require 'rubygems' gem 'solr-ruby' require "loggable" $: << 'lib' require 'logger' require 'active_fedora/solr_service.rb' require "solrizer" require 'ruby-fedora' require 'active_fedora/base.rb' require 'active_fedora/content_model.rb' require 'active_fedora/datastream.rb' require 'active_fedora/fedora_object.rb' require 'active_fedora/metadata_datastream_helper.rb' require 'active_fedora/metadata_datastream.rb' require 'active_fedora/nokogiri_datastream' require 'active_fedora/model.rb' require 'active_fedora/property.rb' require 'active_fedora/qualified_dublin_core_datastream.rb' require 'active_fedora/relationship.rb' require 'active_fedora/rels_ext_datastream.rb' require 'active_fedora/semantic_node.rb' SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID = ActiveFedora::SolrService.id_field unless defined?(SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID) ENABLE_SOLR_UPDATES = true unless defined?(ENABLE_SOLR_UPDATES) module ActiveFedora #:nodoc: class << self attr_accessor :solr_config, :fedora_config end # The configuration hash that gets used by RSolr.connect @solr_config ||= {} @fedora_config ||= {} def self.init( config_path=nil ) config_env = defined?(RAILS_ENV) ? RAILS_ENV : "development" if config_path.nil? if defined?(RAILS_ROOT) config_path = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/fedora.yml" else config_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "config", "fedora.yml") "Using the default fedora.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to fedora.yml as an argument to ActiveFedora.init or set RAILS_ROOT and put fedora.yml into \#{RAILS_ROOT}/config." end end"FEDORA: loading ActiveFedora config from #{File.expand_path(config_path)}") fedora_config = YAML::load( raise "The #{config_env} environment settings were not found in the fedora.yml config. If you already have a fedora.yml file defined, make sure it defines settings for the #{config_env} environment" unless fedora_config[config_env] ActiveFedora.solr_config[:url] = fedora_config[config_env]['solr']['url'] # Register Solr"FEDORA: initializing ActiveFedora::SolrService with solr_config: #{ActiveFedora.solr_config.inspect}") ActiveFedora::SolrService.register(ActiveFedora.solr_config[:url])"FEDORA: initialized Solr with ActiveFedora.solr_config: #{ActiveFedora::SolrService.instance.inspect}") ActiveFedora.fedora_config[:url] = fedora_config[config_env]['fedora']['url']"FEDORA: initializing Fedora with fedora_config: #{ActiveFedora.fedora_config.inspect}") Fedora::Repository.register(ActiveFedora.fedora_config[:url])"FEDORA: initialized Fedora as: #{Fedora::Repository.instance.inspect}") end def self.solr ActiveFedora::SolrService.instance end def self.fedora Fedora::Repository.instance end def self.logger @logger ||= defined?(RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER) ? RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER : end end # if ![].respond_to?(:count) # class Array # puts "active_fedora is Adding count method to Array" # def count(&action) # count = 0 # self.each { |v| count = count + 1} # # self.each { |v| count = count + 1 if } # return count # end # end # end module ActiveFedora class ServerError < Fedora::ServerError; end # :nodoc: class ObjectNotFoundError < RuntimeError; end # :nodoc: end