(check apply) - [ ] read [the contribution guideline](https://github.com/uken/fluent-plugin-elasticsearch/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) #### Problem ... #### Steps to replicate Either clone and modify https://gist.github.com/pitr/9a518e840db58f435911 **OR** Provide example config and message #### Expected Behavior or What you need to ask ... #### Using Fluentd and ES plugin versions * OS version * Bare Metal or within Docker or Kubernetes or others? * Fluentd v0.12 or v0.14/v1.0 * paste result of ``fluentd --version`` or ``td-agent --version`` * ES plugin 3.x.y/2.x.y or 1.x.y * paste boot log of fluentd or td-agent * paste result of ``fluent-gem list``, ``td-agent-gem list`` or your Gemfile.lock * ES version (optional) * ES template(s) (optional)