require "action_view" include Rails::Generators::Migration module Adminpanel module Generators class ResourceGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.expand_path("../templates", __FILE__) argument :resource_name, :type => :string, :required => true argument :fields, :type => :array, :default => "name:string" desc "Generate the resource files necessary to use a model" def self.next_migration_number(path)"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") end def create_model template 'resource.rb', "app/models/adminpanel/#{lower_name}.rb" end def create_controller if is_a_resource? template "controller.rb", "app/controllers/adminpanel/#{pluralized_name}_controller.rb" end end def create_migrations migration_template "migration.rb", "db/migrate/create_#{pluralized_name}_table" end private def is_a_resource? fields.each do |attribute| assign_attributes_variables(attribute) if @attr_type != "belongs_to" return true end end false end def lower_name resource_name.singularize.downcase end def capitalized_resource lower_name.capitalize end def pluralized_name "#{lower_name.pluralize}" end def belongs_to_field(resource) "#{resource.singularize.downcase}_id" end def has_many_field(resource) "#{resource.singularize.downcase}_ids" end def resource_class_name(resource) "#{resource.singularize.capitalize}" end def models_in_parameter(field) models = [] field.split(",").each do |member| models << member.downcase.pluralize end models end def assign_attributes_variables(attribute) if attribute.split(":").second.nil? @attr_field = attribute @attr_type = "string" else @attr_field = attribute.split(":").first @attr_type = attribute.split(":").second end end def symbolized_attributes attr_string = "" fields.each do |attribute| assign_attributes_variables(attribute) if @attr_type == "images" attr_string = attr_string + ":images_attributes, " elsif @attr_type == "belongs_to" attr_string = "#{attr_string}:#{belongs_to_field(@attr_field)}, " elsif @attr_type == "has_many" || @attr_type == "has_many_through" if @attr_field.split(",").second == nil attr_string = "#{attr_string}:#{has_many_field(@attr_field)}, " else model_name = models_in_parameter(@attr_field).first attr_string = "#{attr_string}:#{has_many_field(model_name)}, " end else attr_string = attr_string + ":#{@attr_field}, " end end 2.times do attr_string.chop! #to remove the last white space and the last "," end attr_string end def adminpanel_form_attributes form_hash = "" fields.each do |attribute| assign_attributes_variables(attribute) if @attr_type == "string" || @attr_type == "float" form_hash = form_hash + "\n\t\t\t\t{\"#{@attr_field}\" => {\"type\" => \"text_field\", \"name\" => \"#{@attr_field}\", \"label\" => \"#{@attr_field}\", \"placeholder\" => \"#{@attr_field}\"}}," elsif @attr_type == "text" || @attr_type == "wysiwyg" form_hash = form_hash + "\n\t\t\t\t{\"#{@attr_field}\" => {\"type\" => \"wysiwyg_field\", \"name\" => \"#{@attr_field}\", \"label\" => \"#{@attr_field}\", \"placeholder\" => \"#{@attr_field}\"}}," elsif @attr_type == "integer" form_hash = form_hash + "\n\t\t\t\t{\"#{@attr_field}\" => {\"type\" => \"number_field\", \"name\" => \"#{@attr_field}\", \"label\" => \"#{@attr_field}\", \"placeholder\" => \"#{@attr_field}\"}}," elsif @attr_type == "datepicker" form_hash = form_hash + "\n\t\t\t\t{\"#{@attr_field}\" => {\"type\" => \"datepicker\", \"name\" => \"#{@attr_field}\", \"label\" => \"#{@attr_field}\", \"placeholder\" => \"#{@attr_field}\"}}," elsif @attr_type == "images" form_hash = form_hash + "\n\t\t\t\t{\"#{@attr_field}\" => {\"type\" => \"adminpanel_file_field\", \"name\" => \"#{@attr_field}\"}}," elsif @attr_type == "belongs_to" form_hash = form_hash + "\n\t\t\t\t{\"#{belongs_to_field(@attr_field)}\" => {\"@attr_type\" => \"belongs_to\", \"model\" => \"Adminpanel\:\:#{resource_class_name(@attr_field)}\", \"name\" => \"#{belongs_to_field(@attr_field)}\"}}," elsif @attr_type == "has_many" || @attr_type == "has_many_through" if models_in_parameter(@attr_field).second.nil? through_model = @attr_field else through_model = models_in_parameter(@attr_field).first end through_model = resource_class_name(through_model) form_hash = form_hash + "\n\t\t\t\t{\"#{has_many_field(through_model)}\" => {\"type\" => \"has_many\", \"model\" => \"Adminpanel\:\:#{through_model}\", \"name\" => \"#{has_many_field(through_model)}\"}}," end end form_hash end def migration_string(field, type) if type == "datepicker" "t.string :#{field}" elsif type == "wysiwyg" "t.text :#{field}" elsif type == "belongs_to" "t.integer :#{belongs_to_field(field)}" elsif type == "images" || type == "has_many" || type == "has_many_through" ""# no need for an association here. else "t.#{type} :#{field}" end end def has_associations? fields.each do |attribute| assign_attributes_variables(attribute) if @attr_type == "images" || @attr_type == "belongs_to" || @attr_type == "has_many" || @attr_type == "has_many_through" return true end end return false end def associations association = "" fields.each do |attribute| assign_attributes_variables(attribute) if @attr_type == "belongs_to" association = "#{association}#{belongs_to_association(@attr_field)}" elsif @attr_type == "images" association = "#{association}#{image_association}" elsif @attr_type == "has_many" || @attr_type == "has_many_through" association = "#{association}#{has_many_association(@attr_field)}" end end association end def belongs_to_association(field) "belongs_to :#{field.singularize.downcase}\n\t\t" end def has_many_association(field) if models_in_parameter(field).second.nil? return "has_many :#{models_in_parameter(field).first}\n\t\t" + "has_many :#{models_in_parameter(field).first}, " + ":through => :#{models_in_parameter(field).first}ation, " + ":dependent => :destroy\n\t\t" else return "has_many :#{models_in_parameter(field).second}\n\t\t" + "has_many :#{models_in_parameter(field).first}, " + ":through => :#{models_in_parameter(field).second}, " + ":dependent => :destroy\n\t\t" end end def image_association return "has_many :images, :foreign_key => \"foreign_key\", " + ":conditions => { :model => \"#{lower_name}\" } \n\t\t" + "accepts_nested_attributes_for :images, :allow_destroy => true\n\t\t" + "#remember to change the association if you change this model display_name\n\t\t" end end end end