require 'dogapi' require 'time' require 'test_base.rb' class TestComments < Test::Unit::TestCase include TestBase def test_comments dog =, @app_key) # Create a comment dog.comment('test comment') # Create a comment as a user. handle = "" status, comment_response = dog.comment('test comment with handle', :handle => handle) comment = comment_response["comment"] assert_equal "200", status, "Comment did not succeed, response: #{comment_response}" # Reply to a comment. status, reply_response = dog.comment('replying!', :related_event_id => comment["id"]) reply = reply_response["comment"] assert_equal "200", status, "Reply did not work, response: #{reply_response}" # HACK: issue #900 on dogweb. id types should be the same. assert_equal comment["id"].to_s, reply["related_event_id"] # Update a comment. dog.update_comment(reply["related_event_id"], :message => "Updating the comment") # Delete a comment. status, to_delete_response = dog.comment("im dead") to_delete = to_delete_response["comment"] dog.delete_comment(to_delete["id"]) end end