// // Created by Davide D'Agostino on 2008-01-19. // Copyright 2008 Lipsiasoft s.r.l. All rights reserved. // Ext.util.Format.eurMoney = function(v){ v = (Math.round((v-0)*100))/100; v = (v == Math.floor(v)) ? v + ".00" : ((v*10 == Math.floor(v*10)) ? v + "0" : v); return "€" + v ; }; Ext.util.Format.boolRenderer = function(v, p, record){ p.css += ' x-grid3-check-col-td'; return '
'; }; // Tree DropConfig to allow Drop on Leaf var treeDropConfig = { getDropPoint : function(e, n, dd){ var tn = n.node; if(tn.isRoot){ return tn.allowChildren !== false ? "append" : false; } var dragEl = n.ddel; var t = Ext.lib.Dom.getY(dragEl), b = t + dragEl.offsetHeight; var y = Ext.lib.Event.getPageY(e); var noAppend = tn.allowChildren === false; if(this.appendOnly || tn.parentNode.allowChildren === false){ return noAppend ? false : "append"; } var noBelow = false; if(!this.allowParentInsert){ noBelow = tn.hasChildNodes() && tn.isExpanded(); } var q = (b - t) / (noAppend ? 2 : 3); if(y >= t && y < (t + q)){ return "above"; }else if(!noBelow && (noAppend || y >= b-q && y <= b)){ return "below"; }else{ return "append"; } }, completeDrop : function(de){ var ns = de.dropNode, p = de.point, t = de.target; if(!Ext.isArray(ns)){ ns = [ns]; } var n; for(var i = 0, len = ns.length; i < len; i++){ n = ns[i]; if(p == "above"){ t.parentNode.insertBefore(n, t); }else if(p == "below"){ t.parentNode.insertBefore(n, t.nextSibling); }else{ t.leaf = false; t.appendChild(n); } } n.ui.focus(); if(this.tree.hlDrop){ n.ui.highlight(); } t.ui.endDrop(); this.tree.fireEvent("nodedrop", de); } }; // Fix for Prototype Adapter Ext.lib.Event.getTarget = function(e){ var ee = e.browserEvent || e; return ee.target ? Event.element(ee) : null; }; // CheckBox column Ext.grid.CheckColumn = function(config){ Ext.apply(this, config); if(!this.id){ this.id = Ext.id(); } this.renderer = this.renderer.createDelegate(this); }; Ext.grid.CheckColumn.prototype ={ init : function(grid){ this.grid = grid; this.grid.on('render', function(){ var view = this.grid.getView(); view.mainBody.on('mousedown', this.onMouseDown, this); }, this); }, onMouseDown : function(e, t){ if(t.className && t.className.indexOf('x-grid3-cc-'+this.id) != -1){ e.stopEvent(); var index = this.grid.getView().findRowIndex(t); var record = this.grid.store.getAt(index); var editEvent = { grid: this.grid, record: this.grid.store.getAt(index), field: this.dataIndex, value: !record.data[this.dataIndex], originalValue: record.data[this.dataIndex], row: index, column: this.grid.getColumnModel().findColumnIndex(this.dataIndex) }; record.set(this.dataIndex, editEvent.value); this.grid.getSelectionModel().selectRow(index); this.grid.fireEvent('afteredit', editEvent); } }, renderer : function(v, p, record){ p.css += ' x-grid3-check-col-td'; return '
'; } }; // DateTime Field Ext.form.DateTimeField = Ext.extend(Ext.form.Field, { /** * @cfg {String/Object} defaultAutoCreate DomHelper element spec * Let superclass to create hidden field instead of textbox. Hidden will be submittend to server */ defaultAutoCreate:{tag:'input', type:'hidden'} /** * @cfg {Number} timeWidth Width of time field in pixels (defaults to 100) */ ,timeWidth:100 /** * @cfg {Number} dateWidth Width of time field in pixels (defaults to 100) */ ,dateWidth:100 /** * @cfg {String} dtSeparator Date - Time separator. Used to split date and time (defaults to ' ' (space)) */ ,dtSeparator:' ' /** * @cfg {String} hiddenFormat Format of datetime used to store value in hidden field * and submitted to server (defaults to 'Y-m-d H:i:s' that is mysql format) */ ,hiddenFormat:'Y-m-d H:i:s' /** * @cfg {Boolean} otherToNow Set other field to now() if not explicly filled in (defaults to true) */ ,otherToNow:true /** * @cfg {Boolean} emptyToNow Set field value to now on attempt to set empty value. * If it is true then setValue() sets value of field to current date and time (defaults to false) */ /** * @cfg {String} dateFormat