module Negroku::Bootstrap extend self def install data = {} data[:application_name] = ask_name data[:repo_url] = select_repo custom_capify data end private # This code was exatracted from capistrano to be used with our own templates # def custom_capify(data={}) # defaults data[:server_url] = "" data[:branch] = "master" FileUtils.mkdir_p AppDirectory.deploy deploy_rb = AppDirectory.config.join('deploy.rb') capfile = AppDirectory.root.join('Capfile') build_template("negroku/deploy.rb.erb", deploy_rb, binding) build_template('negroku/Capfile.erb', capfile, binding) FileUtils.mkdir_p AppDirectory.tasks puts I18n.t :capified, scope: :negroku end # Ask the application name def ask_name question = I18n.t :application_name, scope: :negroku Ask.input question, default: File.basename(Dir.getwd) end # Get git remotes from current git and ask to select one def select_repo remote_urls = %x(git remote -v 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $2}' | uniq).split("\n") remote_urls << (I18n.t :other, scope: :negroku) question = I18n.t :choose_repo_url, scope: :negroku selected_idx = Ask.list question, remote_urls if selected_idx == remote_urls.length - 1 question = I18n.t :type_repo_url, scope: :negroku Ask.input question else remote_urls[selected_idx] end end end