# URI is a module providing classes to handle Uniform Resource Identifiers
# ([RFC2396](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2396)).
# ## Features
# *   Uniform way of handling URIs.
# *   Flexibility to introduce custom URI schemes.
# *   Flexibility to have an alternate URI::Parser (or just different patterns
#     and regexp's).
# ## Basic example
#     require 'uri'
#     uri = URI("http://foo.com/posts?id=30&limit=5#time=1305298413")
#     #=> #<URI::HTTP http://foo.com/posts?id=30&limit=5#time=1305298413>
#     uri.scheme    #=> "http"
#     uri.host      #=> "foo.com"
#     uri.path      #=> "/posts"
#     uri.query     #=> "id=30&limit=5"
#     uri.fragment  #=> "time=1305298413"
#     uri.to_s      #=> "http://foo.com/posts?id=30&limit=5#time=1305298413"
# ## Adding custom URIs
#     module URI
#       class RSYNC < Generic
#         DEFAULT_PORT = 873
#       end
#       @@schemes['RSYNC'] = RSYNC
#     end
#     #=> URI::RSYNC
#     URI.scheme_list
#     #=> {"FILE"=>URI::File, "FTP"=>URI::FTP, "HTTP"=>URI::HTTP,
#     #    "MAILTO"=>URI::MailTo, "RSYNC"=>URI::RSYNC}
#     uri = URI("rsync://rsync.foo.com")
#     #=> #<URI::RSYNC rsync://rsync.foo.com>
# ## RFC References
# A good place to view an RFC spec is http://www.ietf.org/rfc.html.
# Here is a list of all related RFC's:
# *   [RFC822](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822)
# *   [RFC1738](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1738)
# *   [RFC2255](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2255)
# *   [RFC2368](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2368)
# *   [RFC2373](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2373)
# *   [RFC2396](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2396)
# *   [RFC2732](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2732)
# *   [RFC3986](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986)
# ## Class tree
# *   URI::Generic (in uri/generic.rb)
#     *   URI::File - (in uri/file.rb)
#     *   URI::FTP - (in uri/ftp.rb)
#     *   URI::HTTP - (in uri/http.rb)
#         *   URI::HTTPS - (in uri/https.rb)
#     *   URI::LDAP - (in uri/ldap.rb)
#         *   URI::LDAPS - (in uri/ldaps.rb)
#     *   URI::MailTo - (in uri/mailto.rb)
# *   URI::Parser - (in uri/common.rb)
# *   URI::REGEXP - (in uri/common.rb)
#     *   URI::REGEXP::PATTERN - (in uri/common.rb)
# *   URI::Util - (in uri/common.rb)
# *   URI::Escape - (in uri/common.rb)
# *   URI::Error - (in uri/common.rb)
#     *   URI::InvalidURIError - (in uri/common.rb)
#     *   URI::InvalidComponentError - (in uri/common.rb)
#     *   URI::BadURIError - (in uri/common.rb)
# ## Copyright Info
# Author
# :   Akira Yamada <akira@ruby-lang.org>
# Documentation
# :   Akira Yamada <akira@ruby-lang.org> Dmitry V. Sabanin <sdmitry@lrn.ru>
#     Vincent Batts <vbatts@hashbangbash.com>
# License
# :   Copyright (c) 2001 akira yamada <akira@ruby-lang.org> You can redistribute
#     it and/or modify it under the same term as Ruby.
# Revision
# :   $Id$
module URI
  # Base class for all URI classes.
  # Implements generic URI syntax as per RFC 2396.
  class Generic
    include URI

    # A Default port of nil for URI::Generic.
    DEFAULT_PORT: nil | Integer

    # Returns default port.
    def self.default_port: () -> (nil | Integer)

    # Returns default port.
    def default_port: () -> (nil | Integer)

    # An Array of the available components for URI::Generic.
    COMPONENT: Array[Symbol]

    # Components of the URI in the order.
    def self.component: () -> Array[Symbol]

    USE_REGISTRY: bool

    def self.use_registry: () -> bool

    # == Synopsis
    # See ::new.
    # == Description
    # At first, tries to create a new URI::Generic instance using
    # URI::Generic::build. But, if exception URI::InvalidComponentError is raised,
    # then it does URI::Escape.escape all URI components and tries again.
    def self.build2: (Array[nil | String | Integer]) -> URI::Generic
                   | ({ scheme: String, userinfo: String, host: String, port: Integer, registry: String?, path: String, opaque: String?, query: String, fragment: String }) -> URI::Generic

