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The TextScanner class can scan text files and chop then into tokens to be used by a parser. Files can be nested. A file can include an other file.

Public Class Methods

new(masterFile, messageHandler) click to toggle source

Create a new instance of TextScanner. masterFile must be a String that either contains the name of the file to start with or the text itself. messageHandler is a MessageHandler that is used for error messages.

     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 158
158:     def initialize(masterFile, messageHandler)
159:       @masterFile = masterFile
160:       @messageHandler = messageHandler
161:       # This table contains all macros that may be expanded when found in the
162:       # text.
163:       @macroTable =
164:       # This Array stores the currently processed nested files. It's an Array
165:       # of Arrays. The nested Array consists of 3 elements, the @cf,
166:       # @tokenBuffer and the @pos of the file.
167:       @fileStack = []
168:       # This Array stores the currently processed nested macros.
169:       @macroStack = []
170:       # In certain situation we want to ignore Macro replacement and this flag
171:       # is set to true.
172:       @ignoreMacros = false
173:       @fileNameIsBuffer = false
174:     end

Public Instance Methods

addMacro(macro) click to toggle source

Add a Macro to the macro translation table.

     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 347
347:     def addMacro(macro)
348:       @macroTable.add(macro)
349:     end
close() click to toggle source

Finish processing and reset all data structures.

     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 194
194:     def close
195:       unless @fileNameIsBuffer
196:         Log.startProgressMeter("Reading file #{@masterFile}")
197:         Log.stopProgressMeter
198:       end
199:       @fileStack = []
200:       @cf = @tokenBuffer = nil
201:     end
error(id, text, property = nil) click to toggle source

Call this function to report any errors related to the parsed input.

     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 373
373:     def error(id, text, property = nil)
374:       message('error', id, text, property)
375:     end
expandMacro(args) click to toggle source
     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 356
356:     def expandMacro(args)
357:       macro, text = @macroTable.resolve(args, sourceFileInfo)
358:       return if text == ''
360:       if @macroStack.length > 20
361:         error('macro_stack_overflow', "Too many nested macro calls.")
362:       end
363:       @macroStack << [ macro, args ]
364:       # Mark end of macro with a 0 element
365:       @cf.charBuffer << 0
366:       text.reverse.each_utf8_char do |c|
367:         @cf.charBuffer << c
368:       end
369:       @cf.line = ''
370:     end
fileName() click to toggle source

Return the name of the currently processed file. If we are working on a text buffer, the text will be returned.

     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 247
247:     def fileName
248:       @cf ? @cf.fileName : @masterFile
249:     end
include(fileName) click to toggle source

Continue processing with a new file specified by fileName. When this file is finished, we will continue in the old file after the location where we started with the new file.

     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 206
206:     def include(fileName)
207:       if fileName[0] != '/'
208:         if @fileStack.empty?
209:           path = @masterPath == './' ? '' : @masterPath
210:         else
211:           pathOfCallingFile = @fileStack.last[0].dirname
212:           path = pathOfCallingFile.empty? ? '' : pathOfCallingFile + '/'
213:           @fileStack.last[1, 2] = [ @tokenBuffer, @pos ]
214:         end
215:         # If the included file is not an absolute name, we interpret the file
216:         # name relative to the including file.
217:         fileName = path + fileName
218:       end
220:       @tokenBuffer = nil
222:       # Check the current file stack to find recusions.
223:       if @pos && fileName == @pos.fileName
224:         error('include_recursion', "Recursive inclusion of #{fileName} detected")
225:       else
226:         @fileStack.each do |entry|
227:           if fileName == entry[0].fileName
228:             error('include_recursion', "Recursive inclusion of #{fileName} " +
229:                   "detected")
230:           end
231:         end
232:       end
233:       begin
234:         @fileStack << [ (@cf =, nil, nil ]
235:       rescue StandardError
236:         error('bad_include', "Cannot open include file #{fileName}")
237:       end
238:     end
macroDefined?(name) click to toggle source

Return true if the Macro name has been added already.

     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 352
352:     def macroDefined?(name)
353:       @macroTable.include?(name)
354:     end
message(type, id, text, property) click to toggle source
     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 381
381:     def message(type, id, text, property)
382:       unless text.empty?
383:         message =, type, text + "\n" + line.to_s,
384:                               property, nil, sourceFileInfo)
385:         @messageHandler.send(message)
387:         until @macroStack.empty?
388:           macro, args = @macroStack.pop
389:           args.collect! { |a| '"' + a + '"' }
390:           message ='macro_stack', 'info',
391:                                 "   #{} #{args.join(' ')}", nil, nil,
392:                                 macro.sourceFileInfo)
393:           @messageHandler.send(message)
394:         end
395:       end
397:       # An empty strings signals an already reported error
398:       raise, '' if type == 'error'
399:     end
nextToken() click to toggle source

Scan for the next token in the input stream and return it. The result will be an Array of the form [ TokenType, TokenValue ].

