module Nanoc::Helpers
# Contains functionality for HTML-escaping strings.
module HTMLEscape
require 'nanoc/helpers/capturing'
include Nanoc::Helpers::Capturing
# Returns the HTML-escaped representation of the given string or the given
# block. Only `&`, `<`, `>` and `"` are escaped. When given a block, the
# contents of the block will be escaped and appended to the output buffer,
# `_erbout`.
# @example Escaping a string
# h('
# # => '<br>'
# @example Escaping with a block
# <% h do %>
Hello world!
# <% end %>
# # The buffer will now contain “<h1>Hello <em>world</em>!</h1>”
# @param [String] string The string to escape
# @return [String] The escaped string
def html_escape(string = nil, &block)
if block_given?
# Capture and escape block
data = capture(&block)
escaped_data = html_escape(data)
# Append filtered data to buffer
buffer = eval('_erbout', block.binding)
buffer << escaped_data
elsif string
.gsub('&', '&')
.gsub('<', '<')
.gsub('>', '>')
.gsub('"', '"')
raise 'The #html_escape or #h function needs either a ' \
'string or a block to HTML-escape, but neither a string nor a block was given'
alias h html_escape