    # == Synopsis
    # See ::new.
    # == Description
    # Creates a new URI::Generic instance from components of URI::Generic
    # with check.  Components are: scheme, userinfo, host, port, registry, path,
    # opaque, query, and fragment. You can provide arguments either by an Array or a Hash.
    # See ::new for hash keys to use or for order of array items.
    def self.build: (Array[nil | String | Integer]) -> URI::Generic
                  | ({ scheme: String, userinfo: String, host: String, port: Integer, registry: String?, path: String, opaque: String?, query: String, fragment: String }) -> URI::Generic

    # == Args
    # +scheme+::
    #   Protocol scheme, i.e. 'http','ftp','mailto' and so on.
    # +userinfo+::
    #   User name and password, i.e. 'sdmitry:bla'.
    # +host+::
    #   Server host name.
    # +port+::
    #   Server port.
    # +registry+::
    #   Registry of naming authorities.
    # +path+::
    #   Path on server.
    # +opaque+::
    #   Opaque part.
    # +query+::
    #   Query data.
    # +fragment+::
    #   Part of the URI after '#' character.
    # +parser+::
    #   Parser for internal use [URI::DEFAULT_PARSER by default].
    # +arg_check+::
    #   Check arguments [false by default].
    # == Description
    # Creates a new URI::Generic instance from ``generic'' components without check.
    def initialize: (String? scheme, String? userinfo, String? host, (String | Integer)? port, nil registry, String? path, String? opaque, String? query, String? fragment, ?untyped parser, ?boolish arg_check) -> void

    # Returns the scheme component of the URI.
    #   URI("http://foo/bar/baz").scheme #=> "http"
    attr_reader scheme: String?

    # Returns the host component of the URI.
    #   URI("http://foo/bar/baz").host #=> "foo"
    # It returns nil if no host component exists.
    #   URI("mailto:foo@example.org").host #=> nil
    # The component does not contain the port number.
    #   URI("http://foo:8080/bar/baz").host #=> "foo"
    # Since IPv6 addresses are wrapped with brackets in URIs,
    # this method returns IPv6 addresses wrapped with brackets.
    # This form is not appropriate to pass to socket methods such as TCPSocket.open.
    # If unwrapped host names are required, use the #hostname method.
    #   URI("http://[::1]/bar/baz").host     #=> "[::1]"
    #   URI("http://[::1]/bar/baz").hostname #=> "::1"
    attr_reader host: String?

    # Returns the port component of the URI.
    #   URI("http://foo/bar/baz").port      #=> 80
    #   URI("http://foo:8080/bar/baz").port #=> 8080
    attr_reader port: Integer?

    def registry: () -> nil

    # Returns the path component of the URI.
    #   URI("http://foo/bar/baz").path #=> "/bar/baz"
    attr_reader path: String?

    # Returns the query component of the URI.
    #   URI("http://foo/bar/baz?search=FooBar").query #=> "search=FooBar"
    attr_reader query: String?

    # Returns the opaque part of the URI.
    #   URI("mailto:foo@example.org").opaque #=> "foo@example.org"
    #   URI("http://foo/bar/baz").opaque     #=> nil
    # The portion of the path that does not make use of the slash '/'.
    # The path typically refers to an absolute path or an opaque part.
    # (See RFC2396 Section 3 and 5.2.)
    attr_reader opaque: String?

    # Returns the fragment component of the URI.
    #   URI("http://foo/bar/baz?search=FooBar#ponies").fragment #=> "ponies"
    attr_reader fragment: String?

    # Returns the parser to be used.
    # Unless a URI::Parser is defined, DEFAULT_PARSER is used.
    def parser: () -> untyped

    # Replaces self by other URI object.
    def replace!: (URI::Generic oth) -> URI::Generic

    # Components of the URI in the order.
    def component: () -> Array[Symbol]

    # Checks the scheme +v+ component against the URI::Parser Regexp for :SCHEME.
    def check_scheme: (String? v) -> true

    # Protected setter for the scheme component +v+.
    # See also URI::Generic.scheme=.
    def set_scheme: (String? v) -> String?

