module Kaya module Suites def self.cucumber_yml $K_LOG.debug "Getting cucumber.yml content" if $K_LOG begin # Try to open cucumber.yml file from root folder content = YAML.load_file("#{Dir.pwd}/cucumber.yml") rescue # Could not find the file # Try to open from /config/ $K_LOG.warn "cucumber.yml file not found" if $K_LOG begin content = YAML.load_file("#{Dir.pwd}/config/cucumber.yml") rescue # Could not find the file $K_LOG.warn "cucumber.yml file not found" if $K_LOG content ={} end end begin unless content.empty? do |suite_name, command| command.include? "runnable=true" do |suite_name, command| command.gsub!(' runnable=true','').gsub!(', ',',') suite_info = command.scan(/info\=\[(.*)\]/).flatten.first suite_info.gsub('
','\n') if suite_info.respond_to? :gsub command.gsub!(/info\=\[(.*)\]/,"") custom_params = command.scan(/custom\=\[(.*)\]/).flatten.first custom = command.gsub!(/custom\=\[(.*)\]/,"") $K_LOG.debug "{suite_name => #{suite_name}, command => #{command}, custom => #{custom.params}, info => #{suite_info}}" if $K_LOG {"suite_name" => suite_name, "command" => command, "custom" => custom.params, "info" => suite_info} end else [] end rescue => e $K_LOG.error "Suites: #{e}#{e.backtrace}" if $K_LOG [] end end def self.update_suites # if Kaya::Support::Configuration.use_git? # if Kaya::Database::MongoConnector.last_commit != (last_repo_commit = Kaya::Support::Git.last_commit) # Kaya::Support::Git.reset_hard_and_pull # self.update! # Kaya::Database::MongoConnector.insert_commit(last_repo_commit) # else # $K_LOG.debug "No git changes!" # end # else # self.update! # end self.update! if Kaya::Support::ChangeInspector.is_there_a_change? end def self.update! $K_LOG.debug "Updating suites" if $K_LOG existing_suites_ids = self.suite_ids self.cucumber_yml.each do |suite_data| # If is there a suite for the given name suite_id will be setted # and the id will be deleted from existing_suites_ids existing_suites_ids.delete(suite_id = is_there_suite_with?(suite_data["suite_name"])) if suite_id # Update suite = Kaya::Suites::Suite.get(suite_id) suite_data["suite_name"] else suite = Kaya::Suites::Suite.new_suite(suite_data["suite_name"]) end suite.command= suite_data["command"] suite.custom = suite_data["custom"] suite_data["info"] suite.activate! if suite_id $K_LOG.debug "[#{}:#{}] Suite Updated" if $K_LOG! end unless existing_suites_ids.empty? existing_suites_ids.each do |suite_id| suite = Kaya::Suites::Suite.get(suite_id) suite.deactivate! end end end def self.is_there_suite_with? name self.suite_id_for name end # Returns a list of suites id # @param [Boolean] actives or not # @return [Array] a list of suite ids def self.suite_ids active=nil $K_LOG.debug "Suites:Getting all suites ids" if $K_LOG Kaya::Database::MongoConnector.suites(active).map do |suite_data| suite_data["_id"] end end # Returns the id for given suite name # @param [String] suite name # @return [Fixnum] suite id def self.suite_id_for(suite_name, active=nil) $K_LOG.debug "Suites:Getting suite id for #{suite_name}" if $K_LOG Kaya::Database::MongoConnector.suite_id_for(suite_name, active) end # Returns the ids for running suites # @return [Array] of suite ids def self.all_running_suites $K_LOG.debug "Suites: Getting all runnnig suites" if $K_LOG do |suite| suite["status"] == "RUNNING"{|suite| suite["_id"]} end def self.reset_statuses $K_LOG.debug "Resetting suites status" if $K_LOG self.all_running_suites.each do |suite_id| if suite = Kaya::Suites::Suite.get(suite_id) if result = Kaya::Results::Result.get(suite.last_result) result.update_values! # update_values! true means result got finished status end suite.set_ready! end end end end end