     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 265
265:     def nextToken
266:       # If we have a pushed-back token, return that first.
267:       unless @tokenBuffer.nil?
268:         res = @tokenBuffer
269:         @tokenBuffer = nil
270:         @pos = @tokenBufferPos
271:         return res
272:       end
274:       # Start processing characters from the input.
275:       @startOfToken =, lineNo, columnNo)
276:       token = [ '.', '<END>' ]
277:       while c = nextChar
278:         case c
279:         when ' ', "\n", "\t"
280:           if (tok = readBlanks(c))
281:             token = tok
282:             break
283:           end
284:           @startOfToken =, lineNo, columnNo)
285:         when '#'
286:           skipComment
287:           @startOfToken =, lineNo, columnNo)
288:         when '/'
289:           skipCPlusPlusComments
290:           @startOfToken =, lineNo, columnNo)
291:           when '0'..'9'
292:           token = readNumber(c)
293:           break
294:         when "'"
295:           token = readString(c)
296:           break
297:         when '"'
298:           token = readString(c)
299:           break
300:         when '-'
301:           token = handleDash
302:           break
303:         when '!'
304:           if (c = nextChar) == '='
305:             token = [ 'LITERAL', '!=' ]
306:           else
307:             returnChar(c)
308:             token = [ 'LITERAL', '!' ]
309:           end
310:           break
311:         when 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '_'
312:           token = readId(c)
313:           break
314:         when '<', '>', '='
315:           token = readOperator(c)
316:           break
317:         when '['
318:           token = readMacro
319:           break
320:         when nil
321:           # We've reached an end of file or buffer
322:           break
323:         else
324:           str = ""
325:           str << c
326:           token = [ 'LITERAL', str ]
327:           break
328:         end
329:       end
330:       @pos = @startOfToken
331:       return token
332:     end
open(fileNameIsBuffer = false) click to toggle source

Start the processing. if fileNameIsBuffer is true, we operate on a String, else on a File.

     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 178
178:     def open(fileNameIsBuffer = false)
179:       @fileNameIsBuffer = fileNameIsBuffer
180:       if fileNameIsBuffer
181:         @fileStack = [ [ @cf =, nil, nil ] ]
182:       else
183:         begin
184:           @fileStack = [ [ @cf =, nil, nil ] ]
185:         rescue StandardError
186:           raise, "Cannot open file #{@masterFile}"
187:         end
188:       end
189:       @masterPath = @cf.dirname + '/'
190:       @tokenBuffer = @pos = @lastPos = nil
191:     end
returnToken(token) click to toggle source

Return a token to retrieve it with the next nextToken() call again. Only 1 token can be returned before the next nextToken() call.

     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 336
336:     def returnToken(token)
337:       unless @tokenBuffer.nil?
338:         $stderr.puts @tokenBuffer
339:         raise "Fatal Error: Cannot return more than 1 token in a row"
340:       end
341:       @tokenBuffer = token
342:       @tokenBufferPos = @pos
343:       @pos = @lastPos
344:     end
sourceFileInfo() click to toggle source

Return SourceFileInfo for the current processing prosition.

     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 241
241:     def sourceFileInfo
242:       @pos ? @pos.dup :, lineNo, columnNo)
243:     end
warning(id, text, property = nil) click to toggle source
     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 377
377:     def warning(id, text, property = nil)
378:       message('warning', id, text, property)
379:     end

Private Instance Methods

errorEOF(no, token) click to toggle source
     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 894
894:     def errorEOF(no, token)
895:       error("eof_in_istring#{no}",
896:             "Unexpected end of file in string '#{token[0,20]}...'" +
897:             "starting in line #{@startOfToken.lineNo}.")
898:     end
handleDash() click to toggle source
     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 524
524:     def handleDash
525:       if (c1 = nextChar) == '8'
526:         if (c2 = nextChar) == '<'
527:           if (c3 = nextChar) == '-'
528:             return readIndentedString
529:           else
530:             returnChar(c3)
531:             returnChar(c2)
532:             returnChar(c1)
533:           end
534:         else
535:           returnChar(c2)
536:           returnChar(c1)
537:         end
538:       else
539:         returnChar(c1)
540:       end
541:       return [ 'LITERAL', ' - ']
542:     end
nextChar() click to toggle source

This function is called by the scanner to get the next character. It features a FIFO buffer that can hold any amount of returned characters. When it has reached the end of the master file it returns nil.