    # == Args
    # +v+::
    #    String
    # == Description
    # Public setter for the scheme component +v+
    # (with validation).
    # See also URI::Generic.check_scheme.
    # == Usage
    #   require 'uri'
    #   uri = URI.parse("http://my.example.com")
    #   uri.scheme = "https"
    #   uri.to_s  #=> "https://my.example.com"
    def scheme=: (String? v) -> String?

    # Checks the +user+ and +password+.
    # If +password+ is not provided, then +user+ is
    # split, using URI::Generic.split_userinfo, to
    # pull +user+ and +password.
    # See also URI::Generic.check_user, URI::Generic.check_password.
    def check_userinfo: (String user, ?String? password) -> true

    # Checks the user +v+ component for RFC2396 compliance
    # and against the URI::Parser Regexp for :USERINFO.
    # Can not have a registry or opaque component defined,
    # with a user component defined.
    def check_user: (String v) -> (String | true)

    # Checks the password +v+ component for RFC2396 compliance
    # and against the URI::Parser Regexp for :USERINFO.
    # Can not have a registry or opaque component defined,
    # with a user component defined.
    def check_password: (String? v, ?String user) -> (String? | true)

    # Sets userinfo, argument is string like 'name:pass'.
    def userinfo=: (String? userinfo) -> String?

    # == Args
    # +v+::
    #    String
    # == Description
    # Public setter for the +user+ component
    # (with validation).
    # See also URI::Generic.check_user.
    # == Usage
    #   require 'uri'
    #   uri = URI.parse("http://john:S3nsit1ve@my.example.com")
    #   uri.user = "sam"
    #   uri.to_s  #=> "http://sam:V3ry_S3nsit1ve@my.example.com"
    def user=: (String? user) -> String?

    # == Args
    # +v+::
    #    String
    # == Description
    # Public setter for the +password+ component
    # (with validation).
    # See also URI::Generic.check_password.
    # == Usage
    #   require 'uri'
    #   uri = URI.parse("http://john:S3nsit1ve@my.example.com")
    #   uri.password = "V3ry_S3nsit1ve"
    #   uri.to_s  #=> "http://john:V3ry_S3nsit1ve@my.example.com"
    def password=: (String? password) -> String?

    # Protected setter for the +user+ component, and +password+ if available
    # (with validation).
    # See also URI::Generic.userinfo=.
    def set_userinfo: (String? user, ?String? password) -> [String?, String?]

    # Protected setter for the user component +v+.
    # See also URI::Generic.user=.
    def set_user: (String? v) -> String?

    # Protected setter for the password component +v+.
    # See also URI::Generic.password=.
    def set_password: (String? v) -> String?

    # Returns the userinfo +ui+ as <code>[user, password]</code>
    # if properly formatted as 'user:password'.
    def split_userinfo: (String ui) -> Array[String | nil]

    # Escapes 'user:password' +v+ based on RFC 1738 section 3.1.
    def escape_userpass: (String v) -> String

    # Returns the userinfo, either as 'user' or 'user:password'.
    def userinfo: () -> String?

    # Returns the user component.
    def user: () -> String?

    # Returns the password component.
    def password: () -> String?

    # Checks the host +v+ component for RFC2396 compliance
    # and against the URI::Parser Regexp for :HOST.
    # Can not have a registry or opaque component defined,
    # with a host component defined.
    def check_host: (String? v) -> true?

    # Protected setter for the host component +v+.
    # See also URI::Generic.host=.
    def set_host: (String? v) -> String?

    # == Args
    # +v+::
    #    String
    # == Description
    # Public setter for the host component +v+
    # (with validation).
    # See also URI::Generic.check_host.
    # == Usage
    #   require 'uri'
    #   uri = URI.parse("http://my.example.com")
    #   uri.host = "foo.com"
    #   uri.to_s  #=> "http://foo.com"
    def host=: (String? v) -> String?

    # Extract the host part of the URI and unwrap brackets for IPv6 addresses.
    # This method is the same as URI::Generic#host except
    # brackets for IPv6 (and future IP) addresses are removed.
    #   uri = URI("http://[::1]/bar")
    #   uri.hostname      #=> "::1"
    #   uri.host          #=> "[::1]"
    def hostname: () -> String?

