require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper' class Muck::ActivitiesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase tests Muck::ActivitiesController context "activities controller" do setup do activate_authlogic @user = Factory(:user) login_as @user end context "on GET to index" do setup do @activity = Factory(:activity, :template => 'status_update') @user.activities << @activity end context 'on GET to index (js)' do setup do get :index, :parent_type => @user.type, :parent_id => @user, :format => 'js', :latest_activity_id => @activity.to_param end should_respond_with :success end context 'on GET to index (js) no latest activity id' do setup do get :index, :parent_type => @user.type, :parent_id => @user, :format => 'js', :latest_activity_id => nil end should_respond_with :success end end context 'fail on POST to create (json)' do setup do post :create, :activity => { :content => 'test activity' }, :parent_type => @user.type, :parent_id => @user, :format => 'json' end should_respond_with :success should_not_set_the_flash should "return create json errors" do json = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body).symbolize_keys! assert !json[:success] assert_equal json[:message], I18n.t("muck.activities.create_error", :error => assigns(:activity).errors.full_messages.to_sentence) end end context 'on POST to create (json)' do setup do @activity_content = 'test content for my new activity' post :create, :activity => { :content => @activity_content, :template => 'status_update' }, :parent_type => @user.type, :parent_id => @user, :format => 'json' end should_respond_with :success should_not_set_the_flash should "return valid create json" do json = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body).symbolize_keys! assert json[:success] assert !json[:is_status_update] assert json[:html].include?(@activity_content) assert_equal json[:message], I18n.t("muck.activities.created") end end context 'on POST to create (js)' do setup do post :create, :activity => { :content => 'test activity' }, :parent_type => @user.type, :parent_id => @user, :format => 'js' end should_respond_with :success should_not_set_the_flash end context 'on POST to create' do setup do post :create, :activity => { :content => 'test activity' }, :parent_type => @user.type, :parent_id => @user end should_redirect_to('show user page (user dashboard)') { @user } end context 'on DELETE to destroy' do setup do @activity = Factory(:activity, :source => @user) delete :destroy, :id => end should_respond_with :redirect should_set_the_flash_to(I18n.t("muck.activities.item_removed")) end context 'on DELETE to destroy (js)' do setup do @activity = Factory(:activity, :source => @user, :is_status_update => false) delete :destroy, :id =>, :format => 'js' end should_respond_with :success should_not_set_the_flash end context 'on DELETE to destroy, status update (js)' do setup do @activity = Factory(:activity, :source => @user, :is_status_update => true) delete :destroy, :id =>, :format => 'js' end should_respond_with :success should_not_set_the_flash end context 'on DELETE to destroy (json)' do setup do @activity = Factory(:activity, :source => @user, :is_status_update => false) delete :destroy, :id =>, :format => 'json' end should_respond_with :success should_not_set_the_flash should "return valid delete json" do json = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body).symbolize_keys! assert json[:success] assert !json[:is_status_update] assert json[:html].blank? assert_equal json[:message], I18n.t("muck.activities.item_removed") end end context 'on DELETE to destroy, status update (json)' do setup do @activity = Factory(:activity, :source => @user, :is_status_update => true) delete :destroy, :id =>, :format => 'json' end should_respond_with :success should_not_set_the_flash should "return valid delete json" do json = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body).symbolize_keys! assert json[:success] assert json[:is_status_update] assert json[:html].length > 0 assert_equal json[:message], I18n.t("muck.activities.item_removed") end end end end