/*================================================================= Copyright (C) 2014 BizStation Corp All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =================================================================*/ #pragma hdrstop #include "groupQuery.h" #include "recordsetImple.h" #include #pragma package(smart_init) namespace bzs { namespace db { namespace protocol { namespace tdap { namespace client { // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // struct fieldNamesImple // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct fieldNamesImple { std::vector keyFields; fieldNamesImple() {} }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class fieldNames // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- fieldNames* fieldNames::create() { return new fieldNames(); } void fieldNames::release() { delete this; } fieldNames::fieldNames() : m_impl(new fieldNamesImple) { } fieldNames::fieldNames(const fieldNames& r) : m_impl(new fieldNamesImple(*r.m_impl)) { } fieldNames& fieldNames::operator=(const fieldNames& r) { if (this != &r) { *m_impl = *r.m_impl; } return *this; } fieldNames::~fieldNames() { delete m_impl; } fieldNames& fieldNames::reset() { m_impl->keyFields.clear(); return *this; } fieldNames& fieldNames::keyField(const _TCHAR* name, const _TCHAR* name1, const _TCHAR* name2, const _TCHAR* name3, const _TCHAR* name4, const _TCHAR* name5, const _TCHAR* name6, const _TCHAR* name7, const _TCHAR* name8, const _TCHAR* name9, const _TCHAR* name10) { m_impl->keyFields.clear(); if (name) m_impl->keyFields.push_back(name); if (name1) m_impl->keyFields.push_back(name1); if (name2) m_impl->keyFields.push_back(name2); if (name3) m_impl->keyFields.push_back(name3); if (name4) m_impl->keyFields.push_back(name4); if (name5) m_impl->keyFields.push_back(name5); if (name6) m_impl->keyFields.push_back(name6); if (name7) m_impl->keyFields.push_back(name7); if (name8) m_impl->keyFields.push_back(name8); if (name9) m_impl->keyFields.push_back(name9); if (name10) m_impl->keyFields.push_back(name10); return *this; } int fieldNames::count() const { return (int)m_impl->keyFields.size(); } const _TCHAR* fieldNames::getValue(int index) const { assert(index >= 0 && index < count()); return m_impl->keyFields[index].c_str(); } const _TCHAR* fieldNames::operator[](int index) const { assert(index >= 0 && index < count()); return m_impl->keyFields[index].c_str(); } void fieldNames::addValue(const _TCHAR* v) { m_impl->keyFields.push_back(v); } void fieldNames::addValues(const _TCHAR* values, const _TCHAR* delmi) { boost::algorithm::split(m_impl->keyFields, values, boost::is_any_of(delmi)); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // struct recordsetQueryImple // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct recordsetQueryImple { row_ptr row; std::vector compType; std::vector indexes; std::vector combine; short endIndex; fielddefs compFields; recordsetQueryImple() : row(NULL) {} recordsetQueryImple(const recordsetQueryImple& r) : row(r.row), compType(r.compType), indexes(r.indexes), combine(r.combine), endIndex(r.endIndex), compFields(r.compFields) { if (row) row->addref(); } ~recordsetQueryImple() { if (row) row->release(); } }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class recordsetQuery // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- recordsetQuery* recordsetQuery::create() { return new recordsetQuery(); } void recordsetQuery::release() { delete this; } recordsetQuery::recordsetQuery() : query(), m_imple(new recordsetQueryImple) { } recordsetQuery::recordsetQuery(const recordsetQuery& r) : query(r), m_imple(new recordsetQueryImple(*r.m_imple)) { } recordsetQuery& recordsetQuery::operator=(const recordsetQuery& r) { if (this != &r) { query::operator=(r); *m_imple = *r.m_imple; } return *this; } recordsetQuery::~recordsetQuery() { delete m_imple; } void recordsetQuery::init(const fielddefs* fdinfo) { const std::vector& tokns = getWheres(); m_imple->indexes.clear(); m_imple->compFields.