# Auto-generated from Remi. Editing this file is not recommended. Instead, # create another step definition file to contain application-specific steps. ### Job and background setup Given /^the job is '([[:alnum:]\s]+)'$/ do |arg| @brt = Remi::BusinessRules::Tester.new(arg) end Given /^the job source '([[:alnum:]\s\-_]+)'$/ do |arg| @brt.add_job_source arg end Given /^the job target '([[:alnum:]\s\-_]+)'$/ do |arg| @brt.add_job_target arg end Given /^the following example record called '([[:alnum:]\s\-_]+)':$/ do |arg, example_table| @brt.add_example arg, example_table end Given /^the job parameter '([[:alnum:]\s\-_]+)' is "([^"]*)"$/ do |param, value| @brt.set_job_parameter(param, value) end ### Setting up example data Given /^the following example record for '([[:alnum:]\s\-_]+)':$/ do |source_name, example_table| example_name = source_name @brt.add_example example_name, example_table @brt.job_sources[source_name].stub_data_with(@brt.examples[example_name]) end Given /^the example '([[:alnum:]\s\-_]+)' for '([[:alnum:]\s\-_]+)'$/ do |example_name, source_name| @brt.job_sources[source_name].stub_data_with(@brt.examples[example_name]) end ### Source file processing Given /^files with names matching the pattern \/(.*)\/$/ do |pattern| @brt.filestore.pattern(Regexp.new(pattern)) end Given /^files with names that do not match the pattern \/(.*)\/$/ do |pattern| @brt.filestore.anti_pattern(Regexp.new(pattern)) end Given /^files delivered within the last (\d+) hours$/ do |hours| @brt.filestore.delivered_since(Time.now - hours.to_i * 3600) end Given /^files were delivered more than (\d+) hours ago$/ do |hours| @brt.filestore.delivered_before(Time.now - hours.to_i * 3600) end Then /^the file with the latest date stamp will be downloaded for processing$/ do @brt.filestore.generate @brt.source.mock_extractor(@brt.filestore) expect(@brt.source.extract).to match_array Array(@brt.filestore.latest) end Then /^no files will be downloaded for processing$/ do @brt.filestore.generate @brt.source.mock_extractor(@brt.filestore) expect { @brt.source.extract }.to raise_error Remi::Extractor::SftpFile::FileNotFoundError end Given /^the source file is delimited with a (\w+)$/ do |delimiter| expect(@brt.source.csv_options[:col_sep]).to eq Remi::BusinessRules.csv_opt_map[delimiter] end Given /^the source file is encoded using "([^"]+)" format$/ do |encoding| expect(@brt.source.csv_options[:encoding].split(':').first).to eq encoding end Given /^the source file uses a ([\w ]+) to quote embedded delimiters$/ do |quote_char| expect(@brt.source.csv_options[:quote_char]).to eq Remi::BusinessRules.csv_opt_map[quote_char] end Given /^the source file uses a preceeding ([\w ]+) to escape an embedded quoting character$/ do |escape_char| expect(@brt.source.csv_options[:quote_char]).to eq Remi::BusinessRules.csv_opt_map[escape_char] end Given /^the source file uses ([\w ]+) line endings$/ do |line_endings| expect(@brt.source.csv_options[:row_sep]).to eq Remi::BusinessRules.csv_opt_map[line_endings] end Given /^the source file (contains|does not contain) a header row$/ do |header| expect(@brt.source.csv_options[:headers]).to eq (header == 'contains') end Given /^the source file contains at least the following headers in no particular order:$/ do |table| table.rows.each do |row| field = row.first step "the source field '#{field}'" end expect(@brt.source.data_obj.fields.keys).to include(*@brt.source.fields.names) end ### Source Given /^the source '([[:alnum:]\s\-_]+)'$/ do |arg| @brt.add_source(arg) end Given /^the source field '(.+)'$/ do |arg| @brt.sources.add_field(arg) end Given /^the source field has the value "([^"]*)"$/ do |arg| @brt.source.field.value = Remi::BusinessRules::ParseFormula.parse(arg) end When /^the source field (?:has an empty value|is blank)$/ do @brt.source.field.value = '' end When /^the source field '(.+)' (?:has an empty value|is blank)$/ do |source_field| step "the source field '#{source_field}'" @brt.source.fields[source_field].value = '' end Given /^the source field '([^:]+)' (?:has|is set to) the value "([^"]*)"$/ do |source_field, value| step "the source field '#{source_field}'" @brt.source.fields[source_field].value = Remi::BusinessRules::ParseFormula.parse(value) end Given /^the source field '(.+:.+)' (?:has|is set to) the value "([^"]*)"$/ do |source_field, value| step "the source field '#{source_field}'" source_name, field_name = *Remi::BusinessRules.parse_full_field(source_field) @brt.sources[source_name].fields[field_name].value = Remi::BusinessRules::ParseFormula.parse(value) end Given /^the source field '(.+:.+)' (?:has|is set to) the value in the source field '(.+:.+)', prefixed with "([^"]*)"$/ do |source_field, other_source_field, prefix| step "the source field '#{source_field}'" step "the source field '#{other_source_field}'" source_name, field_name = *Remi::BusinessRules.parse_full_field(source_field) other_source_name, other_field_name = *Remi::BusinessRules.parse_full_field(other_source_field) prefixed = "#{prefix}#{@brt.sources[other_source_name].fields[other_field_name].value}" @brt.sources[source_name].fields[field_name].value = prefixed end Given /^the source field is parsed with the date format "([^"]*)"$/ do |date_format| expect(@brt.source.field.metadata[:format]).to eq date_format end Given /^the source field is a valid email address$/ do @brt.source.field.value = 'valid@example.com' end Given /^the source field is not a valid email address$/ do @brt.source.field.value = 'invalid!example.com' end ### Target Given /^the target '([[:alnum:]\s\-_]+)'$/ do |arg| @brt.add_target(arg) end Given /^the target field '([^']+)'$/ do |arg| @brt.targets.add_field(arg) end Then /^the target field '(.