require 'net/http' require 'net/https' require 'activerecord' require 'active_record/connection_adapters/mysql_adapter' require 'ssn_validator/ntis' class DeathMasterFileLoader # path_or_url is the full path to the file to load on disk, or the url of an update file. # as_of is a string in the formatt YYYY-MM-DD for which the file data is accurate. def initialize(path_or_url,file_as_of) @file_path_or_url = path_or_url @file_as_of = file_as_of valid? end def valid? raise(ArgumentError, "path_or_url not specified") unless @file_path_or_url raise(ArgumentError, "as_of not specified") unless @file_as_of max_as_of = DeathMasterFile.maximum(:as_of) raise(ArgumentError, "A more recent file has already been processed. DB as_of date #{max_as_of}") if max_as_of && (max_as_of >= @file_as_of.to_date) if File.exists?(@file_path_or_url) @download_file = elsif URI.parse(@file_path_or_url).kind_of?(URI::HTTP) @download_file = get_file_from_web else raise(Errno::ENOENT, @file_path_or_url) end end def load_file if DeathMasterFile.connection.kind_of?(ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::MysqlAdapter) puts "Converting file to csv format for Mysql import. This could take several minutes." csv_file = convert_file_to_csv bulk_mysql_update(csv_file) else active_record_file_load end end def get_file_from_web uri = URI.parse(@file_path_or_url) request = request.basic_auth(SsnValidator::Ntis.user_name,SsnValidator::Ntis.password) http =, uri.port) http.use_ssl = (uri.port == 443) http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE response = http.request(request) raise(ArgumentError, "Invalid URL: #{@file_path_or_url}") if response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPNotFound) raise(ArgumentError, "Authorization Required: Invalid username or password. Set the variables SsnValidator::Ntis.user_name and SsnValidator::Ntis.password in your environment.rb file.") if response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPUnauthorized) return response.body end #Loads all the update files from #It starts with the last file loaded, and loads each #missing file in sequence up to the current file. def self.load_update_files_from_web max_as_of = DeathMasterFile.maximum(:as_of) run_file_date = max_as_of.beginning_of_month.next_month last_file_date = while run_file_date <= last_file_date url = "{run_file_date.strftime("%y%m%d")}" puts "Loading file #{url}",run_file_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")).load_file run_file_date += 1.month end end private # Processes 28 million rows in 23 minutes. Input file 2.6GB output: 2.9GB. # Used to convert a packed fixed-length file into csv for mysql import. def convert_file_to_csv #packed_file = csv_file ="dmf") # create temp file for converted csv formmat. start = timenow = start.to_s(:db) @delete_ssns = [] @download_file.each_with_index do |line,i| action = record_action(line) attributes_hash = text_to_hash(line) if action == 'D' #keep track of all the records to delete. We'll delete at the end all at once. @delete_ssns << attributes_hash[:social_security_number] else # empty field for id to be generated by mysql. newline = "''," + # social_security_number "'#{attributes_hash[:social_security_number]}'," + # last_name "'#{attributes_hash[:last_name]}'," + # name_suffix "'#{attributes_hash[:name_suffix]}'," + # first_name "'#{attributes_hash[:first_name]}'," + # middle_name "'#{attributes_hash[:middle_name]}'," + # verify_proof_code "'#{attributes_hash[:verify_proof_code]}'," + # date_of_death - need YYYY-MM-DD. "'#{attributes_hash[:date_of_death]}'," + # date_of_birth - need YYYY-MM-DD. "'#{attributes_hash[:date_of_birth]}'," + # state_of_residence - must be code between 01 and 65 or else nil. "'#{attributes_hash[:state_of_residence]}'," + # last_known_zip_residence "'#{attributes_hash[:last_known_zip_residence]}'," + # last_known_zip_payment "'#{attributes_hash[:last_known_zip_payment]}'," + # created_at "'#{timenow}'," + # updated_at "'#{timenow}'," + # as_of "'#{attributes_hash[:as_of]}'" +"\n" csv_file.puts newline puts "#{i} records processed." if (i % 25000 == 0) && (i > 0) end end puts "File conversion ran for #{( - start) / 60} minutes." return csv_file end #Uses active record to load the data. #The benefit is it will work on any database. #The downside is it's really slow. def active_record_file_load puts 'Importing file into database. This could take many minutes.' @download_file.each_with_index do |line,i| action = record_action(line) attributes_hash = text_to_hash(line) if action == 'D' DeathMasterFile.destroy_all(['social_security_number = ?', attributes_hash[:social_security_number]]) else # empty field for id to be generated by mysql. # record_hash = { # :as_of => @file_as_of.to_date.to_s(:db), # :social_security_number => parse_record(line,:social_security_number), # :last_name => parse_record(line,:last_name), # :name_suffix => parse_record(line,:name_suffix), # :first_name => parse_record(line,:first_name), # :middle_name => parse_record(line,:middle_name), # :verify_proof_code => parse_record(line,:verify_proof_code), # :date_of_death => parse_record(line,:date_of_death), # :date_of_birth => parse_record(line,:date_of_birth), # # - must be code between 01 and 65 or else nil. # :state_of_residence=> parse_record(line,:state_of_residence=), # :last_known_zip_residence => parse_record(line,:last_known_zip_residence), # :last_known_zip_payment => parse_record(line,:last_known_zip_payment) # } case action when '',nil,' ' #the initial file leaves this field blank DeathMasterFile.create(attributes_hash) else dmf = DeathMasterFile.find_by_social_security_number(attributes_hash[:social_security_number]) if dmf #a record already exists, update this record dmf.update_attributes(attributes_hash) else #create a new record DeathMasterFile.create(attributes_hash) end end end puts "#{i} records processed." if (i % 2500 == 0) && (i > 0) end puts "Import complete." end # For mysql, use: # LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'ssdm1.csv' INTO TABLE death_master_files FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY "'" LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'; # This is a much faster way of loading large amounts of data into mysql. For information on the LOAD DATA command # see def bulk_mysql_update(csv_file) puts "Importing into Mysql..." #delete all the 'D' records DeathMasterFile.destroy_all(:social_security_number => @delete_ssns) #This will insert new records, and replace records with existing ssns. #This only works because there is a unique index on social_security_number. mysql_command = <<TEXT LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '#{csv_file.path}' REPLACE INTO TABLE death_master_files FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY "'" LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'; TEXT DeathMasterFile.connection.execute(mysql_command) puts "Mysql import complete." end def record_action(line) line[0,1].to_s.strip end def text_to_hash(line) {:as_of => @file_as_of.to_date.to_s(:db), :social_security_number => line[1,9].to_s.strip, :last_name => line[10,20].to_s.strip, :name_suffix => line[30,4].to_s.strip, :first_name => line[34,15].to_s.strip, :middle_name => line[49,15].to_s.strip, :verify_proof_code => line[64,1].to_s.strip, :date_of_death => (Date.strptime(line[65,8].to_s.strip,'%m%d%Y') rescue nil), :date_of_birth => (Date.strptime(line[73,8].to_s.strip,'%m%d%Y') rescue nil), # - must be code between 01 and 65 or else nil. :state_of_residence => (line[81,2].to_s.strip.between?('01', '65') ? line[81,2].to_s.strip : nil), :last_known_zip_residence => line[83,5].to_s.strip, :last_known_zip_payment => line[88,5].to_s.strip} rescue Exception => e puts '@@@@@@@@@ Error = ' + e.message + ': ' + line.inspect end end