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)tokns.size(); i += 4) { int index = fdinfo->indexByName(tokns[i].c_str()); m_imple->indexes.push_back(index); m_imple->compFields.push_back(&((*fdinfo)[index]), true /*rePosition*/); } m_imple->row = memoryRecord::create(m_imple->compFields); m_imple->row->addref(); m_imple->row->setRecordData(autoMemory::create(), 0, 0, &m_imple->endIndex, true); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (int)tokns.size(); i += 4) { field fd = (*m_imple->row)[index]; fd = tokns[i + 2].c_str(); bool part = fd.isCompPartAndMakeValue(); unsigned char ct = getFilterLogicTypeCode(tokns[i + 1].c_str()); if (!part) ct |= CMPLOGICAL_VAR_COMP_ALL; m_imple->compType.push_back(ct); if (i + 3 < (int)tokns.size()) { std::_tstring s = tokns[i + 3]; if (s == _T("or")) m_imple->combine.push_back(eCor); else if (s == _T("and")) m_imple->combine.push_back(eCand); } else m_imple->combine.push_back(eCend); ++index; } } bool recordsetQuery::isMatch(int ret, unsigned char compType) const { compType &= 0xf; // lower then 15 switch ((eCompType)compType) { case eEqual: return (ret == 0); case eGreaterEq: return (ret >= 0); case eLessEq: return (ret <= 0); case eGreater: return (ret > 0); case eLess: return (ret < 0); case eNotEq: return (ret != 0); } return false; } bool recordsetQuery::match(const row_ptr row) const { for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_imple->indexes.size(); ++i) { short index = m_imple->indexes[i]; bool ret = isMatch( (*row)[index].comp((*m_imple->row)[i], m_imple->compType[i]), m_imple->compType[i]); if (m_imple->combine[i] == eCend) return ret; if (ret && m_imple->combine[i] == eCor) return true; if (!ret && m_imple->combine[i] == eCand) return false; } assert(0); return false; } inline void setValue(row_ptr& row, int key, double value) { (*row)[key] = value; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class groupQueryImple // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class groupQueryImple : public fieldNames { // not delete by destructor. simple copy is ok; std::vector m_funcs; void removeFields(recordsetImple& mdls) { const fielddefs& fds = *mdls.fieldDefs(); for (int i = (int)fds.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { bool enabled = false; for (int j = 0; j < (int)m_impl->keyFields.size(); ++j) { if (m_impl->keyFields[j] == fds[i].name()) { enabled = true; break; } } if (!enabled) { for (int j = 0; j < (int)m_funcs.size(); ++j) { if (!enabled && (m_funcs[j]->resultKey() == i)) { enabled = true; break; } } } if (!enabled) mdls.removeField(i); } } public: groupQueryImple() : fieldNames() {} fieldNames& reset() { m_funcs.clear(); return fieldNames::reset(); } void addFunction(groupFuncBase* func) { m_funcs.push_back(func); } void grouping(recordsetImple& mdls) { std::vector keyFields; for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_impl->keyFields.size(); ++i) keyFields.push_back(resolvKeyValue(mdls, m_impl->keyFields[i])); for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_funcs.size(); ++i) { groupFuncBase* f = m_funcs[i]; f->init(mdls.fieldDefs()); if (f->resultKey() == (int)mdls.fieldDefs()->size()) { groupFuncBase::value_type dummy = 0; mdls.appendField(f->resultName(), getFieldType(dummy), sizeof(dummy)); } } grouping_comp groupingComp(mdls, keyFields); std::vector index; recordsetImple::iterator it = begin(mdls), ite = end(mdls); int i, n = 0; while (it != ite) { bool found = false; i = binary_search(n, index, 0, (int)index.size(), groupingComp, found); if (!found) index.insert(index.begin() + i, n); for (int j = 0; j < (int)m_funcs.size(); ++j) (*m_funcs[j])(*it, i, !found); ++n; ++it; } // real sort by index recordsetImple c(mdls); clear(mdls); for (int i = 0; i < (int)index.size(); ++i) { recordsetImple::row_type cur = c.getRow(index[i]); for (int j = 0; j < (int)m_funcs.size(); ++j) setValue(cur, m_funcs[j]->resultKey(), m_funcs[j]->result(i)); mdls.push_back(cur); } removeFields(mdls); } const std::vector& getFunctions() const { return m_funcs; }; }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class groupQuery // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- groupQuery* groupQuery::create() { return new groupQuery(); } void groupQuery::release() { delete this; } groupQuery::groupQuery() : m_imple(new