     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 406
406:     def nextChar
407:       # We've started to find the next token. @pos no longer marks the
408:       # position of the current token. Since we also store the EOF position in
409:       # @pos, don't reset it if we have processed all files completely.
410:       if @pos && @cf
411:         @lastPos = @pos
412:         @pos = nil
413:       end
415:       if (c = nextCharI) == '$' && !@ignoreMacros
416:         # Double $ are reduced to a single $.
417:         return c if (c = nextCharI) == '$'
419:         # Macros start with $( or ${. All other $. are ignored.
420:         if c != '(' && c != '{'
421:            returnChar(c)
422:            return '$'
423:         end
425:         @ignoreMacros = true
426:         returnChar(c)
427:         macroParser =, @messageHandler)
428:         begin
429:           macroParser.parse('macroCall')
430:         rescue TjException
431:         end
432:         @ignoreMacros = false
433:         return nextCharI
434:       else
435:         return c
436:       end
437:     end
nextCharI() click to toggle source
     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 439
439:     def nextCharI
440:       # This can only happen when a previous call already returned nil.
441:       return nil if @cf.nil?
443:       c = nil
444:       # If there are characters in the return buffer process them first.
445:       # Otherwise get next character from input stream.
446:       unless @cf.charBuffer.empty?
447:         c = @cf.charBuffer.pop
448:         @cf.lineNo -= 1 if c == "\n" && !@macroStack.empty?
449:         while !@cf.charBuffer.empty? && @cf.charBuffer[1] == 0
450:           @cf.charBuffer.pop
451:           @macroStack.pop
452:         end
453:       else
454:         # If EOF has been reached, try the parent file until even the master
455:         # file has been processed completely.
456:         if (c = @cf.getc).nil?
457:           # Safe current position so an EOF related error can be properly
458:           # reported.
459:           @pos = sourceFileInfo
461:           @cf.close
462:           @fileStack.pop
463:           if @fileStack.empty?
464:             # We are done with the top-level file now.
465:             @cf = @tokenBuffer = nil
466:           else
467:             @cf, @tokenBuffer, @lastPos = @fileStack.last
468:             Log << "Parsing file #{@cf.fileName} ..."
469:             # We have been called by nextToken() already, so we can't just
470:             # restore @tokenBuffer and be done. We need to feed the token text
471:             # back into the charBuffer and return the first character.
472:             if @tokenBuffer
473:               @tokenBuffer[1].reverse.each_utf8_char do |ch|
474:                 @cf.charBuffer.push(ch)
475:               end
476:               @tokenBuffer = nil
477:             end
478:           end
479:           return nil
480:         end
481:       end
482:       unless c.nil?
483:         @cf.lineNo += 1 if c == "\n"
484:         @cf.line = "" if @cf.line[1] == \n\
485:         @cf.line << c
486:       end
487:       c
488:     end
readBlanks(c) click to toggle source
     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 544
544:     def readBlanks(c)
545:       loop do
546:         if c == ' '
547:           if (c2 = nextChar) == '-'
548:             # Special case for the dash between period dates. It must be
549:             # surrounded by blanks.
550:             if (c3 = nextChar) == ' '
551:               return [ 'LITERAL', ' - ']
552:             end
553:             returnChar(c3)
554:           end
555:           returnChar(c2)
556:         elsif c != "\n" && c != "\t"
557:           returnChar(c)
558:           return nil
559:         end
560:         c = nextChar
561:       end
562:     end
readDate(token) click to toggle source
     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 598
598:     def readDate(token)
599:       year = token.to_i
600:       if year < 1970 || year > 2030
601:         raise, "Year must be between 1970 and 2030"
602:       end
604:       month = readDigits.to_i
605:       if month < 1 || month > 12
606:         raise, "Month must be between 1 and 12"
607:       end
608:       if nextChar != '-'
609:         raise, "Corrupted date"
610:       end
612:       day = readDigits.to_i
613:       if day < 1 || day > 31
614:         raise, "Day must be between 1 and 31"
615:       end
617:       if (c = nextChar) != '-'
618:         returnChar(c)
619:         return [ 'DATE', TjTime.local(year, month, day) ]
620:       end
622:       hour = readDigits.to_i
623:       if hour < 0 || hour > 23
624:         raise, "Hour must be between 0 and 23"
625:       end
627:       if nextChar != ':'
628:         raise, "Corrupted time. ':' expected."
629:       end
631:       minutes = readDigits.to_i
632:       if minutes < 0 || minutes > 59
633:         raise, "Minutes must be between 0 and 59"
634:       end
636:       if (c = nextChar) == ':'
637:         seconds = readDigits.to_i
638:         if seconds < 0 || seconds > 59
639:           raise, "Seconds must be between 0 and 59"
640:         end
641:       else
642:         seconds = 0
643:         returnChar(c)
644:       end
646:       if (c = nextChar) != '-'
647:         returnChar(c)
648:         return [ 'DATE', TjTime.local(year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds) ]
649:       end
651:       if (c = nextChar) == '-'
652:         delta = 1
653:       elsif c == '+'
654:         delta = 1
655:       else
656:         # An actual time zone name
657:         tz = readId(c)[1]
658:         oldTz = ENV['TZ']
659:         ENV['TZ'] = tz
660:         timeVal = TjTime.local(year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds)
661:         ENV['TZ'] = oldTz
662:         if timeVal.to_a[9] != tz
663:           raise, "Unknown time zone #{tz}"
664:         end
665:         return [ 'DATE', timeVal ]
666:       end
668:       utcDiff = readDigits
669:       utcHour = utcDiff[0, 2].to_i
670:       if utcHour < 0 || utcHour > 23
671:         raise, "Hour must be between 0 and 23"
672:       end
673:       utcMin = utcDiff[2, 2].to_i
674:       if utcMin < 0 || utcMin > 59
675:         raise, "Minutes must be between 0 and 59"
676:       end
678:       [ 'DATE',, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds) +
679:                 delta * ((utcHour * 3600) + utcMin * 60) ]
680:     end
readDigits() click to toggle source