Format of DateField. Can be localized. (defaults to 'm/y/d') */ ,dateFormat:'d/m/y' /** * @cfg {String} timeFormat Format of TimeField. Can be localized. (defaults to 'g:i A') */ ,timeFormat:'H:i' /** * @cfg {Object} dateConfig Config for DateField constructor. */ ,allowBlank: false /** * @cfg {Object} true to hide the time, default false. */ ,hideTime: false // {{{ /** * private * creates DateField and TimeField and installs the necessary event handlers */ ,initComponent:function() { // call parent initComponent Ext.form.DateTimeField.superclass.initComponent.call(this); // create DateField var dateConfig = Ext.apply({}, { id:this.id + '-date' ,format:this.dateFormat || Ext.form.DateField.prototype.format ,width:this.dateWidth ,allowBlank:this.allowBlank ,selectOnFocus:this.selectOnFocus ,listeners:{ blur:{scope:this, fn:this.onBlur} ,focus:{scope:this, fn:this.onFocus} } }, this.dateConfig); this.df = new Ext.form.DateField(dateConfig); this.df.ownerCt = this; delete(this.dateFormat); // create TimeField var timeConfig = Ext.apply({}, { id:this.id + '-time' ,format:this.timeFormat || Ext.form.TimeField.prototype.format ,allowBlank:this.allowBlank ,width:this.timeWidth ,selectOnFocus:this.selectOnFocus ,listeners:{ blur:{scope:this, fn:this.onBlur} ,focus:{scope:this, fn:this.onFocus} } }, this.timeConfig); this.tf = new Ext.form.TimeField(timeConfig); this.tf.ownerCt = this; delete(this.timeFormat); // relay events this.relayEvents(this.df, ['focus', 'specialkey', 'invalid', 'valid']); this.relayEvents(this.tf, ['focus', 'specialkey', 'invalid', 'valid']); } // eo function initComponent // }}} // {{{ /** * private * Renders underlying DateField and TimeField and provides a workaround for side error icon bug */ ,onRender:function(ct, position) { // don't run more than once if(this.isRendered) { return; } // render underlying hidden field Ext.form.DateTimeField.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position); // render DateField and TimeField // create bounding table var t; var timeStyle = this.hideTime ? 'display:none' : ''; t = Ext.DomHelper.append(ct, {tag:'table',style:'border-collapse:collapse',children:[ {tag:'tr',children:[ {tag:'td',style:'padding-right:17px', cls:'datetime-date'},{tag:'td', cls:'datetime-time', style: timeStyle} ]} ]}, true); this.tableEl = t; this.wrap = t.wrap(); this.wrap.on("mousedown", this.onMouseDown, this, {delay:10}); // render DateField & TimeField this.df.render(t.child('td.datetime-date')); this.tf.render(t.child('td.datetime-time')); this.df.wrap.setStyle({width: this.dateWidth}); this.tf.wrap.setStyle({width: this.timeWidth}); // workaround for IE trigger misalignment bug if(Ext.isIE && Ext.isStrict) { t.select('input').applyStyles({top:0}); } this.on('specialkey', this.onSpecialKey, this); this.df.el.swallowEvent(['keydown', 'keypress']); this.tf.el.swallowEvent(['keydown', 'keypress']); // create icon for side invalid errorIcon if('side' === this.msgTarget) { var elp = this.el.findParent('.x-form-element', 10, true); this.errorIcon = elp.createChild({cls:'x-form-invalid-icon'}); this.df.errorIcon = this.errorIcon; this.tf.errorIcon = this.errorIcon; } // setup name for submit if (!this.el.dom.name){ this.el.dom.name = this.hiddenName || this.name || this.id; } // prevent helper fields from being submitted this.df.el.dom.removeAttribute("name"); this.tf.el.dom.removeAttribute("name"); // we're rendered flag this.isRendered = true; if (this.el.dom.value){ this.setValue(this.el.dom.value); } else { this.setValue(new Date()); this.updateHidden(); } } // eo function onRender // }}} // {{{ /** * private */ ,adjustSize:Ext.BoxComponent.prototype.adjustSize // }}} // {{{ /** * private */ ,alignErrorIcon:function() { this.errorIcon.alignTo(this.tableEl, 'tl-tr', [2, 0]); } // }}} // {{{ /** * private initializes internal dateValue */ ,initDateValue:function() { this.dateValue = this.otherToNow ? new Date() : new