted. You can use $(this).data('editable')
to access to editable instance
@event save
@param {Object} event event object
@param {Object} params additional params
@param {mixed} params.newValue submitted value
@param {Object} params.response ajax response
$('#username').on('save', function(e, params) {
//assuming server response: '{success: true}'
var pk = $(this).data('editable').options.pk;
if(params.response && params.response.success) {
alert('value: ' + params.newValue + ' with pk: ' + pk + ' saved!');
} else {
//event itself is triggered by editableContainer. Description here is only for documentation
validate: function () {
if (typeof this.options.validate === 'function') {
return this.options.validate.call(this, this.value);
Sets new value of editable
@method setValue(value, convertStr)
@param {mixed} value new value
@param {boolean} convertStr whether to convert value from string to internal format
setValue: function(value, convertStr) {
if(convertStr) {
this.value = this.input.str2value(value);
} else {
this.value = value;
if(this.container) {
this.container.option('value', this.value);
.then($.proxy(function() {
}, this));
Activates input of visible container (e.g. set focus)
@method activate()
activate: function() {
if(this.container) {
* ======================= */
jQuery method to initialize editable element.
@method $().editable(options)
@params {Object} options
type: 'text',
url: '/post',
pk: 1
$.fn.editable = function (option) {
//special API methods returning non-jquery object
var result = {}, args = arguments, datakey = 'editable';
switch (option) {
Runs client-side validation for all matched editables
@method validate()
@returns {Object} validation errors map
$('#username, #fullname').editable('validate');
// possible result:
username: "username is required",
fullname: "fullname should be minimum 3 letters length"
case 'validate':
this.each(function () {
var $this = $(this), data = $this.data(datakey), error;
if (data && (error = data.validate())) {
result[data.options.name] = error;
return result;
Returns current values of editable elements. If value is null
or undefined
it will not be returned
@method getValue()
@returns {Object} object of element names and values
$('#username, #fullname').editable('validate');
// possible result:
username: "superuser",
fullname: "John"
case 'getValue':
this.each(function () {
var $this = $(this), data = $this.data(datakey);
if (data && data.value !== undefined && data.value !== null) {
result[data.options.name] = data.input.value2submit(data.value);
return result;
This method collects values from several editable elements and submit them all to server.
Internally it runs client-side validation for all fields and submits only in case of success.
See creating new records for details.
@method submit(options)
@param {object} options
@param {object} options.url url to submit data
@param {object} options.data additional data to submit
@param {object} options.ajaxOptions additional ajax options
@param {function} options.error(obj) error handler
@param {function} options.success(obj,config) success handler
@returns {Object} jQuery object
case 'submit': //collects value, validate and submit to server for creating new record
var config = arguments[1] || {},
$elems = this,
errors = this.editable('validate'),
if($.isEmptyObject(errors)) {
values = this.editable('getValue');
if(config.data) {
$.extend(values, config.data);
url: config.url,
data: values,
type: 'POST'
}, config.ajaxOptions))
.success(function(response) {
//successful response 200 OK
if(typeof config.success === 'function') {
config.success.call($elems, response, config);
.error(function(){ //ajax error
if(typeof config.error === 'function') {
config.error.apply($elems, arguments);
} else { //client-side validation error
if(typeof config.error === 'function') {
config.error.call($elems, errors);
return this;
//return jquery object
return this.each(function () {
var $this = $(this),
data = $this.data(datakey),
options = typeof option === 'object' && option;
if (!data) {
$this.data(datakey, (data = new Editable(this, options)));
if (typeof option === 'string') { //call method
data[option].apply(data, Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 1));
$.fn.editable.defaults = {
Type of input. Can be text|textarea|select|date|checklist
and more
@property type
@type string
@default 'text'
type: 'text',
Sets disabled state of editable
@property disabled
@type boolean
@default false
disabled: false,
How to toggle editable. Can be click|dblclick|mouseenter|manual
When set to manual
you should manually call show/hide
methods of editable.
**Note**: if you call show
or toggle
inside **click** handler of some DOM element,
you need to apply e.stopPropagation()
because containers are being closed on any click on document.
$('#edit-button').click(function(e) {
@property toggle
@type string
@default 'click'
toggle: 'click',
Text shown when element is empty.
@property emptytext
@type string
@default 'Empty'
emptytext: 'Empty',
Allows to automatically set element's text based on it's value. Can be auto|always|never
. Useful for select and date.
For example, if dropdown list is {1: 'a', 2: 'b'}
and element's value set to 1
, it's html will be automatically set to 'a'
- text will be automatically set only if element is empty.
- always(never) try to set element's text.
@property autotext
@type string
@default 'auto'
autotext: 'auto',
Initial value of input. Taken from data-value
or element's text.
@property value
@type mixed
@default element's text
value: null,
Callback to perform custom displaying of value in element's text.
If null
, default input's value2html() will be called.
If false
, no displaying methods will be called, element's text will no change.
Runs under element's scope.
Second parameter __sourceData__ is passed for inputs with source (select, checklist).
