require 'spec_helper' describe Lita::Handlers::Locker, lita_handler: true do before do robot.auth.add_user_to_group!(user, :locker_admins) end label_examples = ['foobar', 'foo bar', 'foo-bar', 'foo_bar', 'foobar '] label_examples.each do |l| it do route("(lock) #{l}").to(:lock) route("(unlock) #{l}").to(:unlock) route("(release) #{l}").to(:unlock) route("(Lock) #{l}").to(:lock) route("(Unlock) #{l}").to(:unlock) route("(Release) #{l}").to(:unlock) route("(lock) #{l} #this is a comment").to(:lock) route("(unlock) #{l} #this is a comment").to(:unlock) route("(release) #{l} #this is a comment").to(:unlock) route_command("lock #{l}").to(:lock) route_command("lock #{l} ").to(:lock) route_command("lock #{l} #this is a comment").to(:lock) route_command("unlock #{l}").to(:unlock) route_command("unlock #{l} ").to(:unlock) route_command("unlock #{l} #this is a comment").to(:unlock) route_command("steal #{l}").to(:steal) route_command("steal #{l} ").to(:steal) route_command("steal #{l} #this is a comment").to(:steal) route_command("locker observe #{l}").to(:observe) route_command("locker observe #{l} #this is a comment").to(:observe) route_command("locker unobserve #{l}").to(:unobserve) route_command("locker unobserve #{l} #this is a comment").to(:unobserve) end end let(:alice) do Lita::User.create('9001@hipchat', name: 'Alice', mention_name: 'alice') end let(:bob) do Lita::User.create('9002@hipchat', name: 'Bob', mention_name: 'bob') end let(:charlie) do Lita::User.create('9003@hipchat', name: 'Charlie', mention_name: 'charlie') end describe '#lock' do it 'locks a label when it is available and has resources' do send_command('locker resource create foobar') send_command('locker label create bazbat') send_command('locker label add foobar to bazbat') send_command('lock bazbat # with a comment') expect(replies.last).to eq('bazbat locked') send_command('locker resource show foobar') expect(replies.last).to eq('Resource: foobar, state: locked, used by: bazbat') end it 'locks the same label with spaces after the name' do send_command('locker resource create foobar') send_command('locker label create bazbat') send_command('locker label add foobar to bazbat') send_command('lock bazbat ') expect(replies.last).to eq('bazbat locked') end it 'does not enqueue the user that currently has a lock' do send_command('locker resource create foobar') send_command('locker label create bazbat') send_command('locker label add foobar to bazbat') send_command('lock bazbat') send_command('lock bazbat') expect(replies.last).to eq('You already have the lock on bazbat') end it 'does not add a user multiple times to the end of a queue' do send_command('locker resource create foobar') send_command('locker label create bazbat') send_command('locker label add foobar to bazbat') send_command('lock bazbat', as: alice) send_command('lock bazbat', as: bob) send_command('lock bazbat', as: bob) send_command('locker status bazbat') expect(replies.last).to eq('bazbat is locked by Alice (taken 1 second ago). Next up: Bob') end it 'shows a warning when a label has no resources' do send_command('locker label create foobar') send_command('lock foobar') expect(replies.last).to eq('foobar has no resources, so it cannot be locked') end it 'shows a warning when a label is unavailable' do send_command('locker resource create r1') send_command('locker label create l1') send_command('locker label create l2') send_command('locker label add r1 to l1') send_command('locker label add r1 to l2') send_command('lock l1', as: alice) send_command('lock l2', as: alice) expect(replies.last).to eq("Label unable to be locked, blocked on:\nr1 - Alice") end it 'does not half-lock underlying resources' do send_command('locker resource create r1') send_command('locker resource create r2') send_command('locker label create l1') send_command('locker label create l2') send_command('locker label add r1, r2 to l1') send_command('locker label add r1 to l2') send_command('lock l2', as: alice) send_command('lock l1', as: bob) send_command('unlock l2', as: alice) send_command('lock l1', as: alice) expect(replies.last).to eq('l1 locked') end it 'shows a warning when a label is taken by someone else' do send_command('locker resource create foobar') send_command('locker label create bazbat') send_command('locker label add foobar to bazbat') send_command('lock bazbat', as: alice) send_command('lock bazbat', as: bob) expect(replies.last).to eq('bazbat is locked by Alice (@alice) (taken 1 second ago), you have been ' \ 'added to the queue (currently: Bob), type \'locker dequeue bazbat\' to be removed') end it 'shows an error when a label does not exist' do send_command('lock foobar') expect(replies.last).to eq('Label foobar does not exist. To create it: "!locker label create foobar"') end end describe '#unlock' do it 'unlocks a label when it is available' do send_command('locker resource create foobar') send_command('locker label create bazbat') send_command('locker label add foobar to bazbat') send_command('lock bazbat') send_command('unlock bazbat # with a comment') expect(replies.last).to eq('bazbat unlocked') end it 'moves to the next queued person when there is one' do send_command('locker resource create foobar') send_command('locker label create bazbat') send_command('locker label add foobar to bazbat') send_command('lock bazbat', as: alice) send_command('lock bazbat', as: bob) send_command('unlock bazbat # with a comment', as: alice) expect(replies.last).to eq('bazbat now locked by Bob (@bob)') end it 'unlocks a label and alerts observers' do send_command('locker resource create foobar') send_command('locker label create bazbat') send_command('locker label add foobar to bazbat') send_command('locker observe bazbat', as: