require "simple-service" module Simple::Httpd::ServiceAdapter def mount_service(service) @service = service instance_eval do def dispatch! ::Simple::Service.with_context(context) super ensure ::Simple::Service.context = nil end yield(service) end ensure @service = nil end def get(path, opts = {}, &block) install_route("GET", path, opts, &block) end def post(path, opts = {}, &block) install_route("POST", path, opts, &block) end def put(path, opts = {}, &block) install_route("PUT", path, opts, &block) end def delete(path, opts = {}, &block) install_route("DELETE", path, opts, &block) end def head(path, opts = {}, &block) install_route("HEAD", path, opts, &block) end private def service_route?(_verb, path, opts, &block) return false unless @service return false if block return false unless opts.empty? return false unless path.is_a?(Hash) && path.size == 1 true end def install_route(verb, path, opts, &block) if service_route?(verb, path, opts, &block) path, action_name = *path.first handle_service_route(verb, path, action_name) else handle_non_service_route(verb, path, opts, &block) end end def handle_service_route(verb, path, action_name) # Fetch action's source_location. This also verifies that the action # is defined in the first place. action = ::Simple::Service.action(@service, action_name) describe_route!(verb: verb, path: path, source_location: action.source_location) # get service reference into binding, to make it available for the route # definition's callback block. service = @service # define sinatra route. route(verb, path) do ::Simple::Service.with_context(context) do # [TODO] - symbolizing keys opens up this for DDOS effects. # THIS MUST BE FIXED IN simple-service. flags = self.params.inject({}) { |hsh, (k,v)| hsh.update k.to_sym => v } args = self.parsed_body.inject({}) { |hsh, (k,v)| hsh.update k.to_sym => v } result = ::Simple::Service.invoke2(service, action_name, args: args, flags: flags) encode_result(result) end end end def handle_non_service_route(verb, path, opts, &block) describe_route!(verb: verb, path: path, source_location: block.source_location) if block route(verb, path, opts) do result = instance_eval(&block) unless headers["Content-Type"] result = encode_result(result) end result end end module Helpers def context # We return nil here. nil *is* a valid value for Simple::Service.with_context. # Important is that with_context is being called. nil end end end ::Simple::Httpd::BaseController.extend(::Simple::Httpd::ServiceAdapter) ::Simple::Httpd::BaseController.helpers(::Simple::Httpd::ServiceAdapter::Helpers)