Read only decimal digits and return the result als Fixnum.

     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 865
865:     def readDigits
866:       token = ""
867:       while ('0'..'9') === (c = nextChar)
868:         token << c
869:       end
870:       # Make sure that we have read at least one digit.
871:       if token == ""
872:         raise, "Digit (0 - 9) expected"
873:       end
874:       # Push back the non-digit that terminated the digits.
875:       returnChar(c)
876:       token
877:     end
readId(c) click to toggle source
     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 801
801:     def readId(c)
802:       token = ""
803:       token << c
804:       while (c = nextChar) &&
805:             (('a'..'z') === c || ('A'..'Z') === c || ('0'..'9')  === c ||
806:              c == '_')
807:         token << c
808:       end
809:       if c == ':'
810:         return [ 'ID_WITH_COLON', token ]
811:       elsif  c == '.'
812:         token << c
813:         loop do
814:           token += readIdentifier
815:           break if (c = nextChar) != '.'
816:           token += '.'
817:         end
818:         returnChar c
820:         return [ 'ABSOLUTE_ID', token ]
821:       else
822:         returnChar c
823:         return [ 'ID', token ]
824:       end
825:     end
readIdentifier(noDigit = true) click to toggle source
     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 879
879:     def readIdentifier(noDigit = true)
880:       token = ""
881:       while (c = nextChar) &&
882:             (('a'..'z') === c || ('A'..'Z') === c ||
883:              (!noDigit && (('0'..'9')  === c)) || c == '_')
884:         token << c
885:         noDigit = false
886:       end
887:       returnChar(c)
888:       if token == ""
889:         raise, "Identifier expected"
890:       end
891:       token
892:     end
readIndentedString() click to toggle source
     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 698
698:     def readIndentedString
699:       state = 0
700:       indent = ''
701:       token = ''
702:       while true
703:         case state
704:         when 0 # Determining indent
705:           # Skip trailing spaces and tabs.
706:           while (c = nextChar) == ' ' || c == "\t" do
707:             # empty on purpose
708:           end
709:           if c != "\n"
710:             error('junk_after_cut',
711:                   'The cut mark -8<- must be immediately followed by a ' +
712:                   'line break.')
713:           end
714:           while (c = nextChar) == ' ' || c == "\t"
715:             indent << c
716:           end
717:           @startOfToken =, lineNo, columnNo)
718:           returnChar(c)
719:           state = 1
720:         when 1 # reading '-' or first content line character
721:           if (c = nextChar) == '-'
722:             state = 3
723:           elsif c.nil?
724:             errorEOF(1, token)
725:           elsif c == "\n"
726:             token << c
727:             state = 6
728:           else
729:             token << c
730:             state = 2
731:           end
732:         when 2 # reading content line
733:           # The '->8-' is only valid if no other content preceded it on this
734:           # line.
735:           onlyBlanks = true
736:           while (c = nextChar) != "\n" && !(c == '-' && onlyBlanks)
737:             onlyBlanks = false if c != ' ' && c != "\t"
738:             errorEOF(2, token) if c.nil?
739:             token << c
740:           end
741:           if c == '-'
742:             # we may have found the start of '->8-'
743:             state = 3
744:           else
745:             token << c
746:             state = 6
747:           end
748:         when 3 # reading '>' of '->8-'
749:           if (c = nextChar) == '>'
750:             state = 4
751:           else
752:             errorEOF(3, token) if c.nil?
753:             token << '-'
754:             token << c
755:             state = 2
756:           end
757:         when 4 # reading '8' of '->8-'
758:           if (c = nextChar) == '8'
759:             state = 5
760:           else
761:             errorEOF(4, token) if c.nil?
762:             token << c
763:             state = 2
764:           end
765:         when 5 # reading '-' of '->8-'
766:           if (c = nextChar) == '-'
767:             return [ 'STRING', token ]
768:           else
769:             errorEOF(5, token) if c.nil?
770:             token << c
771:             state = 2
772:           end
773:         when 6 # reading indentation
774:           state = 1
775:           indent.each_utf8_char do |ci|
776:             if ci != (c = nextChar)
777:               if c == '-'
778:                 state = 3
779:                 break
780:               elsif c == "\n"
781:                 returnChar(c)
782:                 break
783:               else
784:                 warning('bad_indent',
785:                         "Not all lines of string have same indentation. " +
786:                         "The first line of the string determines the " +
787:                         "indentation for all subsequent lines of the same " +
