# :stopdoc: # # A diagnostic context allows us to attach state information to every log # message. This is useful for applications that serve client requests - # information about the client can be included in the log messages for the # duration of the request processing. This allows you to identify related log # messages in concurrent system. # # The Mapped Diagnostic Context tracks state information in a collection of # key/value pairs. In this example we are creating a few threads that will log # quotes from famous people. Each thread has its own diagnostic context # containing the name of the famous person. # # Our PatternLayout is configured to attach the "first" and the "last" name of # our famous person to each log message. # require 'logging' # log the first and last names of the celebrity with each quote Logging.appenders.stdout( :layout => Logging.layouts.pattern(:pattern => '%X{first} %X{last}: %m\n') ) log = Logging.logger['User'] log.add_appenders 'stdout' log.level = :debug Logging.mdc['first'] = 'John' Logging.mdc['last'] = 'Doe' # in this first thread we will log some quotes by Alan Rickman t1 = Thread.new { Logging.mdc['first'] = 'Alan' Logging.mdc['last'] = 'Rickman' [ %q{I've never been able to plan my life. I just lurch from indecision to indecision.}, %q{If only life could be a little more tender and art a little more robust.}, %q{I do take my work seriously and the way to do that is not to take yourself too seriously.}, %q{I'm a quite serious actor who doesn't mind being ridiculously comic.} ].each { |quote| sleep rand log.info quote } } # in this second thread we will log some quotes by William Butler Yeats t2 = Thread.new { Logging.mdc['first'] = 'William' Logging.mdc['middle'] = 'Butler' Logging.mdc['last'] = 'Yeats' [ %q{Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.}, %q{The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.}, %q{Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.}, %q{Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.}, %q{People who lean on logic and philosophy and rational exposition end by starving the best part of the mind.} ].each { |quote| sleep rand log.info quote } } # and in this third thread we will log some quotes by Bono t3 = Thread.new { Logging.mdc.clear # otherwise we inherit the last name "Doe" Logging.mdc['first'] = 'Bono' [ %q{Music can change the world because it can change people.}, %q{The less you know, the more you believe.} ].each { |quote| sleep rand log.info quote } } t1.join t2.join t3.join log.info %q{and now we are done} # :startdoc: