require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe Tagging do before(:all) { Tagging.create!(:tag_id => 1, :taggable_id => 1) } it { should belong_to(:tag) } it { should belong_to(:taggable) } it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:taggable_id).scoped_to(:tag_id) } it { should allow_mass_assignment_of(:taggable_id) should allow_mass_assignment_of(:taggable_type) should allow_mass_assignment_of(:tag_id) } it { should_not allow_mass_assignment_of(:created_at) should_not allow_mass_assignment_of(:updated_at) } it { should have_db_index([:taggable_id, :taggable_type]) } end describe Tag do before(:all) { Tag.create!(:name => 'rock', :context => 'genres') } it { should have_many(:taggings).dependent(:delete_all) } it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:name).scoped_to(:context).case_insensitive } it { should validate_presence_of(:context) } it { should allow_mass_assignment_of(:name) should allow_mass_assignment_of(:context) } it { should_not allow_mass_assignment_of(:created_at) should_not allow_mass_assignment_of(:updated_at) } it { should have_db_index([:context, :name]) } it "should trim and squeeze spaces from name and context before validation" do t = => ' rock and roll', :context => ' genres ') t.valid? == 'rock and roll' t.context.should == 'genres' end it "should lowercase the name and context before validation" do t = => 'POP', :context => 'GENRES') t.valid? == 'pop' t.context.should == 'genres' end it "should recognize that it is equal to another tag with the same name and context" do t = => 'pop', :context => 'genres') s = => 'pop', :context => 'genres') t.should == s end it "#find_or_new_by_name_ane_context" do Tag.create!(:name => 'pop', :context => 'genres') s = Tag.find_or_new_by_name_and_context('pop', 'genres') s.new_record?.should be_false end end