require "appsignal/probes/puma" describe Appsignal::Probes::PumaProbe do before(:context) do Appsignal.config = project_fixture_config end after(:context) do Appsignal.config = nil end let(:probe) { } describe "hostname" do it "returns the socket hostname" do expect(probe.send(:hostname)).to eql(Socket.gethostname) end context "with overridden hostname" do around do |sample| Appsignal.config[:hostname] = "frontend1" Appsignal.config[:hostname] = nil end it "returns the configured host" do expect(probe.send(:hostname)).to eql("frontend1") end end end describe "#call" do let(:expected_default_tags) { { :hostname => Socket.gethostname } } context "with multiple worker stats" do before(:context) do class Puma def self.stats { "workers" => 2, "booted_workers" => 2, "old_workers" => 0, "worker_status" => [ { "last_status" => { "backlog" => 0, "running" => 5, "pool_capacity" => 5, "max_threads" => 5 } }, { "last_status" => { "backlog" => 0, "running" => 5, "pool_capacity" => 5, "max_threads" => 5 } } ] }.to_json end end end after(:context) { Object.send(:remove_const, :Puma) } it "calls `puma_gauge` with the (summed) worker metrics" do expect_gauge(:workers, 2, :type => :count) expect_gauge(:workers, 2, :type => :booted) expect_gauge(:workers, 0, :type => :old) expect_gauge(:connection_backlog, 0) expect_gauge(:pool_capacity, 10) expect_gauge(:threads, 10, :type => :running) expect_gauge(:threads, 10, :type => :max) end end context "with single worker stats" do before(:context) do class Puma def self.stats { "backlog" => 0, "running" => 5, "pool_capacity" => 5, "max_threads" => 5 }.to_json end end end after(:context) { Object.send(:remove_const, :Puma) } it "calls `puma_gauge` with the (summed) worker metrics" do expect_gauge(:connection_backlog, 0) expect_gauge(:pool_capacity, 5) expect_gauge(:threads, 5, :type => :running) expect_gauge(:threads, 5, :type => :max) end end context "without stats" do before(:context) do class Puma def self.stats end end end after(:context) { Object.send(:remove_const, :Puma) } context "when it returns nil" do it "does not track metrics" do expect(probe).to_not receive(:puma_gauge) end end # Puma.stats raises a NoMethodError on a nil object on the first call. context "when it returns a NoMethodError on the first call" do let(:log) { } it "ignores the first call and tracks the second call" do use_logger_with log do expect(Puma).to receive(:stats) .and_raise("undefined method `stats' for nil:NilClass")) expect(Puma).to receive(:stats).and_return({ "backlog" => 1, "running" => 5, "pool_capacity" => 4, "max_threads" => 6 }.to_json) expect_gauge(:connection_backlog, 1) expect_gauge(:pool_capacity, 4) expect_gauge(:threads, 5, :type => :running) expect_gauge(:threads, 6, :type => :max) end expect(log_contents(log)).to_not contains_log(:error, "Error in minutely probe 'puma'") end end context "when it does not have a complete stats payload" do let(:log) { } it "tracks whatever metrics we do have" do use_logger_with log do expect(Puma).to receive(:stats).and_return({ "backlog" => 1, "running" => 5 }.to_json) expect_gauge(:connection_backlog, 1) expect_no_gauge(:pool_capacity) expect_gauge(:threads, 5, :type => :running) expect_no_gauge(:threads, :type => :max) end expect(log_contents(log)).to_not contains_log(:error, "Error in minutely probe 'puma'") end end end def expect_gauge(key, value, tags = {}) expect(Appsignal).to receive(:set_gauge) .with("puma_#{key}", value, expected_default_tags.merge(tags)) .and_call_original end def expect_no_gauge(key, tags = {}) expect(Appsignal).to_not receive(:set_gauge) .with("puma_#{key}", anything, tags) end end end