module ScottKit class Game NFLAGS = 16 #:nodoc: (The most that ScottFree save-game format supports) VERB_GO = 1 #:nodoc: VERB_GET = 10 #:nodoc: VERB_DROP = 18 #:nodoc: ITEM_LAMP = 9 #:nodoc: FLAG_DARK = 15 #:nodoc: FLAG_LAMPDEAD = 16 #:nodoc: ROOM_CARRIED = -1 #:nodoc: ROOM_OLDCARRIED = 255 #:nodoc: (from when all words were eight bits wide) ROOM_NOWHERE = 0 #:nodoc: # Constant once they've been initialised attr_reader :options, :nouns, :verbs, :rooms, :items, :messages, :maxload, :lamptime #:nodoc: # Variable during run (but mostly set only within this class) attr_reader :flags, :counters, :saved_rooms, :noun, :lampleft #:nodoc: attr_accessor :loc, :counter, :saved_room #:nodoc: private # Creates a new game, with no room, items or actions -- load must # be called to make the game ready for playing, or # compile_to_stdout can be called to generate a new game-file. # The options hash affects various aspects of how the game will be # loaded, played and compiled. The following symbols are # recognised as keys in the options hash: # # [+wizard_mode+] If specified, then the player can use # "wizard commands", prefixed with a hash, # as well as the usual commands: these # include +sg+ (superget, to take any item # whose number is specified), +go+ (teleport # to the room whose number is specified), # +where+ (to find the location of the item # whose number is specified), and +set+ and # +clear+ (to set and clear verbosity # flags). # # [+restore_file+] If specified, the name of a saved-game # file to restore before starting to play. # # [+read_file+] If specified, the name of a file of game # commands to be run after restoring s saved # game (if any) and before starting to read # commands from the user. # # [+echo_input+] If true, then game commands are echoed # before being executed. This is useful # primarily if input is being redirected # from a pipe or a file, so that it's # possible to see what the game's responses # are in response to. (This is not needed # when :read_file is used.) # # [+random_seed+] If a number is specified, it is used as # the random seed before starting to run the # game. This is useful to get random events # happening at the same time every time, for # example when regression-testing a # solution. # # [+bug_tolerant+] If true, then the game tolerates # out-of-range room-numbers as the locations # of items, and also compiles such # room-named using special names of the form # \_ROOMnumber. (This is not # necessary when dealing with well-formed # games, but Buckaroo Banzai is not # well-formed.) # # [+no_wait+] If true, then the game does not pause when # running a +pause+ instruction, nor at the # end of the game. This is useful to speed # up regression tests. # # [+show_tokens+] The compiler shows the tokens it is # encountering as it lexically analyses the # text of a game source. # # [+show_random+] Notes when a random occurrence is tested # to see whether it fires or not. # # [+show_parse+] Shows the parsed verb and noun from each # game command. (Note that this does _not_ # emit information about parsing game # source.) # # [+show_conditions+] Shows each condition that is tested when # determining whether to run an action, # indicating whether it is true or not. # # [+show_instructions+] Shows each instruction executed as part of # an action. # # The +show_random+, +show_parse+, +show_conditions+ and # +show_conditions+ flags can be set and cleared on the fly if the # game is being played in wizard mode, using the +set+ and +clear+ # wizard commnds with the arguments +r+, +p+, +c+ and +i+ # respectively. def initialize(options) @options = options @rooms, @items, @actions, @nouns, @verbs, @messages = [], [], [], [], [], [] end # Virtual accessor def dark_flag #:nodoc: @flags[FLAG_DARK] end def dark_flag=(val) #:nodoc: @flags[FLAG_DARK] = val end # Loads the game-file specified by str. Note that this must be # the _content_ of the game-file, not its name. # def load(str) @roombynumber = [ "_ROOM0" ] @roomregister = # name-stem -> number of registered instances @itembynumber = [] @itemregister = # name-stem -> number of registered instances lexer = do while str != "" do if match = str.match(/^\s*(-?