require 'thor' module Resulang class Exec < Thor include Thor::Actions desc 'new NAME', 'Generate a new Resulang app in directory NAME' option :sections, type: :array, required: false, default: [], desc: 'A list of initial sections to generate' def new(name) empty_directory(name) inside(name) do create_file "" do contents = [ %Q{require "resulang/server"}, %Q{run Resulang::Server} ] contents.join("\n") end create_file('resume.rb') do declarations = options[:sections].inject([]) do |list, s| list.push("section(:#{s}) do\n\n end") end sections = options[:sections].inject([]) do |list, s| list.push("#{s} do\n\n end") end structure = "structure do\n " + declarations.join(" \n\n ") + "\nend" data = "data do\n " + sections.join(" \n\n ") + "\nend" structure + "\n\n" + data end empty_directory 'templates' inside('templates') do create_file('resume.html.erb') options[:sections].each do |s| create_file("_#{s}.html.erb") end end end end desc 'server', 'Start a development server' def server run %{rackup} end desc 'make', 'Generate a static HTML file from a Resulang app' option :output, type: :string, default: 'resume', required: false, desc: 'Path to generated HTML' option :force, type: :boolean, default: false, required: false, desc: 'Ask to overwrite files or not' def make app = File.expand_path('.')) processor = app.processor(output: options[:output], format: :html) create_file(processor.filename, force: options[:force]) { processor.process } end end end