788:                         "string.")
789:                 token << c
790:                 state = 2
791:                 break
792:               end
793:             end
794:           end
795:         else
796:           raise "State machine error"
797:         end
798:       end
799:     end
801:     def readId(c)
802:       token = ""
803:       token << c
804:       while (c = nextChar) &&
805:             (('a'..'z') === c || ('A'..'Z') === c || ('0'..'9')  === c ||
806:              c == '_')
807:         token << c
808:       end
809:       if c == ':'
810:         return [ 'ID_WITH_COLON', token ]
811:       elsif  c == '.'
812:         token << c
813:         loop do
814:           token += readIdentifier
815:           break if (c = nextChar) != '.'
816:           token += '.'
817:         end
818:         returnChar c
820:         return [ 'ABSOLUTE_ID', token ]
821:       else
822:         returnChar c
823:         return [ 'ID', token ]
824:       end
825:     end
827:     def readMacro
828:       # We can deal with ']' inside of the macro as long as each ']' is
829:       # preceeded by a corresponding '['.
830:       token = ''
831:       bracketLevel = 1
832:       while bracketLevel > 0
833:         case (c = nextCharI)
834:         when nil
835:           error('unterminated_macro', "Unterminated macro #{token}")
836:         when '['
837:           bracketLevel += 1
838:         when ']'
839:           bracketLevel -= 1
840:         end
841:         token << c unless bracketLevel == 0
842:       end
843:       return [ 'MACRO', token ]
844:     end
846:     # Read operators of logical expressions.
847:     def readOperator(c)
848:       case c
849:       when '='
850:         return [ 'LITERAL', '=' ]
851:       when '>'
852:         return [ 'LITERAL', '>=' ] if (c = nextChar) == '='
853:         returnChar(c)
854:         return [ 'LITERAL', '>' ]
855:       when '<'
856:         return [ 'LITERAL', '<=' ] if (c = nextChar) == '='
857:         returnChar(c)
858:         return [ 'LITERAL', '<' ]
859:       else
860:         raise "Unsupported operator #{c}"
861:       end
862:     end
864:     # Read only decimal digits and return the result als Fixnum.
865:     def readDigits
866:       token = ""
867:       while ('0'..'9') === (c = nextChar)
868:         token << c
869:       end
870:       # Make sure that we have read at least one digit.
871:       if token == ""
872:         raise, "Digit (0 - 9) expected"
873:       end
874:       # Push back the non-digit that terminated the digits.
875:       returnChar(c)
876:       token
877:     end
879:     def readIdentifier(noDigit = true)
880:       token = ""
881:       while (c = nextChar) &&
882:             (('a'..'z') === c || ('A'..'Z') === c ||
883:              (!noDigit && (('0'..'9')  === c)) || c == '_')
884:         token << c
885:         noDigit = false
886:       end
887:       returnChar(c)
888:       if token == ""
889:         raise, "Identifier expected"
890:       end
891:       token
892:     end
894:     def errorEOF(no, token)
895:       error("eof_in_istring#{no}",
896:             "Unexpected end of file in string '#{token[0,20]}...'" +
897:             "starting in line #{@startOfToken.lineNo}.")
898:     end
900:   end
readMacro() click to toggle source
     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 827
827:     def readMacro
828:       # We can deal with ']' inside of the macro as long as each ']' is
829:       # preceeded by a corresponding '['.
830:       token = ''
831:       bracketLevel = 1
832:       while bracketLevel > 0
833:         case (c = nextCharI)
834:         when nil
835:           error('unterminated_macro', "Unterminated macro #{token}")
836:         when '['
837:           bracketLevel += 1
838:         when ']'
839:           bracketLevel -= 1
840:         end
841:         token << c unless bracketLevel == 0
842:       end
843:       return [ 'MACRO', token ]
844:     end
readNumber(c) click to toggle source
     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 564
564:     def readNumber(c)
565:       token = ""
566:       token << c
567:       while ('0'..'9') === (c = nextChar)
568:         token << c
569:       end
570:       if c == '-'
571:         return readDate(token)
572:       elsif c == '.'
573:         frac = readDigits
575:         return [ 'FLOAT', token.to_f + frac.to_f / (10.0 ** frac.length) ]
576:       elsif c == ':'
577:         hours = token.to_i
578:         mins = readDigits.to_i
579:         if hours < 0 || hours > 24
580:           raise, "Hour must be between 0 and 23"
581:         end
582:         if mins < 0 || mins > 59
583:           raise, "Minutes must be between 0 and 59"
584:         end
585:         if hours == 24 && mins != 0
586:           raise, "Time may not be larger than 24:00"
587:         end
589:         # Return time as seconds of day since midnight.
590:         return [ 'TIME', hours * 60 * 60 + mins * 60 ]
591:       else
592:         returnChar(c)
593:       end
595:       [ 'INTEGER', token.to_i ]
596:     end
readOperator(c) click to toggle source