\d+|"(.*?)")\s*/m) dputs(:show_tokens, "token " + (match[2] ? "\"#{match[2]}\"" : match[1])) Fiber.yield match[2] || Integer(match[1]) str = match.post_match else raise "bad token: #{str}" end end end (@unknown1, nitems, nactions, nwords, nrooms, @maxload, @startloc, @ntreasures, @wordlen, @lamptime, nmessages, @treasury) = { lexer.resume } @actions = 0.upto(nactions).map do verbnoun = lexer.resume conds, args = [], [] 5.times do n = lexer.resume cond, value = n%20, n/20 if cond == 0 args << value else conds <<, cond, value) end end instructions = [] 2.times do n = lexer.resume [ n/150, n%150 ].each { |val| instructions <<, val) if val != 0 } end, verbnoun/150, verbnoun%150, conds, instructions, args) end @verbs, @nouns = [], [] 0.upto(nwords) do @verbs << lexer.resume @nouns << lexer.resume end @rooms = 0.upto(nrooms).map do exits = { lexer.resume } desc = lexer.resume, exits) end @messages = 0.upto(nmessages).map { lexer.resume } @items = 0.upto(nitems).map do desc, name = lexer.resume, nil if match = desc.match(/^(.*)\/(.*)\/$/) desc, name = match[1], match[2] end startloc = lexer.resume startloc = ROOM_CARRIED if startloc == ROOM_OLDCARRIED, name, startloc) end 0.upto(nactions) do |i| @actions[i].comment =lexer.resume end @version, @id, @unknown2 = { lexer.resume } raise "extra text in adventure file" if lexer.resume end def roomname(i) #:nodoc: entityname(i, "room", @rooms, @roombynumber, @roomregister) end def itemname(i) #:nodoc: entityname(i, "item", @items, @itembynumber, @itemregister) end def entityname(i, caption, list, index, register) if i < 0 || i > list.size-1 return "_#{caption.upcase}#{i}" if options[:bug_tolerant] raise "#{caption} ##{i} out of range 0..#{list.size-1}" end if name = index[i] return name end stem = list[i].desc stem = "VOID" if stem =~ /^\s*$/ stem = stem.split.last.sub(/[^a-z]*$/i, "").sub(/.*?([a-z]+)$/i, '\1') count = register[stem] register[stem] += 1 index[i] = count == 0 ? stem : "#{stem}#{count}" end def dirname(i) #:nodoc: %w{north south east west up down}[i] end def save(name) f =, "w") or raise "#$0: can't save game to #{name}: #$!" f.print(0.upto(NFLAGS-1).map { |i| String(@counters[i]) + " " + String(@saved_rooms[i]) + "\n" }.join) f.print(0.upto(NFLAGS-1).reduce(0) { |acc, i| acc | (@flags[i] ? 1 : 0) << i }) f.print " ", dark_flag ? 1 : 0 f.print " ", @loc f.print " ", @counter f.print " ", @saved_room f.print " ", @lampleft, "\n" f.print { |item| "#{item.loc}\n" }.join f.close puts "Saved to #{name}" end def restore(name) f = or raise "#$0: can't restore game from #{name}: #$!" 0.upto(NFLAGS-1) do |i| @counters[i], @saved_rooms[i] = end tmp, dark_flag, @loc, @counter, @saved_room, @lampleft = 0.upto(NFLAGS-1) do |i| @flags[i] = (tmp & 1 << i) != 0 end @items.each { |item| item.loc = f.gets.to_i } end def dputs(level, *args) #:nodoc: puts { |x| "##{x}" } if @options[level] end # Compiles the specified game-source file, writing the resulting # object file to stdout, whence it should be redirected into a # file so that it can be played. Yes, this API is sucky: it would # be better if we had a simple compile method that builds the game # in memory in a form that can by played, and which can then also # be saved as an object file