alice) send_command('lock bazbat', as: bob) send_command('locker observe bazbat', as: charlie) send_command('unlock bazbat # with a comment', as: bob) expect(replies).to include('bazbat is unlocked and no one is next up (@alice) (@charlie)') expect(replies).to include('bazbat unlocked') end it 'does not alert observers if there is a queued person' do send_command('locker resource create foobar') send_command('locker label create bazbat') send_command('locker label add foobar to bazbat') send_command('locker observe bazbat', as: alice) send_command('lock bazbat', as: bob) send_command('lock bazbat', as: charlie) send_command('unlock bazbat # with a comment', as: bob) expect(replies).not_to include('bazbat is unlocked and no one is next up (@alice)') end it 'unlocks a label and alerts only observers' do send_command('locker resource create foobar') send_command('locker label create bazbat') send_command('locker label add foobar to bazbat') send_command('locker observe bazbat', as: alice) send_command('lock bazbat', as: bob) send_command('locker observe bazbat', as: charlie) send_command('locker unobserve bazbat', as: alice) send_command('unlock bazbat # with a comment', as: bob) expect(replies).to include('bazbat is unlocked and no one is next up (@charlie)') expect(replies).to include('bazbat unlocked') end it 'unlocks a label and does not alert anyone if there are no observers' do send_command('locker resource create foobar') send_command('locker label create bazbat') send_command('locker label add foobar to bazbat') send_command('locker observe bazbat', as: alice) send_command('lock bazbat', as: bob) send_command('locker unobserve bazbat', as: alice) send_command('unlock bazbat # with a comment', as: bob) expect(replies.last).to eq('bazbat unlocked') end it 'does not unlock a label when someone else locked it' do send_command('locker resource create foobar') send_command('locker label create bazbat') send_command('locker label add foobar to bazbat') send_command('lock bazbat', as: alice) send_command('unlock bazbat', as: bob) expect(replies.last).to eq('bazbat is locked by Alice (@alice) (taken 1 second ago)') end it 'shows a warning when a label is already unlocked' do send_command('locker resource create foobar') send_command('locker label create bazbat') send_command('locker label add foobar to bazbat') send_command('unlock bazbat') send_command('unlock bazbat') expect(replies.last).to eq('bazbat is unlocked') end it 'shows an error when a does not exist' do send_command('unlock foobar') expect(replies.last).to eq('Sorry, that does not exist') end end describe '#steal' do it 'unlocks a label from someone else when it is available' do send_command('locker resource create foobar') send_command('locker label create bazbat') send_command('locker label add foobar to bazbat') send_command('lock bazbat', as: alice) send_command('steal bazbat # with a comment', as: bob) expect(replies.last).to eq('bazbat stolen from Alice (@alice)') end it 'preserves the state of the queue when there is one' do send_command('locker resource create foobar') send_command('locker label create bazbat') send_command('locker label add foobar to bazbat') send_command('lock bazbat', as: alice) send_command('lock bazbat', as: bob) send_command('steal bazbat', as: charlie) send_command('locker status bazbat') expect(replies.last).to eq('bazbat is locked by Charlie (taken 1 second ago). Next up: Bob') end it 'shows a warning when the label is already unlocked' do send_command('locker resource create foobar') send_command('locker label create bazbat') send_command('locker label add foobar to bazbat') send_command('steal bazbat # with a comment', as: alice) expect(replies.last).to eq('bazbat was already unlocked') end it 'shows a warning when the label is being stolen by the owner' do send_command('locker resource create foobar') send_command('locker label create bazbat') send_command('locker label add foobar to bazbat') send_command('lock bazbat', as: alice) send_command('steal bazbat # with a comment', as: alice) expect(replies.last).to eq('Why are you stealing the lock from yourself?') end it 'shows an error when a does not exist' do send_command('steal foobar') expect(replies.last).to eq('Sorry, that does not exist') end end describe '#observe' do it 'adds a user as observer of a label' do send_command('locker resource create foobar') send_command('locker label create bazbat') send_command('locker label add foobar to bazbat') send_command('locker observe bazbat', as: alice) expect(replies.last).to eq('Now observing bazbat') end it 'warns user if already observing label' do send_command('locker resource create foobar') send_command('locker label create bazbat') send_command('locker label add foobar to bazbat') send_command('locker observe bazbat', as: alice) send_command('locker observe bazbat', as: alice) expect(replies.last).to eq('You are already observing bazbat') end end describe '#unobserve' do it 'removes user from observer list for a label' do send_command('locker resource create foobar') send_command('locker label create bazbat') send_command('locker label add foobar to bazbat') send_command('locker observe bazbat', as: alice) send_command('locker unobserve bazbat', as: alice) expect(replies.last).to eq('You have stopped observing bazbat') end it 'warns user if already not observing label' do send_command('locker resource create foobar') send_command('locker label create bazbat') send_command('locker label add foobar to bazbat') send_command('locker observe bazbat', as: alice) send_command('locker unobserve bazbat', as: alice) send_command('locker unobserve bazbat', as: alice) expect(replies.last).to eq('You were not observing bazbat originally') end end end