ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= "development" namespace :ultrasphinx do task :_environment => [:environment] do # We can't just chain :environment because we want to make # sure it's set only for known Sphinx tasks Ultrasphinx.with_rake = true end desc "Bootstrap a full Sphinx environment" task :bootstrap => [:_environment, :configure, :index, :"daemon:restart"] do end desc "Rebuild the configuration file for this particular environment." task :configure => [:_environment] do Ultrasphinx::Configure.run end desc "Reindex the database and send an update signal to the search daemon." task :index => [:_environment] do mkdir_p Ultrasphinx::INDEX_SETTINGS['path'] cmd = "indexer --config #{Ultrasphinx::CONF_PATH}" cmd << " #{ENV['OPTS']} " if ENV['OPTS'] cmd << " --rotate" if ultrasphinx_daemon_running? cmd << " #{Ultrasphinx::UNIFIED_INDEX_NAME}" say cmd system cmd end namespace :daemon do desc "Start the search daemon" task :start => [:_environment] do FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(Ultrasphinx::DAEMON_SETTINGS["log"]) rescue nil raise Ultrasphinx::DaemonError, "Already running" if ultrasphinx_daemon_running? system "searchd --config #{Ultrasphinx::CONF_PATH}" sleep(2) # give daemon a chance to write the pid file if ultrasphinx_daemon_running? say "started successfully" else say "failed to start" end end desc "Stop the search daemon" task :stop => [:_environment] do raise Ultrasphinx::DaemonError, "Doesn't seem to be running" unless ultrasphinx_daemon_running? system "kill #{pid = ultrasphinx_daemon_pid}" say "stopped #{pid}." end desc "Restart the search daemon" task :restart => [:_environment] do Rake::Task["ultrasphinx:daemon:stop"].invoke if ultrasphinx_daemon_running? sleep(3) Rake::Task["ultrasphinx:daemon:start"].invoke end desc "Check if the search daemon is running" task :status => [:_environment] do if ultrasphinx_daemon_running? say "daemon is running." else say "daemon is stopped." end end end namespace :spelling do desc "Rebuild the custom spelling dictionary. You may need to use 'sudo' if your Aspell folder is not writable by the app user." task :build => [:_environment] do ENV['OPTS'] = "--buildstops #{Ultrasphinx::STOPWORDS_PATH} #{Ultrasphinx::MAX_WORDS} --buildfreqs" Rake::Task["ultrasphinx:index"].invoke tmpfile = "/tmp/custom_words.txt" words = [] say "filtering" File.open(Ultrasphinx::STOPWORDS_PATH).each do |line| if line =~ /^([^\s\d_]{4,}) (\d+)/ # XXX should be configurable words << $1 if $2.to_i > 40 # ideally we would also skip words within X edit distance of a correction # by aspell-en, in order to not add typos to the dictionary end end say "writing #{words.size} words" File.open(tmpfile, 'w').write(words.join("\n")) say "loading into aspell" system("aspell --lang=en create master custom.rws < #{tmpfile}") end end end # task shortcuts namespace :us do task :start => ["ultrasphinx:daemon:start"] task :restart => ["ultrasphinx:daemon:restart"] task :stop => ["ultrasphinx:daemon:stop"] task :stat => ["ultrasphinx:daemon:status"] task :in => ["ultrasphinx:index"] task :spell => ["ultrasphinx:spelling:build"] task :conf => ["ultrasphinx:configure"] task :boot => ["ultrasphinx:bootstrap"] end # support methods def ultrasphinx_daemon_pid open(open(Ultrasphinx::BASE_PATH).readlines.map do |line| line[/^\s*pid_file\s*=\s*([^\s\#]*)/, 1] end.compact.first).readline.chomp rescue nil # XXX ridiculous end def ultrasphinx_daemon_running? if ultrasphinx_daemon_pid and `ps #{ultrasphinx_daemon_pid} | wc`.to_i > 1 true else # remove bogus lockfiles Dir[Ultrasphinx::INDEX_SETTINGS["path"] + "*spl"].each {|file| File.delete(file)} false end end def say msg Ultrasphinx.say msg end