    # Sets the host part of the URI as the argument with brackets for IPv6 addresses.
    # This method is the same as URI::Generic#host= except
    # the argument can be a bare IPv6 address.
    #   uri = URI("http://foo/bar")
    #   uri.hostname = "::1"
    #   uri.to_s  #=> "http://[::1]/bar"
    # If the argument seems to be an IPv6 address,
    # it is wrapped with brackets.
    def hostname=: (String? v) -> String?

    # Checks the port +v+ component for RFC2396 compliance
    # and against the URI::Parser Regexp for :PORT.
    # Can not have a registry or opaque component defined,
    # with a port component defined.
    def check_port: ((String | Integer)? v) -> true?

    # Protected setter for the port component +v+.
    # See also URI::Generic.port=.
    def set_port: ((String | Integer)? v) -> (String | Integer)?

    # == Args
    # +v+::
    #    String
    # == Description
    # Public setter for the port component +v+
    # (with validation).
    # See also URI::Generic.check_port.
    # == Usage
    #   require 'uri'
    #   uri = URI.parse("http://my.example.com")
    #   uri.port = 8080
    #   uri.to_s  #=> "http://my.example.com:8080"
    def port=: ((String | Integer)? v) -> (String | Integer)?

    def check_registry: (String v) -> nil

    def set_registry: (String v) -> nil

    def registry=: (String v) -> nil

    # Checks the path +v+ component for RFC2396 compliance
    # and against the URI::Parser Regexp
    # for :ABS_PATH and :REL_PATH.
    # Can not have a opaque component defined,
    # with a path component defined.
    def check_path: (String? v) -> true

    # Protected setter for the path component +v+.
    # See also URI::Generic.path=.
    def set_path: (String? v) -> String?

    # == Args
    # +v+::
    #    String
    # == Description
    # Public setter for the path component +v+
    # (with validation).
    # See also URI::Generic.check_path.
    # == Usage
    #   require 'uri'
    #   uri = URI.parse("http://my.example.com/pub/files")
    #   uri.path = "/faq/"
    #   uri.to_s  #=> "http://my.example.com/faq/"
    def path=: (String? v) -> String?

    # == Args
    # +v+::
    #    String
    # == Description
    # Public setter for the query component +v+.
    # == Usage
    #   require 'uri'
    #   uri = URI.parse("http://my.example.com/?id=25")
    #   uri.query = "id=1"
    #   uri.to_s  #=> "http://my.example.com/?id=1"
    def query=: (String? v) -> String?

    # Checks the opaque +v+ component for RFC2396 compliance and
    # against the URI::Parser Regexp for :OPAQUE.
    # Can not have a host, port, user, or path component defined,
    # with an opaque component defined.
    def check_opaque: (String? v) -> true?

    # Protected setter for the opaque component +v+.
    # See also URI::Generic.opaque=.
    def set_opaque: (String? v) -> String?

    # == Args
    # +v+::
    #    String
    # == Description
    # Public setter for the opaque component +v+
    # (with validation).
    # See also URI::Generic.check_opaque.
    def opaque=: (String? v) -> String?

    # Checks the fragment +v+ component against the URI::Parser Regexp for :FRAGMENT.
    # == Args
    # +v+::
    #    String
    # == Description
    # Public setter for the fragment component +v+
    # (with validation).
    # == Usage
    #   require 'uri'
    #   uri = URI.parse("http://my.example.com/?id=25#time=1305212049")
    #   uri.fragment = "time=1305212086"
    #   uri.to_s  #=> "http://my.example.com/?id=25#time=1305212086"
    def fragment=: (String? v) -> String?

    # Returns true if URI is hierarchical.
    # == Description
    # URI has components listed in order of decreasing significance from left to right,
    # see RFC3986 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986 1.2.3.
    # == Usage
    #   require 'uri'
    #   uri = URI.parse("http://my.example.com/")
    #   uri.hierarchical?
    #   #=> true
    #   uri = URI.parse("mailto:joe@example.com")
    #   uri.hierarchical?
    #   #=> false
    def hierarchical?: () -> bool

    # Returns true if URI has a scheme (e.g. http:// or https://) specified.
    def absolute?: () -> bool

    # Returns true if URI does not have a scheme (e.g. http:// or https://) specified.
    def relative?: () -> bool

    # Returns an Array of the path split on '/'.
    def split_path: (String path) -> Array[String]

    # Merges a base path +base+, with relative path +rel+,
    # returns a modified base path.
    def merge_path: (String base, String rel) -> String

