module Olelo module Routing def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end attr_reader :params, :original_params, :response, :request, :env # Process rack request # # This method duplicates the object and calls {#call!} on it. # # @api public # @param [Hash] env Rack environment # @return [Array] Rack return value # @see def call(env)!(env) end # Process rack request # # @api public # @param [Hash] env Rack environment # @return [Array] Rack return value def call!(env) @env = env @request = @response = @params = @original_params = @request.params.with_indifferent_access @original_params.freeze catch(:forward) do perform! status, header, body = response.finish return [status, header, request.head? ? [] : body] end @app ? : error!( end # Halt routing with response # # Possible responses: # * String or Object with #each # * Symbol # * [Symbol, String or Object with #each] # # @param [Symbol, String, #each] *response # @return [void] # @api public def halt(*response) throw :halt, response.length == 1 ? response.first : response end # Redirect to uri # # @param uri Target uri # @return [void] # @api public def redirect(uri) throw :redirect, uri end # Pass to next matching route # # @return [void] # @api public def pass throw :pass end # Forward to next application on the rack stack # # @return [void] # @api public def forward throw :forward end private def error!(error) response.status = Rack::Utils.status_code(error.try(:status) || :internal_server_error) handle_error(error) end def perform! result = catch(:halt) do uri = catch(:redirect) do with_hooks(:routing) { route! } end response.redirect uri nil end case result when nil, false when String response.body = [result] when Fixnum, Symbol response.status = Rack::Utils.status_code(result) when Array if Symbol === result.first || Fixnum === result.first response.status = Rack::Utils.status_code(result.shift) response.body = result.pop response.headers.merge!(result.first) if result.first else response.body = result end else if result.respond_to?(:each) response.body = result else raise TypeError, "#{result.inspect} not supported" end end end def route! path = unescape(request.path_info) method = request.request_method self.class.router[method].find(path) do |name, params, function| @params = @original_params.merge(params) catch(:pass) do with_hooks(:action, method.downcase.to_sym, name) do halt function.bind(self).call end end end if self.class.router[method] raise NotFound, path rescue ::Exception => error halt error!(error) end class Router SYNTAX = { '\(' => '(?:', '\)' => ')?', '\{' => '(?:', '\}' => ')', '\|' => '|' }.freeze include Enumerable attr_reader :head, :tail def initialize @head, @tail = [], [] end def find(path) each do |name, pattern, keys, function| if match = pattern.match(path) params = {} {|k, v| params[k] = v if !v.blank? } yield(name, params, function) end end end def each(&block) @head.each(&block) @tail.each(&block) end def add(function, path, patterns = {}) tail = patterns.delete(:tail) pattern = Regexp.escape(path) SYNTAX.each_pair {|k,v| pattern.gsub!(k, v) } keys = [] pattern.gsub!(/:(\w+)/) do keys << $1 patterns.key?($1) ? "(#{patterns[$1]})" : "([^/?&#\.]+)" end pattern = /^#{pattern}$/ if i = @head.index {|x| x.first == path } @head[i] = [path, pattern, keys, function] elsif i = @tail.index {|x| x.first == path } @tail[i] = [path, pattern, keys, function] else (tail ? @tail : @head) << [path, pattern, keys, function] end end end module ClassMethods def router @router ||= {} end def patterns(patterns = nil) @patterns ||= Hash.with_indifferent_access patterns ? @patterns.merge!(patterns) : @patterns end def get(path, patterns = {}, &block) add_route('GET', path, patterns, &block) add_route('HEAD', path, patterns, &block) end def put(path, patterns = {}, &block) add_route('PUT', path, patterns, &block) end def post(path, patterns = {}, &block) add_route('POST', path, patterns, &block) end def delete(path, patterns = {}, &block) add_route('DELETE', path, patterns, &block) end private def add_route(method, path, patterns = {}, &block) name = "#{method} #{path}" if method_defined?(name) redefine_method(name, &block) else define_method(name, &block) end (router[method] ||=, path, self.patterns.merge(patterns)) end end end end