by some other method -- but that # would have been more work for little gain. # # The input file may be specified either as a filename or a # filehandle, or both. If both are given, then the filename is # used only in reporting to help locate errors. _Some_ value must # be given for the filename: an empty string is OK. # # (In case you're wondering, the main reason this has to be an # instance method of the Game class rather than a standalone # function is that its behaviour is influenced by the game's # options.) # def compile_to_stdout(filename, fh = nil) compiler =, filename, fh) compiler.compile_to_stdout end public :load, :compile_to_stdout # Must be visible to driver program public :roomname, :itemname # Needed by Condition.render() public :dputs # Needed for contained classes' debugging output public :dirname # Needed by compiler public :dark_flag= # Invoked from Instruction.execute() class Condition #:nodoc: OPS = [# Name, type of corresponding parameter [ "param", :NONE ], # 0 [ "carried", :item ], # 1 [ "here", :item ], # 2 [ "present", :item ], # 3 [ "at", :room ], # 4 [ "!here", :item ], # 5 [ "!carried", :item ], # 6 [ "!at", :room ], # 7 [ "flag", :number ], # 8 [ "!flag", :number ], # 9 [ "loaded", :NONE ], # 10 [ "!loaded", :NONE ], # 11 [ "!present", :item ], # 12 [ "exists", :item ], # 13 [ "!exists", :item ], # 14 [ "counter_le", :number ], # 15 [ "counter_gt", :number ], # 16 [ "!moved", :item ], # 17 [ "moved", :item ], # 18 [ "counter_eq", :number ], # 19 ] OPStoindex = {}; OPS.each.with_index { |x, i| OPStoindex[x[0]] = i } OPStotype = {}; OPS.each { |x| OPStotype[x[0]] = x[1] } def initialize(game, cond, value) @game, @cond, @value = game, cond, value end end class Instruction #:nodoc: OPS = [# Name, type of corresponding parameters [ "get", :item ], # 52 [ "drop", :item ], # 53 [ "goto", :room ], # 54 [ "destroy", :item ], # 55 [ "set_dark", :NONE ], # 56 [ "clear_dark", :NONE ], # 57 [ "set_flag", :number ], # 58 [ "destroy2", :item ], # 59 [ "clear_flag", :number ], # 60 [ "die", :NONE ], # 61 [ "put", :item_room ], # 62 [ "game_over", :NONE ], # 63 [ "look", :NONE ], # 64 [ "score", :NONE ], # 65 [ "inventory", :NONE ], # 66 [ "set_flag0", :NONE ], # 67 [ "clear_flag0", :NONE ], # 68 [ "refill_lamp", :NONE ], # 69 [ "clear", :NONE ], # 70 [ "save_game", :NONE ], # 71 [ "swap", :item_item ], # 72 [ "continue", :NONE ], # 73 [ "superget", :item ], # 74 [ "put_with", :item_item ], # 75 [ "look2", :NONE ], # 76 [ "dec_counter", :NONE ], # 77 [ "print_counter", :NONE ], # 78 [ "set_counter", :number ], # 79 [ "swap_room", :NONE ], # 80 [ "select_counter", :number ], # 81 [ "add_to_counter", :number ], # 82 [ "subtract_from_counter", :number ], # 83 [ "print_noun", :NONE ], # 84 [ "println_noun", :NONE ], # 85 [ "println", :NONE ], # 86 [ "swap_specific_room", :number ], # 87 [ "pause", :NONE ], # 88 [ "draw", :number ], # 89 ] OPStoindex = {}; OPS.each.with_index { |x, i| OPStoindex[x[0]] = 52+i } OPStotype = {}; OPS.each { |x| OPStotype[x[0]] = x[1] } def initialize(game, op) @game, @op = game, op end end class Action #:nodoc: attr_reader :verb, :noun, :conds, :instructions, :args attr_accessor :comment def initialize(game, verb, noun, conds, instructions, args) @game, @verb, @noun, @conds, @instructions, @args = game, verb, noun, conds, instructions, args end end class Room #:nodoc: attr_reader :desc, :exits def initialize(desc, exits) @desc, @exits = desc, exits end end class Item #:nodoc: attr_reader :desc, :name, :startloc attr_accessor :loc def initialize(desc, name, startloc) @desc, @name, @startloc = desc, name, startloc end end end end require_relative 'compile' require_relative 'decompile' require_relative 'play'