= NuoDB/JRuby Interface {Build Status}[http://travis-ci.org/nuodb/jruby-jdbc-nuodb] {Dependency Status}[https://gemnasium.com/nuodb/jruby-jdbc-nuodb] {}[https://codeclimate.com/github/nuodb/jruby-jdbc-nuodb] == DESCRIPTION This is the official JRuby Gem for NuoDB. It is implemented as a JDBC driver. It is a native Java driver that converts JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) calls into the network protocol used by the NuoDB database. == Usage To make the driver accessible to JDBC and ActiveRecord code running in JRuby : require 'jdbc/nuodb' Jdbc::NuoDB.load_driver == ENVIRONMENT SETUP === MAC To set up JRuby on Mac, you may optimally install RVM and use that to install JRuby, or you may also install it from the package installer available online which requires additional environment setup. For Mac, run the package installer available at: http://jruby.org.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/1.7.2/JRuby-1.7.2.dmg Then update your path so that the Gem from JRuby is first on your path ahead of the system installed ruby: export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/JRuby.framework/Versions/Current/bin:$PATH == BUILDING THE GEM To compile and test run this command: rake clean build spec == INSTALLING THE GEM gem install jdbc-nuodb-1.0.0.gem Or from the source tree: gem install pkg/jdbc-nuodb-1.0.0.gem == TESTING THE GEM Start up a minimal chorus as follows: export NUODB_ROOT=/path/to/nuodb/install/directory java -jar ${NUODB_ROOT}/jar/nuoagent.jar --broker & ${NUODB_ROOT}/bin/nuodb --chorus test --password bar --dba-user dba --dba-password baz --verbose debug --archive /var/tmp/nuodb --initialize --force & ${NUODB_ROOT}/bin/nuodb --chorus test --password bar --dba-user dba --dba-password baz & Create a user in the database: ${NUODB_ROOT}/bin/nuosql test@localhost --user dba --password baz > create user cloud password 'user'; > exit Run the tests: rake spec == PUBLISHING THE GEM === TAGGING Tag the product using tags per the SemVer specification; our tags have a v-prefix: git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "SemVer Version: v1.0.0" If you make a mistake, take it back quickly: git tag -d v1.0.0 git push origin :refs/tags/v1.0.0 ===PUBLISHING Here are the commands used to publish: gem push pkg/jdbc-nuodb-1.0.0.gem == INSPECTING THE GEM It is often useful to inspect the contents of a Gem before distribution. To do this you dump the contents of a gem thus: gem unpack pkg/jdbc-nuodb-1.0.0.gem == REFERENCES