# Basically, the tutorial game taken to a jump'n'run perspective. (Actually, # taken from Gosu) # # Shows how to # * implement jumping/gravity # * implement scrolling using views # * implement a simple tile-based map # * load levels from primitive text files # # Some exercises, starting at the real basics: # 1) understand the existing code! # As shown in the tutorial: # 2) add gamepad support # 3) add a score as in the tutorial game # 4) similarly, add sound effects for various events # Exploring this game's code and Ray: # 5) make the player wider, so he doesn't fall off edges as easily # 6) add background music # 7) implement parallax scrolling for the star background! # Getting tricky: # 8) optimize Map#draw_on so only tiles on screen are drawn (needs modulo, a # pen and paper to figure out) # 9) add loading of next level when all gems are collected # ...Enemies, a more sophisticated object system, weapons, title and credits # screens... $:.unshift File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../lib") $:.unshift File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../ext") require 'ray' def path_of(resource) File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../test/res", resource) end class CptnRuby include Ray::Helper Positions = { :standing => Ray::Vector2[0, 0], :walking1 => Ray::Vector2[1, 0], :walking2 => Ray::Vector2[2, 0], :jumping => Ray::Vector2[3, 0], } MoveSpeed = 5 JumpSpeed = 20 def initialize(map, pos) @map = map @vy = 0 @sprite = Ray::Sprite.new path_of("CptnRuby.png"), :at => pos @sprite.sheet_size = [4, 1] @size = Ray::Vector2[@sprite.sprite_width, @sprite.sprite_height] @walking_animation = sprite_animation(:from => Positions[:walking1], :to => Positions[:walking2], :duration => 1).start(@sprite) @walking_animation.pause end def register(scene) self.event_runner = @walking_animation.event_runner = scene.event_runner @window = scene.window on :animation_end, @walking_animation do @walking_animation.start @sprite end on :key_press, key(:up) do if @map.solid?(@sprite.x + @sprite.sprite_width / 2, @sprite.y + @sprite.sprite_height + 1) @vy = -JumpSpeed end end end def update if holding? :left @state = :walking @sprite.flip_x = false move_horizontally(-MoveSpeed) elsif holding? :right @state = :walking @sprite.flip_x = true move_horizontally(+MoveSpeed) else @state = :standing end @state = :jumping if @vy < 0 case @state when :standing, :jumping @walking_animation.pause unless @walking_animation.paused? @sprite.sheet_pos = Positions[@state] when :walking @walking_animation.resume if @walking_animation.paused? @walking_animation.update end # Acceleration/gravity # By adding 1 each frame, and (ideally) adding vy to y, the player's # jumping curve will be the parabole we want it to be. move_vertically @vy unless (@vy += 1).zero? @map.remove_gems { |gem| @sprite.collide? gem.sprite } end def pos; @sprite.pos; end def x; pos.x; end def y; pos.y; end attr_reader :sprite attr_reader :window private def move_horizontally(x) step = x / x.abs x.abs.times do if would_fit?(step, 0) @sprite.x += step else break end end end def move_vertically(y) step = y / y.abs y.abs.times do if would_fit?(0, step) @sprite.y += step else @vy = 0 # Hit roof or floor; stop dropping/jumping. break end end end def would_fit?(x, y) !(@map.solid?(@sprite.x + @size.w / 2 + x, @sprite.y + y) || @map.solid?(@sprite.x + @size.w / 2 + x, @sprite.y + y + @size.h)) end end class CollectibleGem include Ray::Helper def initialize(pos) @sprite = Ray::Sprite.new path_of("CptnRuby Gem.png"), :at => pos @sprite.origin = @sprite.image.size / 2 @animation = rotation(:from => -30, :to => 30, :duration => 0.6) @reverse_animation = -@animation end def register(scene) self.event_runner = scene.event_runner @animation.event_runner = @reverse_animation.event_runner = event_runner on :animation_end, @animation do @reverse_animation.start @sprite end on :animation_end, @reverse_animation do @animation.start @sprite end @animation.start @sprite end def update @animation.update @reverse_animation.update end attr_reader :sprite end class Map Tileset = path_of("CptnRuby Tileset.png") PartSize = 60 TileSize = 50 def initialize(file) @tiles = {} @gems = [] File.foreach(file).with_index do |line, y| @max_y = y line.each_char.with_index do |char, x| @max_x = x case char when ?" @tiles[[x, y]] = Ray::Sprite.new(Tileset, :at => [x * TileSize - 5, y * TileSize - 5]) @tiles[[x, y]].sub_rect = [0, 0, PartSize, PartSize] when ?# @tiles[[x, y]] = Ray::Sprite.new(Tileset, :at => [x * TileSize - 5, y * TileSize - 5]) @tiles[[x, y]].sub_rect = [PartSize, 0, PartSize, PartSize] when ?x @gems << CollectibleGem.new([x * TileSize + TileSize / 2, y * TileSize + TileSize / 2]) end end end @max_x *= TileSize @max_y *= TileSize end def each_tile @tiles.each { |_, tile| yield tile } end def each_gem(&block) @gems.each(&block) end def remove_gems(&block) @gems.delete_if(&block) end def solid?(x, y) y < 0 || @tiles[[x.to_i / TileSize, y.to_i / TileSize]] end attr_reader :max_x, :max_y end Ray.game "Captain Ruby" do register { add_hook :quit, method(:exit!) } scene :game do @half_size = window.size / 2 @sky = sprite path_of("Space.png") @map = Map.new path_of("CptnRuby Map.txt") @cptn = CptnRuby.new(@map, [400, 100]) @camera = Ray::View.new @cptn.pos, window.size add_hook :key_press, key(:escape), method(:exit!) @map.each_gem { |gem| gem.register self } @cptn.register self always do @map.each_gem(&:update) @cptn.update # Center camera camera_x = [[@cptn.x, @half_size.w].max, @map.max_x - @half_size.w].min camera_y = [[@cptn.y, @half_size.h].max, @map.max_y - @half_size.h].min @camera.center = [camera_x, camera_y] end render do |win| win.draw @sky win.with_view @camera do # Apply scrolling @map.each_tile { |tile| win.draw tile } @map.each_gem { |gem| win.draw gem.sprite } win.draw @cptn.sprite end end end scenes << :game end