groupQueryImple) { } groupQuery::groupQuery(const groupQuery& r) : m_imple(new groupQueryImple(*r.m_imple)) { } groupQuery& groupQuery::operator=(const groupQuery& r) { if (this != &r) { *m_imple = *r.m_imple; } return *this; } groupQuery::~groupQuery() { delete m_imple; } groupQuery& groupQuery::reset() { m_imple->reset(); return *this; } groupQuery& groupQuery::addFunction(groupFuncBase* func) { m_imple->addFunction(func); return *this; } void groupQuery::grouping(recordsetImple& rs) { m_imple->grouping(rs); } groupQuery& groupQuery::keyField(const _TCHAR* name, const _TCHAR* name1, const _TCHAR* name2, const _TCHAR* name3, const _TCHAR* name4, const _TCHAR* name5, const _TCHAR* name6, const _TCHAR* name7, const _TCHAR* name8, const _TCHAR* name9, const _TCHAR* name10) { m_imple->keyField(name, name1, name2, name3, name4, name5, name6, name7, name8, name9, name10); return *this; } const fieldNames& groupQuery::getKeyFields() const { return *m_imple; } const groupFuncBase* groupQuery::getFunction(int index) const { assert(index >= 0 && index < functionCount()); return m_imple->getFunctions()[index]; } int groupQuery::functionCount() const { return (int)m_imple->getFunctions().size(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class groupFuncBaseImple // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class groupFuncBaseImple { public: typedef double value_type; private: friend class groupQueryImple; fieldNames m_targetNames; std::_tstring m_resultName; int m_resultKey; std::vector m_targetKeys; public: std::vector m_values; std::vector<__int64> m_counts; inline groupFuncBaseImple(const fieldNames& targetNames, const _TCHAR* resultName = NULL) { m_targetNames = targetNames; m_resultName = (m_targetNames.count() && ((resultName == NULL) || resultName[0] == 0x00)) ? targetNames[0] : resultName; m_values.reserve(10); } inline void initResultVariable(int index) { std::vector::iterator it = m_values.begin(); if (index) it += index; m_values.insert(it, 0.0f); } inline void init(const fielddefs* fdinfo) { m_targetKeys.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < m_targetNames.count(); ++i) m_targetKeys.push_back((m_targetNames[i][0] != 0x00) ? fdinfo->indexByName(m_targetNames[i]) : -1); m_resultKey = fdinfo->indexByName(m_resultName); if (m_resultKey == -1) m_resultKey = (int)fdinfo->size(); } inline groupFuncBaseImple() { m_values.reserve(10); } inline fieldNames& targetNames() const { return (fieldNames&)m_targetNames; } inline const _TCHAR* resultName() const { return m_resultName.c_str(); } inline void setResultName(const _TCHAR* v) { m_resultName = _T(""); if (v && v[0]) m_resultName = v; } inline int resultKey() const { return m_resultKey; } inline void reset() { m_values.clear(); }; inline value_type result(int groupIndex) const { return m_values[groupIndex]; }; inline int targetKey(size_t index) const { assert(index < m_targetKeys.size()); return m_targetKeys[index]; } inline int targetKeys() const { return (int)m_targetKeys.size(); } }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class groupFuncBase // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- groupFuncBase::groupFuncBase() : m_imple(new groupFuncBaseImple()) { } groupFuncBase::groupFuncBase(const fieldNames& targetNames, const _TCHAR* resultName) : recordsetQuery(), m_imple(new groupFuncBaseImple(targetNames, resultName)) { } groupFuncBase::groupFuncBase(const groupFuncBase& r) : recordsetQuery(r), m_imple(new groupFuncBaseImple(*r.m_imple)) { } groupFuncBase& groupFuncBase::operator=(const groupFuncBase& r) { if (this != &r) { *m_imple = *r.m_imple; recordsetQuery::operator=(r); } return *this; } groupFuncBase::~groupFuncBase() { delete m_imple; } void groupFuncBase::initResultVariable(int index) { m_imple->initResultVariable(index); } void groupFuncBase::doCalc(const row_ptr& row, int groupIndex) { } void groupFuncBase::init(const fielddefs* fdinfo) { if (whereTokens() != 0) recordsetQuery::init(fdinfo); m_imple->init(fdinfo); } groupFuncBase& groupFuncBase::operator=(const recordsetQuery& v) { recordsetQuery::operator=(v); return *this; } fieldNames& groupFuncBase::targetNames() const { return