    # == Args
    # +oth+::
    #    URI or String
    # == Description
    # Destructive form of #merge.
    # == Usage
    #   require 'uri'
    #   uri = URI.parse("http://my.example.com")
    #   uri.merge!("/main.rbx?page=1")
    #   uri.to_s  # => "http://my.example.com/main.rbx?page=1"
    def merge!: (string oth) -> String

    # == Args
    # +oth+::
    #    URI or String
    # == Description
    # Merges two URIs.
    # == Usage
    #   require 'uri'
    #   uri = URI.parse("http://my.example.com")
    #   uri.merge("/main.rbx?page=1")
    #   # => "http://my.example.com/main.rbx?page=1"
    def merge: (string oth) -> URI::Generic

    # :stopdoc:
    def route_from_path: (String src, String dst) -> String

    # :stopdoc:
    def route_from0: (String oth) -> Array[URI::Generic]

    # == Args
    # +oth+::
    #    URI or String
    # == Description
    # Calculates relative path from oth to self.
    # == Usage
    #   require 'uri'
    #   uri = URI.parse('http://my.example.com/main.rbx?page=1')
    #   uri.route_from('http://my.example.com')
    #   #=> #<URI::Generic /main.rbx?page=1>
    def route_from: (String oth) -> URI::Generic

    # == Args
    # +oth+::
    #    URI or String
    # == Description
    # Calculates relative path to oth from self.
    # == Usage
    #   require 'uri'
    #   uri = URI.parse('http://my.example.com')
    #   uri.route_to('http://my.example.com/main.rbx?page=1')
    #   #=> #<URI::Generic /main.rbx?page=1>
    def route_to: (String oth) -> URI::Generic

    # Returns normalized URI.
    #   require 'uri'
    #   URI("HTTP://my.EXAMPLE.com").normalize
    #   #=> #<URI::HTTP http://my.example.com/>
    # Normalization here means:
    # * scheme and host are converted to lowercase,
    # * an empty path component is set to "/".
    def normalize: () -> untyped

    # Destructive version of #normalize.
    def normalize!: () -> untyped

    # Constructs String from URI.
    def to_s: () -> String

    # Compares two URIs.
    def ==: (URI::Generic oth) -> bool

    def hash: () -> Integer

    def eql?: (URI::Generic oth) -> bool

    # Returns an Array of the components defined from the COMPONENT Array.
    def component_ary: () -> Array[nil | String | Integer]

    # == Args
    # +components+::
    #    Multiple Symbol arguments defined in URI::HTTP.
    # == Description
    # Selects specified components from URI.
    # == Usage
    #   require 'uri'
    #   uri = URI.parse('http://myuser:mypass@my.example.com/test.rbx')
    #   uri.select(:userinfo, :host, :path)
    #   # => ["myuser:mypass", "my.example.com", "/test.rbx"]
    def select: (*Symbol components) -> Array[nil | String | Integer]

    def inspect: () -> String

    # == Args
    # +v+::
    #    URI or String
    # == Description
    # Attempts to parse other URI +oth+,
    # returns [parsed_oth, self].
    # == Usage
    #   require 'uri'
    #   uri = URI.parse("http://my.example.com")
    #   uri.coerce("http://foo.com")
    #   #=> [#<URI::HTTP http://foo.com>, #<URI::HTTP http://my.example.com>]
    def coerce: (URI::Generic | String oth) -> Array[URI::Generic]

    # Returns a proxy URI.
    # The proxy URI is obtained from environment variables such as http_proxy,
    # ftp_proxy, no_proxy, etc.
    # If there is no proper proxy, nil is returned.
    # If the optional parameter +env+ is specified, it is used instead of ENV.
    # Note that capitalized variables (HTTP_PROXY, FTP_PROXY, NO_PROXY, etc.)
    # are examined, too.
    # But http_proxy and HTTP_PROXY is treated specially under CGI environment.
    # It's because HTTP_PROXY may be set by Proxy: header.
    # So HTTP_PROXY is not used.
    # http_proxy is not used too if the variable is case insensitive.
    # CGI_HTTP_PROXY can be used instead.
    def find_proxy: (?String env) -> (nil | URI::Generic)

    def self.use_proxy?: (String hostname, String addr, Integer port, String no_proxy) -> bool