module Voltron module Upload module Base extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods def mount_uploader(*args) super *args column = args.first.to_sym attr_accessor "cache_#{column}" before_validation do uploader = self.class.uploaders[column] # Catches instances where a user submitted the form without actually uploading anything send(column).retrieve_from_store!(self.attributes[column.to_s]) if !send(column).present? && self.attributes[column.to_s].present? begin cache_id = send("cache_#{column}") send(column).retrieve_from_cache!(cache_id) if cache_id.present? rescue ::CarrierWave::InvalidParameter => e # Invalid cache id, we don't need to do anything but skip it end end end def mount_uploaders(*args) super *args column = args.first.to_sym attr_accessor "cache_#{column}" before_validation do uploader = self.class.uploaders[column] cache_ids = (send("cache_#{column}") rescue []) || [] # Store the existing files files = send(column) cache_ids.each do |cache_id| begin # Retrieve files from the cache and add them to the list of files file =, column) file.retrieve_from_cache!(cache_id) files << file rescue ::CarrierWave::InvalidParameter => e # Invalid cache id, we don't need to do anything but skip it end end # Set the files send("#{column}=", files) end # Only required for multiple uploads. Since Carrierwave does not have any way to remove individual files # we must identify each file to be removed individually, remove it from the array of existing files, # then reset the value of our mounted files after_validation do # Only attempt to remove files if there are no validation errors if errors.empty? # Merge any new uploads with the pre-existing uploads (so we can "add" new files, instead of overwriting) uploads = Array.wrap(send(column)) # Get the ids of uploads we want to remove removals = Array.wrap(send("remove_#{column}")) removals.each do |removal| uploads.reject! { |upload| == removal } end # Initially ensure carrierwave DOESN'T think we want to remove ALL files, we're just going to change the files (i.e. - remove some, not all) send("remove_#{column}=", false) # Ensure that nil is assigned as the value if we indeed have no more files send("remove_#{column}!") if uploads.empty? assign_attributes(column => uploads) end end end end end end end