m_imple->targetNames(); } const _TCHAR* groupFuncBase::resultName() const { return m_imple->resultName(); } void groupFuncBase::setResultName(const _TCHAR* v) { m_imple->setResultName(v); } int groupFuncBase::resultKey() const { return m_imple->resultKey(); } void groupFuncBase::reset() { m_imple->reset(); } void groupFuncBase::operator()(const row_ptr& row, int index, bool insert) { if (insert) initResultVariable(index); // setNullValue bool flag = (whereTokens() == 0); if (!flag) flag = match(row); if (flag) doCalc(row, index); } groupFuncBase::value_type groupFuncBase::result(int groupIndex) const { return m_imple->result(groupIndex); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class sum // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sum* sum::create(const fieldNames& targetNames, const _TCHAR* resultName) { return new sum(targetNames, resultName); } sum::sum(const fieldNames& targetNames, const _TCHAR* resultName) : groupFuncBase(targetNames, resultName) { } void sum::doCalc(const row_ptr& row, int index) { value_type tmp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_imple->targetKeys(); ++i) m_imple->m_values[index] += fieldValue((*row)[m_imple->targetKey(i)], tmp); } groupFuncBase* sum::clone() { groupFuncBase* p = new sum(); *p = *this; return p; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class count // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- count* count::create(const _TCHAR* resultName) { return new count(resultName); } count::count(const _TCHAR* resultName) : groupFuncBase() { setResultName(resultName); } void count::doCalc(const row_ptr& row, int index) { m_imple->m_values[index] = m_imple->m_values[index] + 1; } groupFuncBase* count::clone() { groupFuncBase* p = new count(); *p = *this; return p; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class avg // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- avg* avg::create(const fieldNames& targetNames, const _TCHAR* resultName) { return new avg(targetNames, resultName); } avg::avg(const fieldNames& targetNames, const _TCHAR* resultName) : sum(targetNames, resultName) { } void avg::initResultVariable(int index) { sum::initResultVariable(index); m_imple->m_counts.insert(m_imple->m_counts.begin() + index, 0); } void avg::doCalc(const row_ptr& row, int index) { sum::doCalc(row, index); m_imple->m_counts[index] = m_imple->m_counts[index] + 1; } avg::value_type avg::result(int index) const { return m_imple->m_values[index] / m_imple->m_counts[index]; } groupFuncBase* avg::clone() { groupFuncBase* p = new avg(); *p = *this; return p; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class min // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- min* min::create(const fieldNames& targetNames, const _TCHAR* resultName) { return new min(targetNames, resultName); } min::min(const fieldNames& targetNames, const _TCHAR* resultName) : sum(targetNames, resultName), m_flag(true) { } void min::doCalc(const row_ptr& row, int index) { value_type tmp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_imple->targetKeys(); ++i) { tmp = fieldValue((*row)[m_imple->targetKey(i)], tmp); if (m_flag || m_imple->m_values[index] > tmp) m_flag = false; m_imple->m_values[index] = tmp; } } groupFuncBase* min::clone() { groupFuncBase* p = new min(); *p = *this; return p; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class max // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- max* max::create(const fieldNames& targetNames, const _TCHAR* resultName) { return new max(targetNames, resultName); } max::max(const fieldNames& targetNames, const _TCHAR* resultName) : sum(targetNames, resultName), m_flag(true) { } void max::doCalc(const row_ptr& row, int index) { value_type tmp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_imple->targetKeys(); ++i) { tmp = fieldValue((*row)[m_imple->targetKey(i)], tmp); if (m_flag || m_imple->m_values[index] < tmp) m_flag = false; m_imple->m_values[index] = tmp; } } groupFuncBase* max::clone() { groupFuncBase* p = new max(); *p = *this; return p; } } // namespace client } // namespace tdap } // namespace protocol } // namespace db } // namespace bzs