require 'helper' class TestUsers < Test::Unit::TestCase context "When using the foursquare API and working with users" do setup do @client = foursquare_test_client end should "fetch info for a single user" do stub_get("{@client.oauth_token}", "user.json") user = @client.user('self') user.firstName.should == 'Matt' user.checkins['count'].should == 669 end should "fetch results when searching for users" do stub_get("{@client.oauth_token}&twitter=matt_mueller", "search_users.json") users = @client.search_users(:twitter => 'matt_mueller') users.results.count.should == 1 users.results.first.lastName.should == 'Mueller' end should "fetch tips" do stub_get("{@client.oauth_token}", "user_tips.json") tips = @client.user_tips('self') tips.items.first.text.should == "Encontrei mesas e chao sujos." tips.items.size.should == 12 end should "fetch tips and filter with term #{QUERY}" do stub_get("{@client.oauth_token}&query=#{QUERY}", "user_tips.json") tips = @client.user_tips('self', {:query => QUERY}) tips.items.size.should == 1 end should "fetch lists for a single user" do stub_get("{@client.oauth_token}", "user_lists.json") lists = @client.user_lists('self') lists.items.size.should == 21 end #TODO refactoring all call to method stub_get should "list only user with tip #{QUERY}" do stub_get("{@client.oauth_token}&ll=77.7%2C-77.7&query=#{QUERY}&limit=500", "search_tips.json") users = @client.search_users_by_tip({:name => 'developer', :ll =>'77.7,-77.7', :query => QUERY}) == "2227298" users.size.should == 1 end should "find by name not case sensitive" do stub_get("{@client.oauth_token}&ll=77.7%2C-77.7&query=#{QUERY}&limit=500", "search_tips.json") users = @client.search_users_by_tip({:name => 'Developer', :ll =>'77.7,-77.7', :query => QUERY}) == "2227298" users.size.should == 1 end should "haven't user with name anonymous with tip #{QUERY}" do stub_get("{@client.oauth_token}&ll=77.7%2C-77.7&query=#{QUERY}&limit=500", "search_tips.json") users = @client.search_users_by_tip({:name => 'anonymous', :ll =>'77.7,-77.7', :query => QUERY}) users.size.should == 0 end should "find a users mayorships" do stub_get("{@client.oauth_token}", "user_mayorships.json") mayorships = @client.user_mayorships('self') mayorships.items.size.should == 2 end end end