# frozen_string_literal: true ## # This file is part of WhatWeb and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the WhatWeb # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://www.morningstarsecurity.com/research/whatweb ## # Version 0.3 # 2011-03-06 # # Updated OS detection ## # Version 0.2 # 2011-01-21 # # Updated version detection # Updated examples # Added OS detection # Added document root detection # Added cpanel credentials detection ## WhatWeb::Plugin.define "phpinfo" do @author = "Brendan Coles " # 2010-06-07 @version = "0.3" @description = "This plugin detects instances of phpinfo() results and extracts the operating system, PHP version, document root and remote cpanel credentials." # Google Results as at 2011-01-21 # # 52 for intitle:"phpinfo()" "mysql.default_password" "Zend Scripting Language Engine" # 33 for inurl:"phpinfo.php" intitle:"phpinfo()" "mysql.default_password" # Dorks # @dorks = [ 'intitle:"phpinfo()" "mysql.default_password" "Zend Scripting Language Engine"', 'inurl:"phpinfo.php" intitle:"phpinfo()" "mysql.default_password"' ] # Passive # def passive(target) m = [] # Check if the document is a valid phpinfo() file if target.body =~ /phpinfo\(\)<\/title>/ && (target.body =~ /<h1 class="p">PHP Version [^<]{3,40}<\/h1>/ || target.body =~ /<h1>PHP Version [^<]{3,40}<\/h1>/) # PHP Version Detection m << { version: target.body.scan(/<h1 class="p">PHP Version ([^<]{3,40})<\/h1>/).flatten.first } if target.body =~ /<h1 class="p">PHP Version [^<]{3,40}<\/h1>/ m << { version: target.body.scan(/<h1>PHP Version ([^<]{3,40})<\/h1>/).flatten.first } if target.body =~ /<h1>PHP Version [^<]{3,40}<\/h1>/ # OS Detection m << { os: target.body.scan(/<tr><td class="e">System[\s]?<\/td><td class="v">([^<]{10,256})[\s]?<\/td><\/tr>/).flatten.first } if target.body =~ /<tr><td class="e">System[\s]?<\/td><td class="v">[^<]{10,256}[\s]?<\/td><\/tr>/ # cpanel Detection m << { module: "cpanel" } if target.body =~ /<tr><td class="e">SERVER_SOFTWARE[\s]?<\/td><td class="v">cpaneld[\s]?<\/td><\/tr>/ # REMOTE_PASSWORD m << { module: "cpanel", account: target.body.scan(/<tr><td class="e">REMOTE_PASSWORD[\s]?<\/td><td class="v">([^<]{3,256})[\s]?<\/td><\/tr>/).flatten } if target.body =~ /<tr><td class="e">REMOTE_PASSWORD[\s]?<\/td><td class="v">[^<]{3,256}[\s]?<\/td><\/tr>/ m << { module: "cpanel", account: target.body.scan(/<tr><td class="e">[_A-Z]{3,16}\["REMOTE_PASSWORD"\]<\/td><td class="v">([^<]{3,256})<\/td><\/tr>/).flatten } if target.body =~ /<tr><td class="e">[_A-Z]{3,16}\["REMOTE_PASSWORD"\]<\/td><td class="v">[^<]{3,256}<\/td><\/tr>/ # REMOTE_USER m << { module: "cpanel", account: target.body.scan(/<tr><td class="e">REMOTE_USER[\s]?<\/td><td class="v">([^<]{3,256})[\s]?<\/td><\/tr>/).flatten } if target.body =~ /<tr><td class="e">REMOTE_USER[\s]?<\/td><td class="v">([^<]{3,256})[\s]?<\/td><\/tr>/ m << { module: "cpanel", account: target.body.scan(/<tr><td class="e">[_A-Z]{3,16}\["REMOTE_USER"\]<\/td><td class="v">([^<]{3,256})<\/td><\/tr>/).flatten } if target.body =~ /<tr><td class="e">[_A-Z]{3,16}\["REMOTE_USER"\]<\/td><td class="v">[^<]{3,256}<\/td><\/tr>/ # REMOTE_HOST m << { module: "cpanel", account: target.body.scan(/<tr><td class="e">REMOTE_HOST[\s]?<\/td><td class="v">([^<]{3,256})[\s]?<\/td><\/tr>/).flatten } if target.body =~ /<tr><td class="e">REMOTE_HOST[\s]?<\/td><td class="v">[^<]{3,256}[\s]?<\/td><\/tr>/ m << { module: "cpanel", account: target.body.scan(/<tr><td class="e">[_A-Z]{3,16}\["REMOTE_HOST"\]<\/td><td class="v">([^<]{3,256})<\/td><\/tr>/).flatten } if target.body =~ /<tr><td class="e">[_A-Z]{3,16}\["REMOTE_HOST"\]<\/td><td class="v">[^<]{3,256}<\/td><\/tr>/ # DOCUMENT_ROOT m << { filepath: target.body.scan(/<tr><td class="e">DOCUMENT_ROOT[\s]?<\/td><td class="v">([^<]{3,256})[\s]?<\/td><\/tr>/).flatten } if target.body =~ /<tr><td class="e">DOCUMENT_ROOT[\s]?<\/td><td class="v">[^<]{3,256}[\s]?<\/td><\/tr>/ m << { filepath: target.body.scan(/<tr><td class="e">[_A-Z]{3,16}\["DOCUMENT_ROOT"\]<\/td><td class="v">([^<]{3,256})<\/td><\/tr>/).flatten } if target.body =~ /<tr><td class="e">[_A-Z]{3,16}\["DOCUMENT_ROOT"\]<\/td><td class="v">[^<]{3,256}<\/td><\/tr>/ end m end end