require 'spec_helper' describe Ratis::Location do let(:conditions) { { :location => '1315 W. Straford Dr.', :media => 'W' } } describe '#where', vcr: {} do it 'only makes one request' do # false just to stop further processing of response Ratis::Request.should_receive(:get).once.and_call_original Ratis::Location.where(conditions.dup) end it 'requests the correct SOAP action with correct args' do Ratis::Request.should_receive(:get) do |action, options| action.should eq('Locate') options["Location"].should eq('1315 W. Straford Dr.') options["Maxanswers"].should eq(20) options["Media"].should eq('W') end.and_return(double('response', :success? => false)) Ratis::Location.where(conditions.dup) end it 'should return a collection of Ratis::Location(s)' do locations = Ratis::Location.where(conditions.dup) locations.each do |obj| expect(obj).to be_a(Ratis::Location) end end it 'parses out fields correctly' do locations = Ratis::Location.where(conditions.dup) first_location = locations.first expect( eql 'W STRAFORD DR' expect(first_location.area).to eql 'Chandler' expect(first_location.responsecode).to eql 'ok' expect(first_location.areacode).to eql 'CH' expect(first_location.latitude).to eql '33.353202' expect(first_location.longitude).to eql '-111.864902' expect(first_location.landmark_id).to eql '0' expect(first_location.address).to eql '1315' expect(first_location.startaddr).to be_nil expect(first_location.endaddr).to be_nil expect(first_location.address_string).to eql '1315 W STRAFORD DR (in Chandler)' end end describe '#to_a' do it 'returns lat, lon, name and landmark_id' do pending @first_location.to_a.should eql ['33.5811205', '-112.2989325', 'W PENNSYLVANIA AVE', '0'] end end describe '#to_hash', vcr: {} do it 'returns all params' do params = [:name, :area, :areacode, :region, :zipname, :latitude, :longitude, :address, :address_string, :landmark_id, :responsecode, :startaddr, :endaddr, :startlatitude, :startlongitude, :endlatitude, :endlongitude] locations = Ratis::Location.where(conditions.dup) expect(locations.first.to_hash.keys.to_set).to eql params.to_set end end describe '#address_string' do it "does something" do pending end end describe '#full_address' do it "does something" do pending end end end