require "socket" require "active_support/core_ext/string/inflections" begin # rails(active_support) 2 require "active_support/core_ext/duplicable" rescue LoadError # rails(active_support) 3 require "active_support/core_ext/object/duplicable" end begin # attempt to explicitly load ActiveSupport::Deprecation for rails 3.2 (needed for active_support/core_ext/module) # this doesn't appear to be necessary for earlier versions of rails (and may raise a LoadError) require "active_support/deprecation" ensure require "active_support/core_ext/class" require "active_support/core_ext/module" end module Lumber # name of top level logger (can't be root as you can't have outputters on root) BASE_LOGGER= 'rails' extend MonitorMixin extend self # Initializes log4r system. Needs to happen in # config/environment.rb before # # Options: # # * :root - defaults to RAILS_ROOT if defined # * :env - defaults to RAILS_ENV if defined # * :config_file - defaults to }/config/log4r.yml # * :log_file - defaults to }/log/.log # * :monitor_enabled - defaults to true # * :monitor_interval - defaults to 60 # * :monitor_store - defaults to Rails.cache if defined, memory otherwise, see Lumber::LevelUtil::MemoryCacheProvider for interface # # All config options get passed through to the log4r # configurator for use in defining outputters # def init(opts = {}) opts[:root] ||= RAILS_ROOT.to_s if defined?(RAILS_ROOT) opts[:env] ||= RAILS_ENV if defined?(RAILS_ENV) opts[:config_file] ||= "#{opts[:root]}/config/log4r.yml" opts[:log_file] ||= "#{opts[:root]}/log/#{opts[:env]}.log" opts[:monitor_enabled] ||= true opts[:monitor_interval] ||= 60 raise "Lumber.init missing one of :root, :env" unless opts[:root] && opts[:env] cfg = Log4r::YamlConfigurator opts.each do |k, v| cfg[k.to_s] = v.to_s end cfg['hostname'] = Socket.gethostname cfg.load_yaml_file(opts[:config_file]) # Workaround for rails bug: if defined?(RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER) Object.send(:remove_const, :RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER) end Object.const_set('RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER', find_or_create_logger(BASE_LOGGER)) Lumber::InheritanceRegistry.clear if opts[:monitor_store] # Setting to Rails.cache handled by a post initialize_cache rails initializer # since Rails.cache is not available when lumber is initialized LevelUtil.cache_provider = opts[:monitor_store] end LevelUtil.start_monitor(opts[:monitor_interval]) if opts[:monitor_enabled] end def logger_name(clazz) # Use the registered logger name if this class is in the registry logger_name = Lumber::InheritanceRegistry[] if logger_name.nil? # if not, find the first registered logger name in the superclass chain, if any logger_name = Lumber::InheritanceRegistry.find_registered_logger(clazz.superclass) if logger_name.nil? # use name from clazz as we aren't inheriting logger_name = "#{Lumber::BASE_LOGGER}#{Log4r::Log4rConfig::LoggerPathDelimiter}#{}" else # base name on inherited logger and clazz since we are inheriting # In log4r, a logger's parent is looked up from the name, and # Lumber.find_or_create_logger ensures that loggers are created for # all pieces of the name logger_name = "#{logger_name}#{Log4r::Log4rConfig::LoggerPathDelimiter}#{}" end end logger_name end def logger_for(clazz) synchronize do Lumber.find_or_create_logger(logger_name(clazz)) end end def find_or_create_logger(fullname) synchronize do logger = Log4r::Logger[fullname] if logger.nil? # build the loggers from the lhs up to ensure the name based logger inheritance gets applied parts = fullname.split(Log4r::Log4rConfig::LoggerPathDelimiter) aggregate_name = nil parts.each do |part| if aggregate_name.nil? aggregate_name = part else aggregate_name = "#{aggregate_name}#{Log4r::Log4rConfig::LoggerPathDelimiter}#{part}" end logger = Log4r::Logger[aggregate_name] || end end logger end end # Makes :logger exist independently for subclasses and sets that logger # to one that inherits from base_class for each subclass as it is created. # This allows you to have a finer level of control over logging, for example, # put just a single class, or hierarchy of classes, into debug log level # # for example: # # Lumber.setup_logger_hierarchy("ActiveRecord::Base", "rails::models") # # causes all models that get created to have a log4r logger named # "rails::models::". This class can individually be # put into debug log mode in production (see {log4r docs}[]), and log # output will include "" on every log from this class # so that you can tell where a log statement came from # def setup_logger_hierarchy(class_name, class_logger_fullname) Lumber::InheritanceRegistry.register_inheritance_handler begin clazz = class_name.constantize clazz.send(:include, Lumber::LoggerSupport) rescue NameError # The class hasn't been defined yet. No problem, we register # the logger for when the class is created below end # Don't register the class until after we see if it is already defined, that # way LoggerSupport gets included _after_ class is defined and overrides logger Lumber::InheritanceRegistry[class_name] = class_logger_fullname end # Helper to make it easier to log context through log4r.yml def format_mdc() ctx = Log4r::MDC.get_context.collect {|k, v| k.to_s + "=" + v.to_s }.join(" ") ctx.gsub!('%', '%%') return ctx end end