Date(1970, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0); } // }}} // {{{ /** * Calls clearInvalid on the DateField and TimeField */ ,clearInvalid:function(){ this.df.clearInvalid(); this.tf.clearInvalid(); } // eo function clearInvalid // }}} /** * @private * called from Component::destroy. * Destroys all elements and removes all listeners we've created. */ ,beforeDestroy:function() { if(this.isRendered) { // this.removeAllListeners(); this.wrap.removeAllListeners(); this.wrap.remove(); this.tableEl.remove(); this.df.destroy(); this.tf.destroy(); } } // eo function beforeDestroy // {{{ /** * Disable this component. * @return {Ext.Component} this */ ,disable:function() { if(this.isRendered) { this.df.disabled = this.disabled; this.df.onDisable(); this.tf.onDisable(); } this.disabled = true; this.df.disabled = true; this.tf.disabled = true; this.fireEvent("disable", this); return this; } // eo function disable // }}} // {{{ /** * Enable this component. * @return {Ext.Component} this */ ,enable:function() { if(this.rendered){ this.df.onEnable(); this.tf.onEnable(); } this.disabled = false; this.df.disabled = false; this.tf.disabled = false; this.fireEvent("enable", this); return this; } // eo function enable // }}} // {{{ /** * private Focus date filed */ ,focus:function() { this.df.focus(); } // eo function focus // }}} // {{{ /** * private */ ,getPositionEl:function() { return this.wrap; } // }}} // {{{ /** * private */ ,getResizeEl:function() { return this.wrap; } // }}} // {{{ /** * @return {Date/String} Returns value of this field */ ,getValue:function() { // create new instance of date return this.dateValue ? new Date(this.dateValue) : ''; } // eo function getValue // }}} // {{{ /** * @return {Boolean} true = valid, false = invalid * private Calls isValid methods of underlying DateField and TimeField and returns the result */ ,isValid:function() { return this.df.isValid() && this.tf.isValid(); } // eo function isValid // }}} // {{{ /** * Returns true if this component is visible * @return {boolean} */ ,isVisible : function(){ return this.df.rendered && this.df.getActionEl().isVisible(); } // eo function isVisible // }}} // {{{ /** * private Handles blur event */ ,onBlur:function(f) { // called by both DateField and TimeField blur events // revert focus to previous field if clicked in between if(this.wrapClick) { f.focus(); this.wrapClick = false; } // update underlying value this.updateDate(); this.updateTime(); this.updateHidden(); // fire events later (function() { if(!this.df.hasFocus && !this.tf.hasFocus) { var v = this.getValue(); if(String(v) !== String(this.startValue)) { this.fireEvent("change", this, v, this.startValue); } this.hasFocus = false; this.fireEvent('blur', this); } }).defer(100, this); } // eo function onBlur // }}} // {{{ /** * private Handles focus event */ ,onFocus:function() { if(!this.hasFocus){ this.hasFocus = true; this.startValue = this.getValue(); this.fireEvent("focus", this); } } // }}} // {{{ /** * private Just to prevent blur event when clicked in the middle of fields */ ,onMouseDown:function(e) { if(!this.disabled) { this.wrapClick = 'td' === e.target.nodeName.toLowerCase(); } } // }}} // {{{ /** * private * Handles Tab and Shift-Tab events */ ,onSpecialKey:function(t, e) { var key = e.getKey(); if(key === e.TAB) { if(t === this.df && !e.shiftKey) { e.stopEvent(); this.tf.focus(); } if(t === this.tf && e.shiftKey) { e.stopEvent(); this.df.focus(); } } // otherwise it misbehaves in editor grid if(key === e.ENTER) { this.updateValue(); } } // eo function onSpecialKey // }}} // {{{ /** * private Sets the value of DateField */ ,setDate:function(date) { this.df.setValue(date); } // eo function setDate // }}} // {{{ /** * private Sets the value of TimeField */ ,setTime:function(date) { this.tf.setValue(date); } // eo function setTime // }}} // {{{ /** * private * Sets correct sizes of underlying DateField and TimeField * With workarounds for IE bugs */ ,setSize:function(w, h) { if(!w) { return; } if('below' === this.timePosition) { this.df.setSize(w, h); this.tf.setSize(w, h); if(Ext.isIE) { this.df.el.up('td').setWidth(w); this.tf.el.up('td').setWidth(w); } } else { this.df.setSize(w - this.timeWidth - 4, h); this.tf.setSize(this.timeWidth, h); if(Ext.isIE) { this.df.el.up('td').setWidth(w - this.timeWidth - 4); this.tf.el.up('td').setWidth(this.timeWidth); } } } // eo function setSize // }}} // {{{ /** * @param {Mixed} val Value to set * Sets the value of this field */ ,setValue:function(val) { if(!val && true === this.emptyToNow) { this.setValue(new Date()); return; } else if(!val) { this.setDate(''); this.setTime(''); this.updateValue(); return; } if ('number' === typeof val) { val = new Date(val); } val = val ? val : new Date(1970, 0 ,1, 0, 0, 0); var da, time; if(val instanceof Date) { this.setDate(val); this.setTime(val); this.dateValue = new Date(val); } else { da = val.split(this.dtSeparator); this.setDate(da[0]); if(da[1]) { if(da[2]) { // add am/pm part back to time da[1] += da[2]; } var hh = da[1].split(":"); this.setTime(hh[0]+":"+hh[1]); } } } // eo function setValue // }}} // {{{ /** * Hide or show this component by boolean * @return {Ext.Component} this */ ,setVisible: function(visible){ if(visible) { this.df.show(); this.tf.show(); }else{ this.df.hide(); this.tf.hide(); } return this; } // eo function setVisible // }}} //{{{ ,show:function() { return this.setVisible(true); } // eo function show //}}} //{{{ ,hide:function() { return this.setVisible(false); } // eo function hide //}}} // {{{ /** * private Updates the date part */ ,updateDate:function() { var d = this.df.getValue(); if(d) { if(!(this.dateValue instanceof Date)) { this.initDateValue(); if(!this.tf.getValue()) { this.setTime(this.dateValue); } } this.dateValue.setMonth(0); // because of leap years this.dateValue.setFullYear(d.getFullYear()); this.dateValue.setMonth(d.getMonth()); this.dateValue.setDate(d.getDate()); } else { this.dateValue = ''; this.setTime(''); } } // eo function updateDate // }}} // {{{ /** * private * Updates the time part */ ,updateTime:function() { var t = this.tf.getValue(); if(t && !(t instanceof Date)) { t = Date.parseDate(t, this.tf.format); } if(t && !this.df.getValue()) { this.initDateValue(); this.setDate(this.dateValue); } if(this.dateValue instanceof Date) { if(t) { this.dateValue.setHours(t.getHours()); this.dateValue.setMinutes(t.getMinutes()); this.dateValue.setSeconds(t.getSeconds()); } else { this.dateValue.setHours(0); this.dateValue.setMinutes(0); this.dateValue.setSeconds(0); } } } // eo function updateTime // }}} // {{{ /** * private Updates the underlying hidden field value */ ,updateHidden:function() { if(this.isRendered) { var value = this.dateValue instanceof Date ? this.dateValue.format(this.hiddenFormat) : ''; this.el.dom.value = value; } } // }}} // {{{ /** * private Updates all of Date, Time and Hidden */ ,updateValue:function() { this.updateDate(); this.updateTime(); this.updateHidden(); return; } // eo function updateValue // }}} // {{{ /** * @return {Boolean} true = valid, false = invalid * callse validate methods of DateField and TimeField */ ,validate:function() { return this.df.validate() && this.tf.validate(); } // eo function validate // }}} // {{{ /** * Returns renderer suitable to render this field * @param {Object} Column model config */ ,renderer: function(field) { var format = field.editor.dateFormat || Ext.form.DateTime.prototype.dateFormat; format += ' ' + (field.editor.timeFormat || Ext.form.DateTime.prototype.timeFormat); var renderer = function(val) { var retval = Ext.util.Format.date(val, format); return retval; }; return renderer; } // eo function renderer // }}} }); // eo extend // register xtype Ext.reg('datetimefield', Ext.form.DateTimeField); /** * @class Ext.grid.Search * @extends Ext.util.Observable * @param {Object} config configuration object * @constructor */ Ext.grid.Search = function(config) { Ext.apply(this, config); Ext.grid.Search.superclass.constructor.call(this); }; // eo constructor Ext.extend(Ext.grid.Search, Ext.util.Observable, { /** * cfg {Boolean} autoFocus true to try to focus the input field on each store load (defaults to undefined) */ autoFocus:true /** * @cfg {String} searchText Text to display on menu button */ ,searchText:'Search' /** * @cfg {String} searchTipText Text to display as input tooltip. Set to '' for no tooltip */ ,searchTipText:'Insert a word or press Search' /** * @cfg {String} selectAllText Text to display on menu item that selects all fields */ ,selectAllText:'Select All' /** * @cfg {String} position Where to display the search controls. Valid values are top and bottom (defaults to top) * Corresponding toolbar has to exist at least with mimimum configuration tbar:[] for position:top or bbar:[] * for position bottom. Plugin does NOT create any toolbar. */ ,position:'top' /** * @cfg {String} iconCls Icon class for menu button (defaults to check) */ ,iconCls:'check' /** * @cfg {String/Array} checkIndexes Which indexes to check by default. Can be either 'all' for all indexes * or array of dataIndex names, e.g. ['persFirstName', 'persLastName'] */ ,checkIndexes:'all' /** * @cfg {Array} disableIndexes Array of index names to disable (not show in the menu), e.g. ['persTitle', 'persTitle2'] */ ,disableIndexes:[] /** * @cfg {String} dateFormat how to format date values. If undefined (the default) * date is formatted as configured in colummn model */ ,dateFormat:undefined /** * @cfg {Boolean} showSelectAll Select All item is shown in menu if true (defaults to true) */ ,showSelectAll:true /** * @cfg {String} menuStyle Valid values are 'checkbox' and 'radio'. If menuStyle is radio * then only one field can be searched at a time and selectAll is automatically switched off. */ ,menuStyle:'checkbox' /** * @cfg {Number} minChars minimum characters to type before the request is made. If undefined (the default) * the trigger field shows magnifier icon and you need to click it or press enter for search to start. If it * is defined and greater than 0 then maginfier is not shown and search starts after minChars are typed. */ /** * @cfg {String} minCharsTipText Tooltip to display if minChars is > 0 */ ,minCharsTipText:'Insert at least {0} characters' /** * @cfg {String} mode Use 'remote' for remote stores or 'local' for local stores. If mode is local * no data requests are sent to server the grid's store is filtered instead (defaults to 'remote') */ ,mode:'remote' /** * @cfg {Array} readonlyIndexes Array of index names to disable (show in menu disabled), e.g. ['persTitle', 'persTitle2'] */ /** * @cfg {Number} width Width of input field in pixels (defaults to 100) */ ,width:200 /** * @cfg {String} xtype xtype is usually not used to instantiate this plugin but you have a chance to identify it */ ,xtype:'gridsearch' /** * @cfg {Object} paramNames Params name map (defaults to {fields:'fields', query:'query'} */ ,paramNames: { fields:'fields' ,query:'query' } /** * @cfg {String} shortcutKey Key to fucus the input field (defaults to r = Sea_r_ch). Empty string disables shortcut */ ,shortcutKey:'r' /** * @cfg {String} shortcutModifier Modifier for shortcutKey. Valid values: alt, ctrl, shift (defaults to alt) */ ,shortcutModifier:'alt' /** * @cfg {String} align 'left' or 'right' (defaults to 'right') */ ,align:'right' /** * @cfg {Number} minLength force user to type this many character before he can make a search */ ,minLength:3 /** * @cfg {Ext.Panel/String} toolbarContainer Panel (or id of the panel) which contains toolbar we want to render * search controls to (defaults to this.grid, the grid this plugin is plugged-in into) */ // {{{ /** * private * @param {Ext.grid.GridPanel/Ext.grid.EditorGrid} grid reference to grid this plugin is used for */ ,init:function(grid) { this.grid = grid; // setup toolbar container if id was given