+)' is copied from the source field$/ do |arg| step "the target field '#{arg}'" step "the target field is copied from the source field" end Then /^the target field is copied from the source field$/ do @brt.run_transforms expect(@brt.target.field.value).to eq (@brt.source.field.value) end Then /^the target field '(.+)' is copied from the source field '(.+:.+)'$/ do |target_field, source_field| step "the target field '#{target_field}'" step "the source field '#{source_field}'" source_name, source_field_name = *Remi::BusinessRules.parse_full_field(source_field) @brt.run_transforms expect(@brt.target.field.value).to eq (@brt.sources[source_name].fields[source_field_name].value) end Then /^the target field is (?:set to the value|populated with) "([^"]*)"$/ do |value| @brt.run_transforms expect(@brt.target.field.value).to eq Remi::BusinessRules::ParseFormula.parse(value) end Then /^the target field '(.+)' is (?:set to the value|populated with) "([^"]*)"$/ do |target_field, value| @brt.targets.add_field(target_field) @brt.run_transforms expect(@brt.targets.fields[target_field].values.uniq).to eq [Remi::BusinessRules::ParseFormula.parse(value)] end Then /^the target field '(.+)' is the date (.+)$/ do |target_field, date_reference| step "the target field '#{target_field}' is set to the value \"*#{date_reference}*\"" end Then /^the target '(.+)' should match the example '([[:alnum:]\s]+)'$/ do |target_name, example_name| @brt.run_transforms target_hash = @brt.targets[target_name].column_hash example_hash = @brt.examples[example_name].column_hash common_keys = target_hash.keys & example_hash.keys expect(target_hash.select { |k,v| common_keys.include? k }) .to eq example_hash.select { |k,v| common_keys.include? k } end Then /^the target should match the example '([[:alnum:]\s]+)'$/ do |example_name| target_name = @brt.targets.keys.first step "the target '#{target_name}' should match the example '#{example_name}'" end ### Transforms Then /^the target field is a concatenation of the source fields, delimited by "([^"]*)"$/ do |delimiter| concatenated_source = @brt.sources.fields.values.uniq.map do |row| Array(row.join(delimiter)) end @brt.run_transforms expect(@brt.targets.fields.values.uniq).to eq concatenated_source end Then /^the target field is a concatenation of "([^"]*)" and '(.+)', delimited by "([^"]*)"$/ do |constant, source_field, delimiter| expected_value = [constant, @brt.sources.fields[source_field].value].join(delimiter) @brt.run_transforms expect(@brt.targets.fields.values.uniq).to eq [[expected_value]] end Then /^the target field is a concatenation of '(.+)' and "([^"]*)", delimited by "([^"]*)"$/ do |source_field, constant, delimiter| expected_value = [@brt.sources.fields[source_field].value, constant].join(delimiter) @brt.run_transforms expect(@brt.targets.fields.values.uniq).to eq [[expected_value]] end Then /^the source field is prefixed with "([^"]*)" and loaded into the target field$/ do |prefix| prefixed_source = "#{prefix}#{@brt.source.field.value}" @brt.run_transforms expect(@brt.target.field.value).to eq prefixed_source end Then /^the target field '(.+)' is populated from the source field using the format "([^"]*)"$/ do |target_field, target_format| source_format = @brt.source.field.metadata[:format] source_reformatted = Remi::Transform[:format_date].(from_fmt: source_format, to_fmt: target_format) .call(@brt.source.field.value) step "the target field '#{target_field}'" @brt.run_transforms expect(@brt.target.field.value).to eq source_reformatted end Then /^the target field '(.+)' is populated with "([^"]*)" using the format "([^"]*)"$/ do |target_field, target_value, target_format| source_format = @brt.source.field.metadata[:format] target_value_source_format = target_value == "*Today's Date*" ? Date.today.strftime(source_format) : target_value target_reformatted = Remi::Transform[:format_date].(from_fmt: source_format, to_fmt: target_format) .call(target_value_source_format) step "the target field '#{target_field}'" @brt.run_transforms expect(@brt.target.field.value).to eq target_reformatted end When /^in the source field, periods have been used in place of commas$/ do @brt.source.field.value = @brt.source.field.value.gsub(/\./, ',') end Then /^the target field is copied from the source field, but commas have been replaced by periods$/ do source_field_value = @brt.source.field.value @brt.run_transforms expect(@brt.target.field.value).to eq source_field_value.gsub(/,/, '.') end ### Field presence Then /^only the following fields should be present on the target:$/ do |table| table.rows.each do |row| field = row.first step "the target field '#{field}'" end @brt.run_transforms expect(@brt.target.data_obj.fields.keys).to match_array @brt.target.fields.names end ### Record-level expectations Then /^the record should be (?i)(Retained|Rejected)(?-i)(?: without error|)$/ do |action| source_size = @brt.source.size @brt.run_transforms targets_size = @brt.targets.total_size case when action.downcase == 'retained' expect(targets_size).to eq source_size when action.downcase == 'rejected' expect(targets_size).to eq 0 else raise "Unknown action #{action}" end end Then /^the record should (not be|be) present on the target$/ do |action| map_action = { 'not be' => 'rejected', 'be' => 'retained' } step "the record should be #{map_action[action]}" end Then /^a target record is created$/ do @brt.run_transforms expect(@brt.targets.total_size).to be > 0 end Then /^a target record is not created$/ do @brt.run_transforms expect(@brt.targets.total_size).to be 0 end