# CHANGELOG ## master * Changed Service to class. Exposed api methods to use instead of overwrite methods. * Fixed some bugs. * Improved Delegator, Interactor, Organizer. ## v1.3.0 * Deprecated Accessor in favor of Delegator. * Created Delegator. * Created Interactor and Organizer. ## v1.2.0 * Added ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.2, 1.9.3, 2.0.0, 2.1.1, ree and jruby official support(Travis build). * Added rails 3.1, 3.2, 4.0, 4.1 support(Travis build). * Added support for Jquery Pjax on Responder ## v1.1.1 * Fixed Service instance variable name conflict with Devise. ## v1.1.0 * Improved Controller and Service code and behavior. ## v1.0.0 * Improved Controller by letting Service choose which params to work instead of pass as arguments. * Fixed Service instance variable name conflict with Rails one. * Improved Accessor logic. * Allowing full customization of Responder initialization params from Service. * Created Responder to force redirects and flash messages. ## v0.6.1 * Fixed params working on Controller to work depending on each case. ## v0.6.0 * Added support for nested resource on Service. ## v0.5.6 * Fixed Controller `#interface_class` when name is pluralized. ## v0.5.5 * Fixed Accessor `#interface_name` and `#interface_class` bugs on namespaced interfaces. ## v0.5.4 * Fixed Accessor `#interface_name` and `#interface_class` when interface is namespaced. ## v0.5.3 * Fixed Service `#interface_name` and `#interface_class` when interface is namespaced. ## v0.5.2 * Specified Rails minimum version. ## v0.5.1 * Fixed path definition on Controller. ## v0.5.0 * Added possibility to define path to redirect on Controller. ## v0.4.0 * Added possibility to define object passed to Responder. ## v0.3.1 * Fixed `.find` method from Accessor. ## v0.3.0 * Created Accessor to encapsulate logic over interfaces. ## v0.2.0 * Improved Service to find Interface from Namespace Controller. ## v0.1.3 * Fixed Controller Initialization by executing superclass initialization. ## v0.1.2 * Fixed `#interface_name` method from Service. ## v0.1.1 * Fixed `#modify` and `#delete` methods from Service. ## v0.1.0 * Created Controller and Service to improve default Rails Controller.