Read operators of logical expressions.

     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 847
847:     def readOperator(c)
848:       case c
849:       when '='
850:         return [ 'LITERAL', '=' ]
851:       when '>'
852:         return [ 'LITERAL', '>=' ] if (c = nextChar) == '='
853:         returnChar(c)
854:         return [ 'LITERAL', '>' ]
855:       when '<'
856:         return [ 'LITERAL', '<=' ] if (c = nextChar) == '='
857:         returnChar(c)
858:         return [ 'LITERAL', '<' ]
859:       else
860:         raise "Unsupported operator #{c}"
861:       end
862:     end
readString(terminator) click to toggle source
     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 682
682:     def readString(terminator)
683:       token = ""
684:       while (c = nextChar) && c != terminator
685:         if c == "\\"
686:           # Terminators can be used as regular characters when prefixed by a \.
687:           if (c = nextChar) && c != terminator
688:             # \ followed by non-terminator. Just add both.
689:             token << "\\"
690:           end
691:         end
692:         token << c
693:       end
695:       [ 'STRING', token ]
696:     end
returnChar(c) click to toggle source
     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 490
490:     def returnChar(c)
491:       return if @cf.nil?
493:       @cf.line.chop! if c
494:       @cf.charBuffer << c
495:       @cf.lineNo -= 1 if c == "\n" && @macroStack.empty?
496:     end
skipCPlusPlusComments() click to toggle source
     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 507
507:     def skipCPlusPlusComments
508:       if (c = nextChar) == '*'
509:         # /* */ style multi-line comment
510:         @ignoreMacros = true
511:         begin
512:           while (c = nextChar) != '*'
513:           end
514:         end until (c = nextChar) == '/'
515:         @ignoreMacros = false
516:       elsif c == '/'
517:         # // style single line comment
518:         skipComment
519:       else
520:         error('bad_comment', "'/' or '*' expected after start of comment")
521:       end
522:     end
skipComment() click to toggle source
     # File lib/TextScanner.rb, line 498
498:     def skipComment
499:       # Read all characters until line or file end is found
500:       @ignoreMacros = true
501:       while (c = nextChar) && c != "\n"
502:       end
503:       @ignoreMacros = false
504:       returnChar(c)
505:     end

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