if('string' === typeof this.toolbarContainer) { this.toolbarContainer = Ext.getCmp(this.toolbarContainer); } // do our processing after grid render and reconfigure grid.onRender = grid.onRender.createSequence(this.onRender, this); grid.reconfigure = grid.reconfigure.createSequence(this.reconfigure, this); } // eo function init // }}} // {{{ /** * private add plugin controls to existing toolbar and calls reconfigure */ ,onRender:function() { var panel = this.toolbarContainer || this.grid; var tb = 'bottom' === this.position ? panel.bottomToolbar : panel.topToolbar; // add menu this.menu = new Ext.menu.Menu(); // handle position if('right' === this.align) { tb.addFill(); } else { if(0 < tb.items.getCount()) { tb.addSeparator(); } } // add menu button tb.add({ text:this.searchText ,menu:this.menu //,iconCls:this.iconCls }); // add input field (TwinTriggerField in fact) this.field = new Ext.form.TwinTriggerField({ width:this.width ,selectOnFocus:undefined === this.selectOnFocus ? true : this.selectOnFocus ,trigger1Class:'x-form-clear-trigger' ,trigger2Class:this.minChars ? 'x-hidden' : 'x-form-search-trigger' ,onTrigger1Click:this.minChars ? Ext.emptyFn : this.onTriggerClear.createDelegate(this) ,onTrigger2Click:this.onTriggerSearch.createDelegate(this) ,minLength:this.minLength }); // install event handlers on input field this.field.on('render', function() { this.field.el.dom.qtip = this.minChars ? String.format(this.minCharsTipText, this.minChars) : this.searchTipText; if(this.minChars) { this.field.el.on({scope:this, buffer:300, keyup:this.onKeyUp}); } // install key map var map = new Ext.KeyMap(this.field.el, [{ key:Ext.EventObject.ENTER ,scope:this ,fn:this.onTriggerSearch },{ key:Ext.EventObject.ESC ,scope:this ,fn:this.onTriggerClear }]); map.stopEvent = true; }, this, {single:true}); tb.add(this.field); // reconfigure this.reconfigure(); // keyMap if(this.shortcutKey && this.shortcutModifier) { var shortcutEl = this.grid.getEl(); var shortcutCfg = [{ key:this.shortcutKey ,scope:this ,stopEvent:true ,fn:function() { this.field.focus(); } }]; shortcutCfg[0][this.shortcutModifier] = true; this.keymap = new Ext.KeyMap(shortcutEl, shortcutCfg); } if(true === this.autoFocus) { this.grid.store.on({scope:this, load:function(){this.field.focus();}}); } } // eo function onRender // }}} // {{{ /** * field el keypup event handler. Triggers the search * @private */ ,onKeyUp:function() { var length = this.field.getValue().toString().length; if(0 === length || this.minChars <= length) { this.onTriggerSearch(); } } // eo function onKeyUp // }}} // {{{ /** * private Clear Trigger click handler */ ,onTriggerClear:function() { if(this.field.getValue()) { this.field.setValue(''); this.field.focus(); this.onTriggerSearch(); } } // eo function onTriggerClear // }}} // {{{ /** * private Search Trigger click handler (executes the search, local or remote) */ ,onTriggerSearch:function() { if(!this.field.isValid()) { return; } var val = this.field.getValue(); var store = this.grid.store; // grid's store filter if('local' === this.mode) { store.clearFilter(); if(val) { store.filterBy(function(r) { var retval = false; this.menu.items.each(function(item) { if(!item.checked || retval) { return; } var rv = r.get(item.dataIndex); rv = rv instanceof Date ? rv.format(this.dateFormat || r.fields.get(item.dataIndex).dateFormat) : rv; var re = new RegExp(val, 'gi'); retval = re.test(rv); }, this); if(retval) { return true; } return retval; }, this); } else { } } // ask server to filter records else { // clear start (necessary if we have paging) if(store.lastOptions && store.lastOptions.params) { store.lastOptions.params[store.paramNames.start] = 0; } // get fields to search array var fields = []; this.menu.items.each(function(item) { if(item.checked && item.dataIndex) { fields.push(item.dataIndex); } }); // add fields and query to baseParams of store delete(store.baseParams[this.paramNames.fields]); delete(store.baseParams[this.paramNames.query]); if (store.lastOptions && store.lastOptions.params) { delete(store.lastOptions.params[this.paramNames.fields]); delete(store.lastOptions.params[this.paramNames.query]); } if(fields.length) { store.baseParams[this.paramNames.fields] = fields.compact().join(); store.baseParams[this.paramNames.query] = val; } // reload store store.reload(); } } // eo function onTriggerSearch // }}} // {{{ /** * @param {Boolean} true to disable search (TwinTriggerField), false to enable */ ,setDisabled:function() { this.field.setDisabled.apply(this.field, arguments); } // eo function setDisabled // }}} // {{{ /** * Enable search (TwinTriggerField) */ ,enable:function() { this.setDisabled(false); } // eo function enable // }}} // {{{ /** * Enable search (TwinTriggerField) */ ,disable:function() { this.setDisabled(true); } // eo function disable // }}} // {{{ /** * private (re)configures the plugin, creates menu items from column model */ ,reconfigure:function() { // {{{ // remove old items var menu = this.menu; menu.removeAll(); // add Select All item plus separator if(this.showSelectAll && 'radio' !== this.menuStyle) { menu.add(new Ext.menu.CheckItem({ text:this.selectAllText ,checked:!(this.checkIndexes instanceof Array) ,hideOnClick:false ,handler:function(item) { var checked = ! item.checked; item.parentMenu.items.each(function(i) { if(item !== i && i.setChecked && !i.disabled) { i.setChecked(checked); } }); } }),'-'); } // }}} // {{{ // add new items var cm = this.grid.colModel; var group = undefined; if('radio' === this.menuStyle) { group = 'g' + (new Date).getTime(); } Ext.each(cm.config, function(config) { var disable = false; if(config.header && config.dataIndex && config.sortable) { Ext.each(this.disableIndexes, function(item) { disable = disable ? disable : item === config.dataIndex; }); if(!disable) { menu.add(new Ext.menu.CheckItem({ text:config.header ,hideOnClick:false ,group:group ,checked:'all' === this.checkIndexes ,dataIndex:config.dataIndex })); } } }, this); // }}} // {{{ // check items if(this.checkIndexes instanceof Array) { Ext.each(this.checkIndexes, function(di) { var item = menu.items.find(function(itm) { return itm.dataIndex === di; }); if(item) { item.setChecked(true, true); } }, this); } // }}} // {{{ // disable items if(this.readonlyIndexes instanceof Array) { Ext.each(this.readonlyIndexes, function(di) { var item = menu.items.find(function(itm) { return itm.dataIndex === di; }); if(item) { item.disable(); } }, this); } // }}} } // eo function reconfigure // }}} }); // eo extend // eof /** * This class store state session of extjs in the database for the current account */ Ext.state.DataBaseProvider = function(config){ Ext.state.DataBaseProvider.superclass.constructor.call(this); this.path = "/backend/state_sessions"; Ext.apply(this, config); this.state = this.readCookies(); }; Ext.extend(Ext.state.DataBaseProvider, Ext.state.Provider, { // private set : function(name, value){ if(typeof value == "undefined" || value === null){ this.clear(name); return; } this.setCookie(name, value); Ext.state.DataBaseProvider.superclass.set.call(this, name, value); }, // private clear : function(name){ this.clearCookie(name); Ext.state.DataBaseProvider.superclass.clear.call(this, name); }, // private readCookies : function(){ var cookies = {}; var values = []; new Ajax.Request(this.path, { method: 'GET', asynchronous: false, onSuccess: function(response, request){ values = Ext.decode(response.responseText); } }); values.each(function(f){ if(f.component && f.component.substring(0,3) == "ys-"){ cookies[f.component.substr(3)] = this.decodeValue(f.data); } }, this); return cookies; }, // private setCookie : function(name, value){ Ext.Ajax.request({ url: this.path, method: 'POST', params: { id: 'ys-'+name, data: this.encodeValue(value) } }) }, // private clearCookie : function(name){ Ext.Ajax.request({ url: this.path+'/ys-'+name, method: 'DELETE' }) } });