@property display
@type function|boolean
@default null
@since 1.2.0
display: function(value, sourceData) {
var escapedValue = $('{value1: "text1", value2: "text2" ...}
but it does not guarantee elements order.
If source is **string**, results will be cached for fields with the same source and name. See also sourceCache
@property source
@type string|array|object
@default null
Data automatically prepended to the beginning of dropdown list.
@property prepend
@type string|array|object
@default false
Error message when list cannot be loaded (e.g. ajax error)
@property sourceError
@type string
@default Error when loading list
sourceError: 'Error when loading list',
if true
and source is **string url** - results will be cached for fields with the same source and name.
Usefull for editable grids.
@property sourceCache
@type boolean
@default true
@since 1.2.0
sourceCache: true
$.fn.editabletypes.list = List;
Text input
@class text
@extends abstractinput
(function ($) {
var Text = function (options) {
this.init('text', options, Text.defaults);
$.fn.editableutils.inherit(Text, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput);
$.extend(Text.prototype, {
activate: function() {
if(this.$input.is(':visible')) {
$.fn.editableutils.setCursorPosition(this.$input.get(0), this.$input.val().length);
Text.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput.defaults, {
@property tpl
tpl: '',
Placeholder attribute of input. Shown when input is empty.
@property placeholder
@type string
@default null
placeholder: null
$.fn.editabletypes.text = Text;
Textarea input
@class textarea
@extends abstractinput
awesome comment!
(function ($) {
var Textarea = function (options) {
this.init('textarea', options, Textarea.defaults);
$.fn.editableutils.inherit(Textarea, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput);
$.extend(Textarea.prototype, {
render: function () {
//ctrl + enter
this.$input.keydown(function (e) {
if (e.ctrlKey && e.which === 13) {
value2html: function(value, element) {
var html = '', lines;
if(value) {
lines = value.split("\n");
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
lines[i] = $('$().datepicker()
@class dateui
@extends abstractinput
(function ($) {
var DateUI = function (options) {
this.init('dateui', options, DateUI.defaults);
//set popular options directly from settings or data-* attributes
var directOptions = $.fn.editableutils.sliceObj(this.options, ['format']);
//overriding datepicker config (as by default jQuery extend() is not recursive)
this.options.datepicker = $.extend({}, DateUI.defaults.datepicker, directOptions, options.datepicker);
//by default viewformat equals to format
if(!this.options.viewformat) {
this.options.viewformat = this.options.datepicker.format;
//correct formats: replace yyyy with yy
this.options.viewformat = this.options.viewformat.replace('yyyy', 'yy');
this.options.datepicker.format = this.options.datepicker.format.replace('yyyy', 'yy');
//copy format to dateFormat (dateFormat option required for ui datepicker).
//This allows common option 'format' for all datepickers
this.options.datepicker.dateFormat = this.options.datepicker.format;
$.fn.editableutils.inherit(DateUI, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput);
$.extend(DateUI.prototype, {
render: function () {
if(this.options.clear) {
this.$clear = $('').html(this.options.clear).click($.proxy(function(e){
}, this));
value2html: function(value, element) {
var text = $.datepicker.formatDate(this.options.viewformat, value);
DateUI.superclass.value2html(text, element);
html2value: function(html) {
if(typeof html !== 'string') {
return html;
//if string does not match format, UI datepicker throws exception
var d;
try {
d = $.datepicker.parseDate(this.options.viewformat, html);
} catch(e) {}
return d;
value2str: function(value) {
return $.datepicker.formatDate(this.options.datepicker.dateFormat, value);
str2value: function(str) {
if(typeof str !== 'string') {
return str;
//if string does not match format, UI datepicker throws exception
var d;
try {
d = $.datepicker.parseDate(this.options.datepicker.dateFormat, str);
} catch(e) {}
return d;
value2submit: function(value) {
return this.value2str(value);
value2input: function(value) {
this.$input.datepicker('setDate', value);
input2value: function() {
return this.$input.datepicker('getDate');
activate: function() {
clear: function() {
this.$input.datepicker('setDate', null);
autosubmit: function() {
this.$input.on('mouseup', 'table.ui-datepicker-calendar a.ui-state-default', function(e){
var $form = $(this).closest('form');
setTimeout(function() {
}, 200);
DateUI.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput.defaults, {
@property tpl
@property inputclass
@default 'editable-date'
inputclass: 'editable-date',
Format used for sending value to server. Also applied when converting date from data-value
@property viewformat
@type string
@default null
viewformat: null,
Configuration of datepicker.
Full list of options: http://api.jqueryui.com/datepicker
@property datepicker
@type object
@default {
firstDay: 0,
changeYear: true,
changeMonth: true
datepicker: {
firstDay: 0,
changeYear: true,
changeMonth: true
Text shown as clear date button.
If false
clear button will not be rendered.
@property clear
@type boolean|string
@default 'x clear'
clear: '× clear'
$.fn.editabletypes.dateui = DateUI;
$.fn.editabletypes.date = DateUI;