require_relative '../../base' require_relative 'link' module CCS::Components module CCS class Header < Base # = CCS Header navigation # # The header navigation section # # @!attribute [r] primary_links # @return [Array] An array of the initialised primary navigation links # @!attribute [r] secondary_links # @return [Array] An array of the initialised secondary navigation links # @!attribute [r] navigation_label # @return [String] The aria label for the navigation # @!attribute [r] navigation_classes # @return [String] The classes for the navigation # @!attribute [r] menu_button # @return [Hash] The options for the menu button class Navigation include ActionView::Context include ActionView::Helpers private attr_reader :primary_links, :secondary_links, :navigation_label, :navigation_classes, :menu_button public # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # @param navigation [Hash] options for the navigation # @param menu_button [Hash] options for the menu button # @param context [ActionView::Base] the view context # # @option navigation [Array] :primary_items an array of primary links for the navigation section. # See {Components::CCS::Header::Link#initialize Link#initialize} for details of the items in the array. # @option navigation [Array] :secondary_items an array of secondary links for the navigation section. # See {Components::CCS::Header::Link#initialize Link#initialize} for details of the items in the array. # @option navigation [String] :classes additional CSS classes for the navigation HTML # @option navigation [String] :label text for the aria-label attribute of the navigation. Defaults to the menu button text # # @option menu_button [String] :text text for the button that opens the mobile navigation menu. # By default, this is set to +Menu+. # @option menu_button [String] :label text for the aria-label attribute of the button that opens the mobile navigation. # Defaults to +Show or hide menu+. def initialize(navigation:, serivce_name_present:, context:, menu_button: nil) menu_button ||= {} menu_button[:text] ||= 'Menu' menu_button[:label] ||= 'Show or hide menu' @menu_button = menu_button @primary_links = navigation[:primary_items]&.map { |navigation_link| LI_CLASS, context: context, **navigation_link) } @secondary_links = navigation[:secondary_items]&.map { |navigation_link| LI_CLASS, context: context, **navigation_link) } @navigation_label = navigation[:label] || menu_button[:text] @navigation_classes = "ccs-header__navigation #{navigation[:classes]}".rstrip @navigation_classes << ' ccs-header__navigation--no-service-name' unless serivce_name_present end # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize # Generates the HTML for the GOV.UK Navigation # # @return [ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer] def render tag.nav(aria: { label: navigation_label }, class: navigation_classes) do concat(button_tag(menu_button[:text], type: :button, class: 'ccs-header__menu-button ccs-js-header-toggle', aria: { controls: 'navigation', label: menu_button[:label] }, hidden: true)) concat(tag.div(id: 'navigation', class: 'ccs-header__navigation-lists') do if secondary_links concat(tag.ul(id: 'navigation-secondary', class: "ccs-header__navigation-secondary-list #{'ccs-header__navigation--no-second-list' unless primary_links}".rstrip) do secondary_links.each { |secondary_link| concat(secondary_link.render) } end) end if primary_links concat(tag.ul(id: 'navigation-primary', class: "ccs-header__navigation-primary-list #{'ccs-header__navigation--no-second-list' unless secondary_links}".rstrip) do primary_links.each { |primary_link| concat(primary_link.render) } end) end end) end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # The li class for the navigation links LI_CLASS = 'ccs-header__navigation-item'.freeze end end end end