require 'spec_helper' describe VCR do def insert_cassette(name = :cassette_test) VCR.insert_cassette(name) end describe '.insert_cassette' do it 'creates a new cassette' do insert_cassette.should be_instance_of(VCR::Cassette) end it 'takes over as the #current_cassette' do orig_cassette = VCR.current_cassette new_cassette = insert_cassette new_cassette.should_not == orig_cassette VCR.current_cassette.should == new_cassette end it 'raises an error if the stack of inserted cassettes already contains a cassette with the same name' do insert_cassette(:foo) expect { insert_cassette(:foo) }.to raise_error(/There is already a cassette with the same name/) end end describe '.eject_cassette' do it 'ejects the current cassette' do cassette = insert_cassette cassette.should_receive(:eject) VCR.eject_cassette end it 'returns the ejected cassette' do cassette = insert_cassette VCR.eject_cassette.should == cassette end it 'returns the #current_cassette to the previous one' do cassette1, cassette2 = insert_cassette(:foo1), insert_cassette(:foo2) expect { VCR.eject_cassette }.to change(VCR, :current_cassette).from(cassette2).to(cassette1) end end describe '.use_cassette' do it 'inserts a new cassette' do new_cassette = VCR.should_receive(:insert_cassette).and_return(new_cassette) VCR.use_cassette(:cassette_test) { } end it 'yields' do yielded = false VCR.use_cassette(:cassette_test, &lambda { yielded = true }) yielded.should be_true end it 'yields the cassette instance if the block expects an argument' do VCR.use_cassette('name', :record => :new_episodes, &lambda do |cassette| cassette.should equal(VCR.current_cassette) end) end it 'yields the cassette instance if the block expects a variable number of args' do VCR.use_cassette('name', :record => :new_episodes) do |*args| args.size.should == 1 args.first.should equal(VCR.current_cassette) end end it 'ejects the cassette' do VCR.should_receive(:eject_cassette) VCR.use_cassette(:cassette_test) { } end it 'ejects the cassette even if there is an error' do VCR.should_receive(:eject_cassette) expect { VCR.use_cassette(:cassette_test) { raise StandardError } }.to raise_error end it 'does not eject a cassette if there was an error inserting it' do VCR.should_receive(:insert_cassette).and_raise('Boom!')) VCR.should_not_receive(:eject_cassette) expect { VCR.use_cassette(:test) { } }.to raise_error(StandardError, 'Boom!') end end describe '.config' do it 'yields the configuration object' do yielded_object = nil VCR.config do |obj| yielded_object = obj end yielded_object.should == VCR::Config end it "sets http_stubbing_adapter.http_connections_allowed to the configured default" do VCR.http_stubbing_adapter.should respond_to(:set_http_connections_allowed_to_default) VCR.http_stubbing_adapter.should_receive(:set_http_connections_allowed_to_default) VCR.config { } end it "checks the adapted library's version to make sure it's compatible with VCR" do VCR.http_stubbing_adapter.should respond_to(:check_version!) VCR.http_stubbing_adapter.should_receive(:check_version!) VCR.config { } end it "sets http_stubbing_adapter.ignored_hosts to the configured hosts when the block completes" do VCR::Config.reset!(nil) VCR::HttpStubbingAdapters::FakeWeb.send(:ignored_hosts).should be_empty VCR.config do |c| c.stub_with :fakeweb c.ignore_hosts '', '' end VCR::HttpStubbingAdapters::FakeWeb.send(:ignored_hosts).should == %w[] end end describe '.cucumber_tags' do it 'yields a cucumber tags object' do yielded_object = nil VCR.cucumber_tags do |obj| yielded_object = obj end yielded_object.should be_instance_of(VCR::CucumberTags) end end describe '.http_stubbing_adapter' do subject { VCR.http_stubbing_adapter } before(:each) do VCR.instance_variable_set(:@http_stubbing_adapter, nil) end it 'returns a multi object proxy for the configured stubbing libraries when multiple libs are configured', :unless => RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java' do VCR::Config.stub_with :fakeweb, :typhoeus VCR.http_stubbing_adapter.proxied_objects.should == [ VCR::HttpStubbingAdapters::FakeWeb, VCR::HttpStubbingAdapters::Typhoeus ] end { :fakeweb => VCR::HttpStubbingAdapters::FakeWeb, :webmock => VCR::HttpStubbingAdapters::WebMock, :faraday => VCR::HttpStubbingAdapters::Faraday, :excon => VCR::HttpStubbingAdapters::Excon }.each do |symbol, klass| it "returns #{klass} for :#{symbol}" do VCR::Config.stub_with symbol VCR.http_stubbing_adapter.should == klass end end it 'calls #after_adapters_loaded on the configured stubbing adapter' do VCR::HttpStubbingAdapters::FakeWeb.should_receive(:after_adapters_loaded) VCR::Config.stub_with :fakeweb VCR.http_stubbing_adapter end it 'raises an error if both :fakeweb and :webmock are configured' do VCR::Config.stub_with :fakeweb, :webmock expect { VCR.http_stubbing_adapter }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /cannot use both/) end it 'raises an error for unsupported stubbing libraries' do VCR::Config.stub_with :unsupported_library expect { VCR.http_stubbing_adapter }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /unsupported_library is not a supported HTTP stubbing library/i) end it 'raises an error when no stubbing libraries are configured' do VCR::Config.stub_with expect { VCR.http_stubbing_adapter }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /the http stubbing library is not configured/i) end end describe '.record_http_interaction' do before(:each) { VCR.stub(:current_cassette => current_cassette) } let(:uri) { '' } let(:interaction) { stub(:uri => uri) } context 'when there is not a current cassette' do let(:current_cassette) { nil } it 'does not record a request' do # we can't set a message expectation on nil, but there is no place to record it to... # this mostly tests that there is no error. VCR::Config.stub(:uri_should_be_ignored? => false) VCR.record_http_interaction(interaction) end end context 'when there is a current cassette' do let(:current_cassette) { mock('current cassette') } it 'records the request when the uri should not be ignored' do VCR::Config.stub(:uri_should_be_ignored?).with(uri).and_return(false) current_cassette.should_receive(:record_http_interaction).with(interaction) VCR.record_http_interaction(interaction) end it 'does not record the request when the uri should be ignored' do VCR::Config.stub(:uri_should_be_ignored?).with(uri).and_return(true) current_cassette.should_not_receive(:record_http_interaction) VCR.record_http_interaction(interaction) end end end describe '.turn_off!' do before(:each) { VCR.http_stubbing_adapter.http_connections_allowed = false } it 'indicates it is turned off' do VCR.turn_off! VCR.should_not be_turned_on end it 'allows http requests' do expect { VCR.turn_off! }.to change { VCR.http_stubbing_adapter.http_connections_allowed? }.from(false).to(true) end it 'raises an error if a cassette is in use' do VCR.insert_cassette('foo') expect { VCR.turn_off! }.to raise_error(VCR::CassetteInUseError) end it 'causes an error to be raised if you insert a cassette while VCR is turned off' do VCR.turn_off! expect { VCR.insert_cassette('foo') }.to raise_error(VCR::TurnedOffError) end it 'raises an ArgumentError when given an invalid option' do expect { VCR.turn_off!(:invalid_option => true) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end context 'when `:ignore_cassettes => true` is passed' do before(:each) { VCR.turn_off!(:ignore_cassettes => true) } it 'ignores cassette insertions' do VCR.insert_cassette('foo') VCR.current_cassette.should be_nil end it 'still runs a block passed to use_cassette' do yielded = false VCR.use_cassette('foo') do yielded = true VCR.current_cassette.should be_nil end yielded.should be_true end end end describe '.turn_on!' do before(:each) { VCR.turn_off! } it 'indicates it is turned on' do VCR.turn_on! VCR.should be_turned_on end it 'sets http_connections_allowed to the default' do VCR.http_stubbing_adapter.should respond_to(:set_http_connections_allowed_to_default) VCR.http_stubbing_adapter.should_receive(:set_http_connections_allowed_to_default) VCR.turn_on! end end describe '.turned_off' do it 'yields with VCR turned off' do VCR.should be_turned_on yielded = false VCR.turned_off do yielded = true VCR.should_not be_turned_on end yielded.should == true VCR.should be_turned_on end it 'passes options through to .turn_off!' do VCR.should_receive(:turn_off!).with(:ignore_cassettes => true) VCR.turned_off(:ignore_cassettes => true) { } end end describe '.turned_on?' do it 'is on by default' do # clear internal state VCR.instance_eval do instance_variables.each do |var| remove_instance_variable(var) end end VCR.should be_turned_on end end end