motion_require './table/refresh_mixin' motion_require './table/table_delegate' module MotionPrime class TableSection < AbstractCollectionSection include TableSectionRefreshMixin include HasSearchBar class_attribute :group_header_options, :pull_to_refresh_block, :pull_to_refresh_options attr_accessor :group_header_sections, :group_header_options after_render :init_pull_to_refresh delegate :init_pull_to_refresh, to: :collection_delegate # Add cells to table view and reload table view. # # @param cell sections [Prime::Section, Array] cells which will be added to table view. # @return [Boolean] true def add_cell_sections(sections, index = nil) prepare_collection_cell_sections(sections) @data ||= [] index ||= @data.count @data.insert([index, @data.count].min, *sections) reload_collection_data end # Delete cells from table data and remove them from table view with animation. # # @param cell sections [Prime::Section, Array] cells which will be removed from table view. # @return [Array] index paths of removed cells. def delete_cell_sections(sections, &block) paths = [] Array.wrap(sections).each do |section| index = index_for_cell_section(section) next Prime.logger.debug("Delete cell section: `#{}` is not in the list") unless index paths << index delete_from_data(index) end if paths.any? UIView.animate(duration: 0, after: block) do collection_view.beginUpdates collection_view.deleteRowsAtIndexPaths(paths, withRowAnimation: UITableViewRowAnimationLeft) collection_view.endUpdates end end paths end # Reloads cells with animation, executes given block before reloading. # # @param cell sections [Prime::Section, Array] cells which will be updated. # @param around callback [Proc] Callback which will be executed before reloading. # @return [Array] index paths of reloaded cells. def reload_cell_sections(sections, &block) paths = [] Array.wrap(sections).each_with_index do |section, counter| index = index_for_cell_section(section) next Prime.logger.debug("Reload section: `#{}` is not in the list") unless index paths << index, index, counter) deque_cell(section, at: index) # deque cached section.reload end self.performSelectorOnMainThread(:reload_cells, withObject: paths, waitUntilDone: false) paths end # Forces TableView to reload Rows by index paths # # @param [Array] index paths of cells to reload. def reload_cells(*paths) collection_view.reloadRowsAtIndexPaths(Array.wrap(paths), withRowAnimation: UITableViewRowAnimationFade) collection_view.reloadData # do not use reload_collection_data (due to async_form_mixin) end # Changes height of cells with animation. # # @param cell sections [Prime::Section, Array] cells which will be updated. # @param height [Integer, Array] new height of all cells, or height for each cell. # @return [Array] index paths of removed cells. def resize_cell_sections(sections, height) reload_cell_sections(sections) do |section, index, counter| container_height = height.is_a?(Array) ? height[counter] : height section.container_options[:height] = container_height end end # Delete section from data at index # # @param index [NSIndexPath] index of cell which will be removed from table data. def delete_from_data(index) if flat_data? delete_from_flat_data(index) else delete_from_grouped_data(index) end end # Get index path for cell section # # @param section [Prime::Section] cell section. # @return index [NSIndexPath] index of cell section. def index_for_cell_section(section) if flat_data? row = @data.try(:index, section) NSIndexPath.indexPathForRow(row, inSection: 0) if row else (@data || []).each_with_index do |cell_sections, group| row = cell_sections.index(section) return NSIndexPath.indexPathForRow(row, inSection: group) if row end end end def collection_styles_base base_styles = [:base_table] base_styles << :"#{type}_with_sections" unless flat_data? base_styles end def collection_delegate @collection_delegate ||= self) end def table_element_options collection_element_options.merge({ style: (UITableViewStyleGrouped unless flat_data?) }) end def render_collection self.collection_element = screen.table_view(table_element_options) end def render_cell(index) section = cell_section_by_index(index) element = section.container_element || section.init_container_element(container_element_options_for(index)) view = element.render do section.render end on_cell_render(view, index) view end def render_header(group) return unless options = self.group_header_options.try(:[], group) self.group_header_sections[group] ||= screen, collection_section: self.weak_ref)) end def header_section_for_group(group) self.group_header_sections ||= [] self.group_header_sections[group] || render_header(group) end def has_many_sections? group_header_options.present? || data.try(:first).is_a?(Array) end def flat_data? !has_many_sections? end def cell_sections_for_group(section) flat_data? ? data : data[section] end # Table View Delegate # --------------------- def number_of_groups has_many_sections? ? data.count : 1 end def header_cell_in_group(group) return unless header = header_section_for_group(group) reuse_identifier = "header_#{group}_#{@header_stamp}" cached = collection_view.dequeueReusableHeaderFooterViewWithIdentifier(reuse_identifier) return cached if cached.present? styles = cell_section_styles(header).values.flatten wrapper = MotionPrime::BaseElement.factory(:table_header, screen: screen, styles: styles, parent_view: collection_view, reuse_identifier: reuse_identifier, section: header.weak_ref ) wrapper.render do |container_view, container_element| header.container_element = container_element header.render end end def height_for_header_in_group(group) header_section_for_group(group).try(:container_height) || 0 end private def delete_from_flat_data(index) @data[index.row] = nil @data.delete_at(index.row) end def delete_from_grouped_data(index) @data[index.section][index.row] = nil @data[index.section].delete_at(index.row) end def cached_cell(index) collection_view.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier(cell_name(index)) || begin section = cell_section_by_index(index) section.create_elements cell = section.try(:cell) if cell.try(:superview) Prime.logger.error "cell already exists: #{}: #{cell}" nil end end end def deque_cell(section, at: index) collection_view.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier(cell_name(index)) section.cell.try(:removeFromSuperview) set_data_stamp(section.object_id) end def set_header_stamp @header_stamp = end def reset_data_stamps super set_header_stamp end class << self def inherited(subclass) super subclass.group_header_options = self.group_header_options.try(:clone) end def async_collection_data(options = {}) self.send :include, Prime::AsyncTableMixin self.set_async_data_options options end def group_header(name, options) options[:name] = name self.group_header_options ||= [] section = options.delete(:id) self.group_header_options[section] = options end def pull_to_refresh(options = {}, &block) self.pull_to_refresh_options = options self.pull_to_refresh_block = block end end end end